Time : out Ada.Calendar.Time;
Success : out Boolean)
+ pragma Unsuppress (All_Checks);
+ -- This is necessary because the run-time library is usually compiled
+ -- with checks suppressed, and we are relying on constraint checks in
+ -- this code to catch syntax errors in the Date string (e.g. out of
+ -- bounds slices).
Index : Positive := Date'First;
-- The current character scan index. After a call to Advance, Index
-- points to the next character.
Success := True;
- when Wrong_Syntax =>
+ when Wrong_Syntax | Constraint_Error =>
+ -- If constraint check fails, we want to behave the same as
+ -- Wrong_Syntax; we want the caller (Value) to try other
+ -- allowed syntaxes.
Time :=
Time_Of (Year_Number'First, Month_Number'First, Day_Number'First);
Success := False;
function Value (Date : String) return Ada.Calendar.Time is
+ pragma Unsuppress (All_Checks); -- see comment in Parse_ISO_8601
D : String (1 .. 21);
D_Length : constant Natural := Date'Length;
Extract_Time (1, Hour, Minute, Second, Check_Space => False);
end if;
- -- Sanity checks
- if not Year'Valid
- or else not Month'Valid
- or else not Day'Valid
- or else not Hour'Valid
- or else not Minute'Valid
- or else not Second'Valid
- then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
return Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second);
end Value;