msgid "Round to nearest color"
msgstr "Arrodoneix al color més proper"
-#: t_options.h:190
-msgid "Floating point depth buffer"
-msgstr "Buffer de profunditat de punt flotant"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr "Un filtre de postprocessament per a aplicar cel shading a la sortida"
msgid "Round to nearest color"
msgstr "Zur ähnlichsten Farbe runden"
-#: t_options.h:190
-msgid "Floating point depth buffer"
-msgstr "Fließkomma z-Puffer"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr "Nachbearbeitungsfilter für Cell Shading"
msgid "Round to nearest color"
msgstr "Redondear al color más cercano"
-#: t_options.h:190
-msgid "Floating point depth buffer"
-msgstr "Búfer de profundidad en coma flotante"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr "Un filtro de postprocesamiento para aplicar cel shading a la salida"
msgid "Round to nearest color"
msgstr "Arrondi au plus proche"
-#: t_options.h:190
-msgid "Floating point depth buffer"
-msgstr "Z-buffer en virgule flottante"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ordered 2D color dithering"
msgstr "Geordende 2D kleurrasterisering"
-#: t_options.h:190
-msgid "Floating point depth buffer"
-msgstr "Dieptebuffer als commagetal"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ordered 2D color dithering"
msgstr "Ordnad 2D-färgutjämning"
-#: t_options.h:190
-msgid "Floating point depth buffer"
-msgstr "Buffert för flytande punktdjup"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr ""
-#define DRI_CONF_FLOAT_DEPTH(def) \
-DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_B(float_depth, def) \
- DRI_CONF_DESC(en,gettext("Floating point depth buffer")) \
#define DRI_CONF_PP_CELSHADE(def) \
DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(pp_celshade,enum,def,"0:1") \
DRI_CONF_DESC(en,gettext("A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output")) \