- def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq, l2_size=8192, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq, l2_size=8192, l2_data_width=128, **kwargs):
SoCCore.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq, **kwargs)
if not self.integrated_main_ram_size:
if self.cpu_type is not None and self.csr_data_width > 32:
raise NotImplementedError("BIOS supports SDRAM initialization only for csr_data_width<=32")
- self.l2_size = l2_size
+ self.l2_size = l2_size
+ self.l2_data_width = l2_data_width
self._sdram_phy = []
self._wb_sdram_ifs = []
self.register_mem("main_ram", self.mem_map["main_ram"], wb_sdram, main_ram_size)
# L2 Cache -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- l2_cache = wishbone.Cache(l2_size//4, self._wb_sdram, wishbone.Interface(port.data_width))
+ l2_data_width = max(port.data_width, self.l2_data_width)
+ l2_cache = wishbone.Cache(l2_size//4, self._wb_sdram, wishbone.Interface(l2_data_width))
# XXX Vivado ->2018.2 workaround, Vivado is not able to map correctly our L2 cache.
# Issue is reported to Xilinx, Remove this if ever fixed by Xilinx...
from litex.build.xilinx.vivado import XilinxVivadoToolchain