if (check_label("map_ffs")) {
run("dff2dffe -direct-match $_DFF_*");
+ // As mentioned in common/dff_sim.v, Intel flops power up to zero,
+ // so use `zinit` to add inverters where needed.
run("techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/intel_alm/common/dff_map.v");
run("opt -full -undriven -mux_undef");
if (check_label("quartus")) {
if (quartus || help_mode) {
+ // Quartus ICEs if you have a wire which has `[]` in its name,
+ // which Yosys produces when building memories out of flops.
+ run("rename -hide w:*[* w:*]*");
+ // VQM mode does not support 'x, so replace those with zero.
run("setundef -zero");
+ // VQM mode does not support multi-bit constant assignments
+ // (e.g. 2'b00 is an error), so as a workaround use references
+ // to constant driver cells, which Quartus accepts.
run("hilomap -singleton -hicell __MISTRAL_VCC Q -locell __MISTRAL_GND Q");
+ // Rename from Yosys-internal MISTRAL_* cells to Quartus cells.
run("techmap -map +/intel_alm/common/quartus_rename.v");
run(stringf("techmap -map +/intel_alm/%s/quartus_rename.v", family_opt.c_str()));
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog <<EOT
+// Verilog has syntax for raw identifiers, where you start it with \ and end it with a space.
+// This test crashes Quartus due to it parsing \a[10] as a wire slice and not a raw identifier.
+module top();
+ (* keep *) wire [31:0] \a[10] ;
+ (* keep *) wire b;
+ assign b = \a[10] [31];
+synth_intel_alm -family cyclonev -quartus
+select -assert-none w:*[* w:*]*