-This is Cole's first draft of the script for Systemes Libres' Wednesday, 10 June 2020 pitch meeting with Amazon Alexa's IOT division, which will be presented by Yehowshua. Please edit, rearrange, and add relevant points as you see fit. I will be taking this script and turning it into a pretty 'business-deck' on Monday, 8 June 2020, so please help today (Sunday 7 June 2020) if you can.
+# Systèmes Libres Amazon Alexa IOT Pitch 10-JUN-2020
+This is Cole's first draft of the script for Systèmes Libres' Wednesday, 10 June 2020 pitch meeting with Amazon Alexa's IOT division, which will be presented by Yehowshua. Please edit, rearrange, and add relevant points as you see fit. I will be taking this script and turning it into a pretty 'business-deck' on Monday, 8 June 2020, so please help today (Sunday 7 June 2020) if you can.
+Questions that I think need to be answered by people with the relevant technical expertise are bolded. Thanks everyone for helping if you can!
# Title Page
# Part 1 - Current GPU IOT Device Shortcomings
1. GPU is in ADDITION to CPU (2 components instead of one)
a. Security/Privacy: In the industrial IOT and RTOS market, significant harm can be done by malevolent actors and competitors by hacking hardware and causing it to do damage, or hacking the hardware to steal proprietary company secrets
b. Power: This leads to much higher power consumption