+void radv_CmdBeginRenderPass2KHR(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ const VkRenderPassBeginInfo* pRenderPassBeginInfo,
+ const VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR* pSubpassBeginInfo)
+ radv_CmdBeginRenderPass(commandBuffer, pRenderPassBeginInfo,
+ pSubpassBeginInfo->contents);
void radv_CmdNextSubpass(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkSubpassContents contents)
+void radv_CmdNextSubpass2KHR(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ const VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR* pSubpassBeginInfo,
+ const VkSubpassEndInfoKHR* pSubpassEndInfo)
+ radv_CmdNextSubpass(commandBuffer, pSubpassBeginInfo->contents);
static void radv_emit_view_index(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer, unsigned index)
struct radv_pipeline *pipeline = cmd_buffer->state.pipeline;
cmd_buffer->state.framebuffer = NULL;
+void radv_CmdEndRenderPass2KHR(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ const VkSubpassEndInfoKHR* pSubpassEndInfo)
+ radv_CmdEndRenderPass(commandBuffer);
* For HTILE we have the following interesting clear words:
* 0xfffff30f: Uncompressed, full depth range, for depth+stencil HTILE
return VK_SUCCESS;
+VkResult radv_CreateRenderPass2KHR(
+ VkDevice _device,
+ const VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR* pCreateInfo,
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
+ VkRenderPass* pRenderPass)
+ RADV_FROM_HANDLE(radv_device, device, _device);
+ struct radv_render_pass *pass;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t attachments_offset;
+ VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfoKHR *multiview_info = NULL;
+ size = sizeof(*pass);
+ size += pCreateInfo->subpassCount * sizeof(pass->subpasses[0]);
+ attachments_offset = size;
+ size += pCreateInfo->attachmentCount * sizeof(pass->attachments[0]);
+ pass = vk_alloc2(&device->alloc, pAllocator, size, 8,
+ if (pass == NULL)
+ return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ memset(pass, 0, size);
+ pass->attachment_count = pCreateInfo->attachmentCount;
+ pass->subpass_count = pCreateInfo->subpassCount;
+ pass->attachments = (void *) pass + attachments_offset;
+ vk_foreach_struct(ext, pCreateInfo->pNext) {
+ switch(ext->sType) {
+ multiview_info = ( VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfoKHR*)ext;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->attachmentCount; i++) {
+ struct radv_render_pass_attachment *att = &pass->attachments[i];
+ att->format = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].format;
+ att->samples = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].samples;
+ att->load_op = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].loadOp;
+ att->stencil_load_op = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].stencilLoadOp;
+ att->initial_layout = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].initialLayout;
+ att->final_layout = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].finalLayout;
+ // att->store_op = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].storeOp;
+ // att->stencil_store_op = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].stencilStoreOp;
+ }
+ uint32_t subpass_attachment_count = 0;
+ struct radv_subpass_attachment *p;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->subpassCount; i++) {
+ const VkSubpassDescription2KHR *desc = &pCreateInfo->pSubpasses[i];
+ subpass_attachment_count +=
+ desc->inputAttachmentCount +
+ desc->colorAttachmentCount +
+ (desc->pResolveAttachments ? desc->colorAttachmentCount : 0) +
+ (desc->pDepthStencilAttachment != NULL);
+ }
+ if (subpass_attachment_count) {
+ pass->subpass_attachments =
+ vk_alloc2(&device->alloc, pAllocator,
+ subpass_attachment_count * sizeof(struct radv_subpass_attachment), 8,
+ if (pass->subpass_attachments == NULL) {
+ vk_free2(&device->alloc, pAllocator, pass);
+ return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ }
+ } else
+ pass->subpass_attachments = NULL;
+ p = pass->subpass_attachments;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->subpassCount; i++) {
+ const VkSubpassDescription2KHR *desc = &pCreateInfo->pSubpasses[i];
+ uint32_t color_sample_count = 1, depth_sample_count = 1;
+ struct radv_subpass *subpass = &pass->subpasses[i];
+ subpass->input_count = desc->inputAttachmentCount;
+ subpass->color_count = desc->colorAttachmentCount;
+ if (multiview_info)
+ subpass->view_mask = multiview_info->pViewMasks[i];
+ if (desc->inputAttachmentCount > 0) {
+ subpass->input_attachments = p;
+ p += desc->inputAttachmentCount;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < desc->inputAttachmentCount; j++) {
+ subpass->input_attachments[j] = (struct radv_subpass_attachment) {
+ .attachment = desc->pInputAttachments[j].attachment,
+ .layout = desc->pInputAttachments[j].layout,
+ };
+ if (desc->pInputAttachments[j].attachment != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ pass->attachments[desc->pInputAttachments[j].attachment].view_mask |= subpass->view_mask;
+ }
+ }
+ if (desc->colorAttachmentCount > 0) {
+ subpass->color_attachments = p;
+ p += desc->colorAttachmentCount;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < desc->colorAttachmentCount; j++) {
+ subpass->color_attachments[j] = (struct radv_subpass_attachment) {
+ .attachment = desc->pColorAttachments[j].attachment,
+ .layout = desc->pColorAttachments[j].layout,
+ };
+ if (desc->pColorAttachments[j].attachment != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) {
+ pass->attachments[desc->pColorAttachments[j].attachment].view_mask |= subpass->view_mask;
+ color_sample_count = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[desc->pColorAttachments[j].attachment].samples;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ subpass->has_resolve = false;
+ if (desc->pResolveAttachments) {
+ subpass->resolve_attachments = p;
+ p += desc->colorAttachmentCount;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < desc->colorAttachmentCount; j++) {
+ uint32_t a = desc->pResolveAttachments[j].attachment;
+ subpass->resolve_attachments[j] = (struct radv_subpass_attachment) {
+ .attachment = desc->pResolveAttachments[j].attachment,
+ .layout = desc->pResolveAttachments[j].layout,
+ };
+ subpass->has_resolve = true;
+ pass->attachments[desc->pResolveAttachments[j].attachment].view_mask |= subpass->view_mask;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (desc->pDepthStencilAttachment) {
+ subpass->depth_stencil_attachment = (struct radv_subpass_attachment) {
+ .attachment = desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment,
+ .layout = desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->layout,
+ };
+ if (desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) {
+ pass->attachments[desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment].view_mask |= subpass->view_mask;
+ depth_sample_count = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment].samples;
+ }
+ } else {
+ subpass->depth_stencil_attachment.attachment = VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED;
+ }
+ subpass->max_sample_count = MAX2(color_sample_count,
+ depth_sample_count);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->dependencyCount; ++i) {
+ uint32_t dst = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].dstSubpass;
+ if (dst == VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL) {
+ pass->end_barrier.src_stage_mask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].srcStageMask;
+ pass->end_barrier.src_access_mask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].srcAccessMask;
+ pass->end_barrier.dst_access_mask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].dstAccessMask;
+ } else {
+ pass->subpasses[dst].start_barrier.src_stage_mask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].srcStageMask;
+ pass->subpasses[dst].start_barrier.src_access_mask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].srcAccessMask;
+ pass->subpasses[dst].start_barrier.dst_access_mask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].dstAccessMask;
+ }
+ }
+ *pRenderPass = radv_render_pass_to_handle(pass);
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
void radv_DestroyRenderPass(
VkDevice _device,
VkRenderPass _pass,