from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.bus import wishbone
-from import *
from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
-from migen.genlib.misc import split, displacer, chooser
-from migen.genlib.record import Record, layout_len
-# cachesize (in 32-bit words) is the size of the data store, must be a power of 2
-class WB2LASMI(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, cachesize, lasmim):
- self._cachesize = CSRStatus(8, reset=log2_int(cachesize))
- self.wishbone = wishbone.Interface()
+class WB2LASMI(Module):
+ def __init__(self, wishbone, lasmim):
- data_width = flen(self.wishbone.dat_r)
- if lasmim.dw > data_width and (lasmim.dw % data_width) != 0:
- raise ValueError("LASMI data width must be a multiple of {dw}".format(dw=data_width))
- if lasmim.dw < data_width and (data_width % lasmim.dw) != 0:
- raise ValueError("WISHBONE data width must be a multiple of {dw}".format(dw=lasmim.dw))
- # Split address:
- offsetbits = log2_int(max(lasmim.dw//data_width, 1))
- addressbits = + offsetbits
- linebits = log2_int(cachesize) - offsetbits
- tagbits = addressbits - linebits
- wordbits = log2_int(max(data_width//lasmim.dw, 1))
- adr_offset, adr_line, adr_tag = split(self.wishbone.adr, offsetbits, linebits, tagbits)
- word = Signal(wordbits) if wordbits else None
- # Data memory
- data_mem = Memory(lasmim.dw*2**wordbits, 2**linebits)
- data_port = data_mem.get_port(write_capable=True, we_granularity=8)
- self.specials += data_mem, data_port
- write_from_lasmi = Signal()
- write_to_lasmi = Signal()
- if adr_offset is None:
- adr_offset_r = None
- else:
- adr_offset_r = Signal(offsetbits)
- self.sync += adr_offset_r.eq(adr_offset)
- self.comb += [
- data_port.adr.eq(adr_line),
- If(write_from_lasmi,
- displacer(lasmim.dat_r, word, data_port.dat_w),
- displacer(Replicate(1, lasmim.dw//8), word, data_port.we)
- ).Else(
- data_port.dat_w.eq(Replicate(self.wishbone.dat_w, max(lasmim.dw//data_width, 1))),
- If(self.wishbone.cyc & self.wishbone.stb & self.wishbone.we & self.wishbone.ack,
- displacer(self.wishbone.sel, adr_offset, data_port.we, 2**offsetbits, reverse=True)
- )
- ),
- If(write_to_lasmi,
- chooser(data_port.dat_r, word, lasmim.dat_w),
- lasmim.dat_we.eq(2**(lasmim.dw//8)-1)
- ),
- chooser(data_port.dat_r, adr_offset_r, self.wishbone.dat_r, reverse=True)
- ]
- # Tag memory
- tag_layout = [("tag", tagbits), ("dirty", 1)]
- tag_mem = Memory(layout_len(tag_layout), 2**linebits)
- tag_port = tag_mem.get_port(write_capable=True)
- self.specials += tag_mem, tag_port
- tag_do = Record(tag_layout)
- tag_di = Record(tag_layout)
- self.comb += [
- tag_do.raw_bits().eq(tag_port.dat_r),
- tag_port.dat_w.eq(tag_di.raw_bits())
- ]
- self.comb += [
- tag_port.adr.eq(adr_line),
- tag_di.tag.eq(adr_tag)
- ]
- if word is not None:
- self.comb += lasmim.adr.eq(Cat(word, adr_line, tag_do.tag))
- else:
- self.comb += lasmim.adr.eq(Cat(adr_line, tag_do.tag))
- # Lasmim word computation, word_clr and word_inc will be simplified
- # at synthesis when wordbits=0
- word_clr = Signal()
- word_inc = Signal()
- if word is not None:
- self.sync += \
- If(word_clr,
- word.eq(0),
- ).Elif(word_inc,
- word.eq(word+1)
- )
- def word_is_last(word):
- if word is not None:
- return word == 2**wordbits-1
- else:
- return 1
# Control FSM
- assert(lasmim.write_latency >= 1 and lasmim.read_latency >= 1)
- fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
- self.submodules += fsm
+ self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
- If(self.wishbone.cyc & self.wishbone.stb, NextState("TEST_HIT"))
- )
- fsm.act("TEST_HIT",
- word_clr.eq(1),
- If(tag_do.tag == adr_tag,
- self.wishbone.ack.eq(1),
- If(self.wishbone.we,
- tag_di.dirty.eq(1),
- tag_port.we.eq(1)
- ),
- NextState("IDLE")
- ).Else(
- If(tag_do.dirty,
- NextState("EVICT_REQUEST")
- ).Else(
- NextState("REFILL_WRTAG")
- )
+ If(wishbone.cyc & wishbone.stb,
+ NextState("REQUEST")
- fsm.act("EVICT_REQUEST",
+ fsm.act("REQUEST",
- lasmim.we.eq(1),
- If(lasmim.req_ack, NextState("EVICT_DATA"))
- )
- fsm.act("EVICT_DATA",
- If(lasmim.dat_w_ack,
- write_to_lasmi.eq(1),
- word_inc.eq(1),
- If(word_is_last(word),
- NextState("REFILL_WRTAG"),
+ lasmim.we.eq(wishbone.we),
+ If(lasmim.req_ack,
+ If(wishbone.we,
+ NextState("WRITE_DATA")
- NextState("EVICT_REQUEST")
+ NextState("READ_DATA")
- fsm.act("REFILL_WRTAG",
- # Write the tag first to set the LASMI address
- tag_port.we.eq(1),
- word_clr.eq(1),
- )
- fsm.act("REFILL_REQUEST",
- lasmim.stb.eq(1),
- If(lasmim.req_ack, NextState("REFILL_DATA"))
+ fsm.act("WRITE_DATA",
+ If(lasmim.dat_w_ack,
+ lasmim.dat_we.eq(wishbone.sel),
+ wishbone.ack.eq(1),
+ NextState("IDLE")
+ )
- fsm.act("REFILL_DATA",
+ fsm.act("READ_DATA",
- write_from_lasmi.eq(1),
- word_inc.eq(1),
- If(word_is_last(word),
- NextState("TEST_HIT"),
- ).Else(
- )
- )
+ wishbone.ack.eq(1),
+ NextState("IDLE")
+ ),
+ NextState("IDLE")
+ # Address / Datapath
+ self.comb += [
+ lasmim.adr.eq(wishbone.adr),
+ If(lasmim.dat_w_ack,
+ lasmim.dat_w.eq(wishbone.dat_w),
+ ),
+ wishbone.dat_r.eq(lasmim.dat_r)
+ ]
class SDRAMSoC(SoC):
csr_map = {
"sdram": 8,
- "wishbone2lasmi": 9,
+ "l2_cache": 9,
"memtest_w": 10,
"memtest_r": 11
# XXX: Limit main_ram_size to 256MB, we should modify mem_map to allow larger memories.
main_ram_size = min(main_ram_size, 256*1024*1024)
+ l2_size = self.sdram_controller_settings.l2_size
# LASMICON frontend
if isinstance(self.sdram_controller_settings, LASMIconSettings):
self.submodules.memtest_w = memtest.MemtestWriter(self.sdram.crossbar.get_master())
self.submodules.memtest_r = memtest.MemtestReader(self.sdram.crossbar.get_master())
- l2_size = self.sdram_controller_settings.l2_size
if l2_size:
+ sdram_bus = wishbone.Interface()
+ lasmim = self.sdram.crossbar.get_master()
+ l2_cache = wishbone.Cache(l2_size//4, sdram_bus, wishbone.Interface(lasmim.dw))
# XXX Vivado ->2015.1 workaround, Vivado is not able to map correctly our L2 cache.
# Issue is reported to Xilinx and should be fixed in next releases (2015.2?).
# Remove this workaround when fixed by Xilinx.
from mibuild.xilinx.vivado import XilinxVivadoToolchain
if isinstance(self.platform.toolchain, XilinxVivadoToolchain):
from migen.fhdl.simplify import FullMemoryWE
- self.submodules.wishbone2lasmi = FullMemoryWE()(wishbone2lasmi.WB2LASMI(l2_size//4, self.sdram.crossbar.get_master()))
+ self.submodules.l2_cache = FullMemoryWE()(l2_cache)
- self.submodules.wishbone2lasmi = wishbone2lasmi.WB2LASMI(l2_size//4, self.sdram.crossbar.get_master())
- self.register_mem("main_ram", self.mem_map["main_ram"], self.wishbone2lasmi.wishbone, main_ram_size)
+ self.submodules.l2_cache = l2_cache
+ self.submodules.wishbone2lasmi = wishbone2lasmi.WB2LASMI(self.l2_cache.slave, lasmim)
+ self.register_mem("main_ram", self.mem_map["main_ram"], sdram_bus, main_ram_size)
# MINICON frontend
elif isinstance(self.sdram_controller_settings, MiniconSettings):
- self.submodules.converter = wishbone.Converter(wishbone.Interface(), self.sdram.controller.bus)
- self.register_mem("main_ram", self.mem_map["main_ram"], self.converter.master, main_ram_size)
+ sdram_bus = wishbone.Interface()
+ if l2_size:
+ l2_cache = wishbone.Cache(l2_size//4, sdram_bus, self.sdram.controller.bus)
+ # XXX Vivado ->2015.1 workaround, Vivado is not able to map correctly our L2 cache.
+ # Issue is reported to Xilinx and should be fixed in next releases (2015.2?).
+ # Remove this workaround when fixed by Xilinx.
+ from mibuild.xilinx.vivado import XilinxVivadoToolchain
+ if isinstance(self.platform.toolchain, XilinxVivadoToolchain):
+ from migen.fhdl.simplify import FullMemoryWE
+ self.submodules.l2_cache = FullMemoryWE()(l2_cache)
+ else:
+ self.submodules.l2_cache = l2_cache
+ else:
+ self.submodules.converter = wishbone.Converter(sdram_bus, self.sdram.controller.bus)
+ self.register_mem("main_ram", self.mem_map["main_ram"], sdram_bus, main_ram_size)
def do_finalize(self):
if not self.integrated_main_ram_size: