gcc_flags = "-mbarrel-shift-enabled -mmultiply-enabled -mdivide-enabled -msign-extend-enabled"
linker_output_format = "elf32-lm32"
- def __init__(self, platform, eba_reset, variant=None):
- assert variant in (None, "lite", "minimal"), "Unsupported variant %s" % variant
+ def __init__(self, platform, eba_reset, variant="standard"):
+ assert variant in ("standard", "lite", "minimal"), "Unsupported variant %s" % variant
self.reset = Signal()
self.ibus = i = wishbone.Interface()
self.dbus = d = wishbone.Interface()
self.add_sources(platform, variant)
- def add_sources(platform, variant=None):
+ def add_sources(platform, variant):
vdir = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "verilog")
platform.add_sources(os.path.join(vdir, "submodule", "rtl"),
platform.add_verilog_include_path(os.path.join(vdir, "config_minimal"))
elif variant == "lite":
platform.add_verilog_include_path(os.path.join(vdir, "config_lite"))
- else:
+ elif variant == "standard":
platform.add_verilog_include_path(os.path.join(vdir, "config"))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Unknown variant {}".format(variant))
gcc_flags = "-D__minerva__ -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32"
linker_output_format = "elf32-littleriscv"
- def __init__(self, platform, cpu_reset_address, variant=None):
- assert variant is None, "Unsupported variant %s" % variant
+ def __init__(self, platform, cpu_reset_address, variant="standard"):
+ assert variant is "standard", "Unsupported variant %s" % variant
self.reset = Signal()
self.ibus = wishbone.Interface()
self.dbus = wishbone.Interface()
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from migen import *
gcc_flags = "-mhard-mul -mhard-div -mror"
linker_output_format = "elf32-or1k"
- def __init__(self, platform, reset_pc, variant=None):
- assert variant in (None, "linux"), "Unsupported variant %s" % variant
+ def __init__(self, platform, reset_pc, variant="standard"):
+ assert variant in ("standard", "linux"), "Unsupported variant %s" % variant
self.reset = Signal()
self.ibus = i = wishbone.Interface()
self.dbus = d = wishbone.Interface()
- if variant == None:
+ if variant == "standard":
# Use the default configuration
elif variant == "linux":
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from migen import *
gcc_flags_template = "-D__picorv32__ -mno-save-restore -march=rv32{ext} -mabi=ilp32"
linker_output_format = "elf32-littleriscv"
- def __init__(self, platform, progaddr_reset, variant):
+ def __init__(self, platform, progaddr_reset, variant="standard"):
self.gcc_flags = ""
self.reset = Signal()
"p_STACKADDR" : 0xffffffff
- if variant == None:
+ if variant == "standard":
self.gcc_flags = PicoRV32.gcc_flags_template.format(ext="im")
elif variant == "minimal":
from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import AutoCSR, CSRStatus, CSRStorage
+ "minimal": "VexRiscv_Min",
+ "minimal+debug": "VexRiscv_MinDebug",
+ "lite": "VexRiscv_Lite",
+ "lite+debug": "VexRiscv_LiteDebug",
+ "standard": "VexRiscv",
+ "standard+debug": "VexRiscv_Debug",
+ "full": "VexRiscv_Full",
+ "full+debug": "VexRiscv_FullDebug",
+ "linux": "VexRiscv_Linux",
+ # /-------- Base ISA
+ # |/------- Hardware Multiply + Divide
+ # ||/----- Atomics
+ # |||/---- Compressed ISA
+ # ||||/--- Single-Precision Floating-Point
+ # |||||/-- Double-Precision Floating-Point
+ # imacfd
+ "minimal": "-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32",
+ "minimal+debug": "-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32",
+ "lite": "-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32",
+ "lite+debug": "-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32",
+ "standard": "-march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32",
+ "standard+debug": "-march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32",
+ # Does full have floating point? - Add -march=fd, and -mabi=fd
+ "full": "-march=rv32imac -mabi=ilp32",
+ "full+debug": "-march=rv32imac -mabi=ilp32",
+ "linux": "-march=rv32imac -mabi=ilp32",
class VexRiscv(Module, AutoCSR):
name = "vexriscv"
endianness = "little"
gcc_triple = ("riscv64-unknown-elf", "riscv32-unknown-elf")
- gcc_flags = "-D__vexriscv__ -march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32"
linker_output_format = "elf32-littleriscv"
- def __init__(self, platform, cpu_reset_address, variant=None):
- variant = "std" if variant is None else variant
- variant = "std_debug" if variant == "debug" else variant
- variants = ("std", "std_debug", "lite", "lite_debug", "min", "min_debug", "full", "full_debug")
- assert variant in variants, "Unsupported variant %s" % variant
+ def __init__(self, platform, cpu_reset_address, variant="standard"):
+ assert variant in CPU_VARIANTS, "Unsupported variant %s" % variant
+ self.gcc_flags = GCC_FLAGS[variant]
self.platform = platform
self.variant = variant
self.external_variant = None
- def add_sources(platform, variant="std"):
- verilog_variants = {
- "std": "VexRiscv.v",
- "std_debug": "VexRiscv_Debug.v",
- "lite": "VexRiscv_Lite.v",
- "lite_debug": "VexRiscv_LiteDebug.v",
- "min": "VexRiscv_Min.v",
- "min_debug": "VexRiscv_MinDebug.v",
- "full": "VexRiscv_Full.v",
- "full_debug": "VexRiscv_FullDebug.v",
- }
- cpu_filename = verilog_variants[variant]
+ def add_sources(platform, variant="standard"):
+ cpu_filename = CPU_VARIANTS[variant]
vdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "verilog")
platform.add_source(os.path.join(vdir, cpu_filename))
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import struct
import inspect
+ # "official name": ["alias 1", "alias 2"],
+ "minimal" : ["min",],
+ "lite" : ["light", "zephyr", "nuttx"],
+ "standard": [None, "std"],
+ "full": [],
+ "linux" : [],
+class InvalidCPUVariantError(ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, variant):
+ msg = """\
+Invalid cpu_variant value: {}
+Possible Values:
+ for k, v in CPU_VARIANTS.items():
+ msg += " - {} (aliases: {})\n".format(k, ", ".join(str(s) for s in v))
+ ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
+class InvalidCPUExtensionError(ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, variant):
+ msg = """\
+Invalid extension in cpu_variant value: {}
+Possible Values:
+ for e in CPU_VARIANTS_EXTENSIONS.items():
+ msg += " - {}\n".format(e)
+ ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
def version(with_time=True):
import datetime
import time
i += 1
return data
class ReadOnlyDict(dict):
def __readonly__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify ReadOnlyDict")
if cpu_type == "None":
cpu_type = None
self.cpu_type = cpu_type
- self.cpu_variant = cpu_variant
+ # Support the old style which used underscore for separator
+ cpu_variant = cpu_variant.replace('_', '+')
+ # Check for valid CPU variants.
+ cpu_variant_processor, *cpu_variant_ext = cpu_variant.split('+')
+ for key, values in CPU_VARIANTS.items():
+ if cpu_variant_processor not in [key,]+values:
+ continue
+ self.cpu_variant = key
+ break
+ else:
+ raise InvalidCPUVariantError(cpu_variant)
+ # Check for valid CPU extensions.
+ for ext in sorted(cpu_variant_ext):
+ if cpu_variant_ext not in CPU_VARIANTS_EXTENSIONS:
+ raise InvalidCPUExtension(cpu_variant)
+ self.cpu_variant += "+"+ext
if integrated_rom_size:
cpu_reset_address = self.mem_map["rom"]
self.cpu_reset_address = cpu_reset_address