0x1: c_fld({{
offset = CIMM3 << 3 | CIMM2 << 6;
}}, {{
+ STATUS status = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_STATUS);
+ if (status.fs == FPUStatus::OFF)
+ fault = make_shared<IllegalInstFault>("FPU is off",
+ machInst);
Fp2_bits = Mem;
}}, {{
EA = Rp1 + offset;
0x5: c_fsd({{
offset = CIMM3 << 3 | CIMM2 << 6;
}}, {{
+ STATUS status = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_STATUS);
+ if (status.fs == FPUStatus::OFF)
+ fault = make_shared<IllegalInstFault>("FPU is off",
+ machInst);
Mem = Fp2_bits;
}}, {{
EA = Rp1 + offset;
0x01: decode FUNCT3 {
format Load {
0x2: flw({{
+ STATUS status = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_STATUS);
+ if (status.fs == FPUStatus::OFF)
+ fault = make_shared<IllegalInstFault>("FPU is off",
+ machInst);
Fd_bits = (uint64_t)Mem_uw;
}}, inst_flags=FloatMemReadOp);
0x3: fld({{
+ STATUS status = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_STATUS);
+ if (status.fs == FPUStatus::OFF)
+ fault = make_shared<IllegalInstFault>("FPU is off",
+ machInst);
Fd_bits = Mem;
}}, inst_flags=FloatMemReadOp);
0x09: decode FUNCT3 {
format Store {
0x2: fsw({{
+ STATUS status = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_STATUS);
+ if (status.fs == FPUStatus::OFF)
+ fault = make_shared<IllegalInstFault>("FPU is off",
+ machInst);
Mem_uw = (uint32_t)Fs2_bits;
}}, inst_flags=FloatMemWriteOp);
0x3: fsd({{
+ STATUS status = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_STATUS);
+ if (status.fs == FPUStatus::OFF)
+ fault = make_shared<IllegalInstFault>("FPU is off",
+ machInst);
Mem_ud = Fs2_bits;
}}, inst_flags=FloatMemWriteOp);
// Copyright (c) 2015 Riscv Developers
// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 The University of Virginia
+// Copyright (c) 2020 Barkhausen Institut
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
Fault fault = NoFault;
+ STATUS status = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_STATUS);
+ if (status.fs == FPUStatus::OFF)
+ fault = make_shared<IllegalInstFault>("FPU is off", machInst);
if (fault == NoFault) {