__do_alloc_on_swap(__one, __two, __pocs());
- class __is_alloc_insertable_impl
- {
- template<typename _Alloc, typename _Up,
- typename _Tp = __remove_cvref_t<_Up>,
- typename = decltype(allocator_traits<_Alloc>::construct(
- std::declval<_Alloc&>(), std::declval<_Tp*>(),
- std::declval<_Up>()))>
- static true_type
- _M_select(int);
- template<typename, typename>
- static false_type
- _M_select(...);
- public:
- template<typename _Alloc, typename _Tp = typename _Alloc::value_type>
- using copy = decltype(_M_select<_Alloc, const _Tp&>(0));
- template<typename _Alloc, typename _Tp = typename _Alloc::value_type>
- using move = decltype(_M_select<_Alloc, _Tp>(0));
- };
+ template<typename _Alloc, typename _Tp,
+ typename _ValueT = __remove_cvref_t<typename _Alloc::value_type>,
+ typename = void>
+ struct __is_alloc_insertable_impl
+ : false_type
+ { };
+ template<typename _Alloc, typename _Tp, typename _ValueT>
+ struct __is_alloc_insertable_impl<_Alloc, _Tp, _ValueT,
+ __void_t<decltype(allocator_traits<_Alloc>::construct(
+ std::declval<_Alloc&>(), std::declval<_ValueT*>(),
+ std::declval<_Tp>()))>>
+ : true_type
+ { };
// true if _Alloc::value_type is CopyInsertable into containers using _Alloc
+ // (might be wrong if _Alloc::construct exists but is not constrained,
+ // i.e. actually trying to use it would still be invalid. Use with caution.)
template<typename _Alloc>
struct __is_copy_insertable
- : __is_alloc_insertable_impl::template copy<_Alloc>
+ : __is_alloc_insertable_impl<_Alloc,
+ typename _Alloc::value_type const&>::type
{ };
// std::allocator<_Tp> just requires CopyConstructible
{ };
// true if _Alloc::value_type is MoveInsertable into containers using _Alloc
+ // (might be wrong if _Alloc::construct exists but is not constrained,
+ // i.e. actually trying to use it would still be invalid. Use with caution.)
template<typename _Alloc>
struct __is_move_insertable
- : __is_alloc_insertable_impl::template move<_Alloc>
+ : __is_alloc_insertable_impl<_Alloc, typename _Alloc::value_type>::type
{ };
// std::allocator<_Tp> just requires MoveConstructible