return e==Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL;
+bool ModelEngine::needsModel( Theory::Effort e ) {
+ return true;
void ModelEngine::check( Theory::Effort e, unsigned quant_e ){
if( quant_e==QuantifiersEngine::QEFFORT_MODEL ){
int addedLemmas = 0;
- bool needsBuild = true;
FirstOrderModel* fm = d_quantEngine->getModel();
- quantifiers::QModelBuilder * mb = d_quantEngine->getModelBuilder();
- if( fm->getNumAssertedQuantifiers()>0 ){
- //the following will attempt to build a model and test that it satisfies all asserted universal quantifiers
- //quantifiers are initialized, we begin an instantiation round
- double clSet = 0;
- if( Trace.isOn("model-engine") ){
- clSet = double(clock())/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
- }
- ++(d_statistics.d_inst_rounds);
- Assert( mb!=NULL );
- bool buildAtFullModel = mb->optBuildAtFullModel();
- needsBuild = !buildAtFullModel;
- //two effort levels: first try exhaustive instantiation without axioms, then with.
- int startEffort = ( !fm->isAxiomAsserted() || options::axiomInstMode()==AXIOM_INST_MODE_DEFAULT ) ? 1 : 0;
- for( int effort=startEffort; effort<2; effort++ ){
- // for effort = 0, we only instantiate non-axioms
- // for effort = 1, we instantiate everything
- if( addedLemmas==0 ){
- Trace("model-engine") << "---Model Engine Round---" << std::endl;
- //initialize the model
- Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Build model..." << std::endl;
- mb->d_considerAxioms = effort>=1;
- mb->d_addedLemmas = 0;
- mb->buildModel( fm, buildAtFullModel );
- addedLemmas += (int)mb->d_addedLemmas;
- //if builder has lemmas, add and return
- if( addedLemmas==0 ){
- Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Verify uf ss is minimal..." << std::endl;
- //let the strong solver verify that the model is minimal
- //for debugging, this will if there are terms in the model that the strong solver was not notified of
- uf::StrongSolverTheoryUF * ufss = ((uf::TheoryUF*)d_quantEngine->getTheoryEngine()->theoryOf( THEORY_UF ))->getStrongSolver();
- if( !ufss || ufss->debugModel( fm ) ){
- Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Check model..." << std::endl;
- d_incomplete_check = false;
- //print debug
- Debug("fmf-model-complete") << std::endl;
- debugPrint("fmf-model-complete");
- //successfully built an acceptable model, now check it
- addedLemmas += checkModel();
- }else{
- addedLemmas++;
- }
- }
- }
- if( addedLemmas==0 ){
- //if we have not added lemmas yet and axiomInstMode=trust, then we are done
- if( options::axiomInstMode()==AXIOM_INST_MODE_TRUST ){
- //we must return unknown if an axiom is asserted
- if( effort==0 ){
- d_incomplete_check = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if( Trace.isOn("model-engine") ){
- double clSet2 = double(clock())/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
- Trace("model-engine") << "Finished model engine, time = " << (clSet2-clSet) << std::endl;
- }
+ //the following will test that the model satisfies all asserted universal quantifiers by
+ // (model-based) exhaustive instantiation.
+ double clSet = 0;
+ if( Trace.isOn("model-engine") ){
+ Trace("model-engine") << "---Model Engine Round---" << std::endl;
+ clSet = double(clock())/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ }
+ ++(d_statistics.d_inst_rounds);
+ Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Verify uf ss is minimal..." << std::endl;
+ //let the strong solver verify that the model is minimal
+ //for debugging, this will if there are terms in the model that the strong solver was not notified of
+ uf::StrongSolverTheoryUF * ufss = ((uf::TheoryUF*)d_quantEngine->getTheoryEngine()->theoryOf( THEORY_UF ))->getStrongSolver();
+ if( !ufss || ufss->debugModel( fm ) ){
+ Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Check model..." << std::endl;
+ d_incomplete_check = false;
+ //print debug
+ Debug("fmf-model-complete") << std::endl;
+ debugPrint("fmf-model-complete");
+ //successfully built an acceptable model, now check it
+ addedLemmas += checkModel();
- Trace("model-engine-debug") << "No quantified formulas asserted." << std::endl;
+ addedLemmas++;
+ }
+ if( Trace.isOn("model-engine") ){
+ double clSet2 = double(clock())/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ Trace("model-engine") << "Finished model engine, time = " << (clSet2-clSet) << std::endl;
if( addedLemmas==0 ){
Trace("model-engine-debug") << "No lemmas added, incomplete = " << d_incomplete_check << std::endl;
//CVC4 will answer SAT or unknown
Trace("fmf-consistent") << std::endl;
- if( options::produceModels() && needsBuild ){
- // finish building the model
- mb->buildModel( fm, true );
- }
- //if the check was incomplete, we must set incomplete flag
- if( d_incomplete_check ){
- d_quantEngine->getOutputChannel().setIncomplete();
- }
//otherwise, the search will continue
int ModelEngine::checkModel(){
FirstOrderModel* fm = d_quantEngine->getModel();
quantifiers::QModelBuilder * mb = d_quantEngine->getModelBuilder();
+ Assert( mb!=NULL );
//flatten the representatives
//Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Flattening representatives...." << std::endl;
Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Do exhaustive instantiation..." << std::endl;
- int e_max = options::mbqiMode()==MBQI_FMC || options::mbqiMode()==MBQI_FMC_INTERVAL ? 2 : ( options::mbqiMode()==MBQI_TRUST ? 0 : 1 );
- for( int e=0; e<e_max; e++) {
- if (d_addedLemmas==0) {
- for( int i=0; i<fm->getNumAssertedQuantifiers(); i++ ){
- Node f = fm->getAssertedQuantifier( i );
- //determine if we should check this quantifier
- if( mb->isQuantifierActive( f ) ){
- exhaustiveInstantiate( f, e );
- if( Trace.isOn("model-engine-warn") ){
- if( d_addedLemmas>10000 ){
- Debug("fmf-exit") << std::endl;
- debugPrint("fmf-exit");
- exit( 0 );
+ //default : 1 : conj,axiom
+ //priority : 0 : conj, 1 : axiom
+ //trust : 0 : conj
+ int startEffort = ( !fm->isAxiomAsserted() || options::axiomInstMode()==AXIOM_INST_MODE_DEFAULT ) ? 1 : 0;
+ for( int effort=startEffort; effort<2; effort++ ){
+ // FMC uses two sub-effort levels
+ int e_max = options::mbqiMode()==MBQI_FMC || options::mbqiMode()==MBQI_FMC_INTERVAL ? 2 : ( options::mbqiMode()==MBQI_TRUST ? 0 : 1 );
+ for( int e=0; e<e_max; e++) {
+ if (d_addedLemmas==0) {
+ for( int i=0; i<fm->getNumAssertedQuantifiers(); i++ ){
+ Node f = fm->getAssertedQuantifier( i );
+ bool isAx = getTermDatabase()->isQAttrAxiom( f );
+ //determine if we should check this quantifier
+ if( ( ( effort==1 && ( options::axiomInstMode()==AXIOM_INST_MODE_DEFAULT || isAx ) ) || ( effort==0 && !isAx ) ) && mb->isQuantifierActive( f ) ){
+ exhaustiveInstantiate( f, e );
+ if( Trace.isOn("model-engine-warn") ){
+ if( d_addedLemmas>10000 ){
+ Debug("fmf-exit") << std::endl;
+ debugPrint("fmf-exit");
+ exit( 0 );
+ }
+ if( optOneQuantPerRound() && d_addedLemmas>0 ){
+ break;
+ }
+ }else{
+ Trace("inst-fmf-ei") << "-> Inactive : " << f << std::endl;
- if( optOneQuantPerRound() && d_addedLemmas>0 ){
- break;
- }
- }else{
- Trace("inst-fmf-ei") << "-> Inactive : " << f << std::endl;
+ if( d_addedLemmas==0 && options::axiomInstMode()==AXIOM_INST_MODE_TRUST ){
+ //set incomplete
+ if( effort==0 ){
+ d_quantEngine->getOutputChannel().setIncomplete();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
//print debug information
- Trace("model-engine-debug") << "Instantiate axioms : " << ( mb->d_considerAxioms ? "yes" : "no" ) << std::endl;
Trace("model-engine") << "Added Lemmas = " << d_addedLemmas << " / " << d_triedLemmas << " / ";
Trace("model-engine") << d_totalLemmas << std::endl;
return d_addedLemmas;
void QuantifiersEngine::check( Theory::Effort e ){
CodeTimer codeTimer(d_time);
bool needsCheck = false;
- bool needsBuildModel = false;
+ bool needsModel = false;
std::vector< QuantifiersModule* > qm;
if( d_model->getNumAssertedQuantifiers()>0 ){
needsCheck = e>=Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL; //always need to check at or above last call
if( d_modules[i]->needsCheck( e ) ){
qm.push_back( d_modules[i] );
needsCheck = true;
+ if( d_modules[i]->needsModel( e ) ){
+ needsModel = true;
+ }
+ bool defaultBuildModel = false;
if( needsCheck ){
Trace("quant-engine") << "Quantifiers Engine check, level = " << e << std::endl;
Trace("quant-engine-debug") << " modules to check : ";
Trace("quant-engine-debug") << "Check modules that needed check..." << std::endl;
for( unsigned quant_e = QEFFORT_CONFLICT; quant_e<=QEFFORT_MODEL; quant_e++ ){
- for( int i=0; i<(int)qm.size(); i++ ){
- Trace("quant-engine-debug") << "Check " << qm[i]->identify().c_str() << " at effort " << quant_e << "..." << std::endl;
- qm[i]->check( e, quant_e );
+ bool success = true;
+ //build the model if any module requested it
+ if( quant_e==QEFFORT_MODEL && needsModel ){
+ Assert( d_builder!=NULL );
+ Trace("quant-engine-debug") << "Build model, fullModel = " << d_builder->optBuildAtFullModel() << "..." << std::endl;
+ d_builder->d_addedLemmas = 0;
+ d_builder->buildModel( d_model, d_builder->optBuildAtFullModel() );
+ //we are done if model building was unsuccessful
+ if( d_builder->d_addedLemmas>0 ){
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if( success ){
+ //check each module
+ for( int i=0; i<(int)qm.size(); i++ ){
+ Trace("quant-engine-debug") << "Check " << qm[i]->identify().c_str() << " at effort " << quant_e << "..." << std::endl;
+ qm[i]->check( e, quant_e );
+ }
//flush all current lemmas
//if we have added one, stop
if( d_hasAddedLemma ){
+ //otherwise, complete the model generation if necessary
+ }else if( quant_e==QEFFORT_MODEL && needsModel && options::produceModels() && !d_builder->optBuildAtFullModel() ){
+ Trace("quant-engine-debug") << "Build completed model..." << std::endl;
+ d_builder->buildModel( d_model, true );
Trace("quant-engine-debug") << "Done check modules that needed check." << std::endl;
// this happens if no quantifiers are currently asserted and no model-building module is enabled
if( e==Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL && !d_hasAddedLemma ){
if( options::produceModels() && !d_model->isModelSet() ){
- needsBuildModel = true;
+ defaultBuildModel = true;
if( Trace.isOn("inst-per-quant") ){
for( std::map< Node, int >::iterator it = d_total_inst_debug.begin(); it != d_total_inst_debug.end(); ++it ){
Trace("quant-engine") << "Finished quantifiers engine check." << std::endl;
if( e==Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL && options::produceModels() ){
- needsBuildModel = true;
+ defaultBuildModel = true;
- if( needsBuildModel ){
+ if( defaultBuildModel ){
Trace("quant-engine-debug") << "Build the model..." << std::endl;
d_te->getModelBuilder()->buildModel( d_model, true );
Trace("quant-engine-debug") << "Done building the model." << std::endl;