Node SygusInterpol::mkPredicate(const std::string& name)
- Node itp;
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ // make the interpolation predicate to synthesize
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug")
+ << "Make interpolation predicate..." << std::endl;
+ TypeNode itpType = d_varTypesShared.empty()
+ ? nm->booleanType()
+ : nm->mkPredicateType(d_varTypesShared);
+ Node itp = nm->mkBoundVar(name.c_str(), itpType);
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug") << "...finish" << std::endl;
return itp;
const std::vector<Node>& axioms,
const Node& conj)
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ // make the interpolation application to synthesize
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug")
+ << "Make interpolation predicate app..." << std::endl;
+ std::vector<Node> ichildren;
+ ichildren.push_back(itp);
+ ichildren.insert(ichildren.end(), d_varsShared.begin(), d_varsShared.end());
+ Node itpApp =
+ d_varsShared.empty() ? itp : nm->mkNode(kind::APPLY_UF, ichildren);
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug") << "itpApp: " << itpApp << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug") << "...finish" << std::endl;
+ // set the sygus bound variable list
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug") << "Set attributes..." << std::endl;
+ itp.setAttribute(theory::SygusSynthFunVarListAttribute(), d_ibvlShared);
+ // sygus attribute
+ Node sygusVar = nm->mkSkolem("sygus", nm->booleanType());
+ theory::SygusAttribute ca;
+ sygusVar.setAttribute(ca, true);
+ Node instAttr = nm->mkNode(kind::INST_ATTRIBUTE, sygusVar);
+ std::vector<Node> iplc;
+ iplc.push_back(instAttr);
+ Node instAttrList = nm->mkNode(kind::INST_PATTERN_LIST, iplc);
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug") << "...finish" << std::endl;
+ // Fa( x )
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug") << "Make conjecture body..." << std::endl;
+ Node Fa = axioms.size() == 1 ? axioms[0] : nm->mkNode(kind::AND, axioms);
+ // Fa( x ) => A( x )
+ Node firstImplication = nm->mkNode(kind::IMPLIES, Fa, itpApp);
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug")
+ << "first implication: " << firstImplication << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ // A( x ) => Fc( x )
+ Node Fc = conj;
+ Node secondImplication = nm->mkNode(kind::IMPLIES, itpApp, Fc);
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug")
+ << "second implication: " << secondImplication << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ // Fa( x ) => A( x ) ^ A( x ) => Fc( x )
+ Node constraint = nm->mkNode(kind::AND, firstImplication, secondImplication);
+ constraint = constraint.substitute(
+ d_syms.begin(), d_syms.end(), d_vars.begin(), d_vars.end());
+ Trace("sygus-interpol-debug") << constraint << "...finish" << std::endl;
+ constraint = theory::Rewriter::rewrite(constraint);
+ d_sygusConj = constraint;
+ Trace("sygus-interpol") << "Generate: " << d_sygusConj << std::endl;
bool SygusInterpol::findInterpol(Expr& interpol, Node itp)
- return false;
+ // get the synthesis solution
+ std::map<Expr, Expr> sols;
+ d_subSolver->getSynthSolutions(sols);
+ Assert(sols.size() == 1);
+ std::map<Expr, Expr>::iterator its = sols.find(itp.toExpr());
+ if (its == sols.end())
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-interpol")
+ << "SmtEngine::getInterpol: could not find solution!" << std::endl;
+ throw RecoverableModalException(
+ "Could not find solution for get-interpol.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Trace("sygus-interpol") << "SmtEngine::getInterpol: solution is "
+ << its->second << std::endl;
+ Node interpoln = Node::fromExpr(its->second);
+ // replace back the created variables to original symbols.
+ Node interpoln_reduced;
+ if (interpoln.getKind() == kind::LAMBDA)
+ {
+ interpoln_reduced = interpoln[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ interpoln_reduced = interpoln;
+ }
+ if (interpoln.getNumChildren() != 0 && interpoln[0].getNumChildren() != 0)
+ {
+ std::vector<Node> formals;
+ for (const Node& n : interpoln[0])
+ {
+ formals.push_back(n);
+ }
+ interpoln_reduced = interpoln_reduced.substitute(formals.begin(),
+ formals.end(),
+ d_symSetShared.begin(),
+ d_symSetShared.end());
+ }
+ // convert to expression
+ interpol = interpoln_reduced.toExpr();
+ return true;
bool SygusInterpol::SolveInterpolation(const std::string& name,
const TypeNode& itpGType,
Expr& interpol)
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ // we generate a new smt engine to do the interpolation query
+ d_subSolver.reset(new SmtEngine(nm->toExprManager()));
+ d_subSolver->setIsInternalSubsolver();
+ // get the logic
+ LogicInfo l = d_logic.getUnlockedCopy();
+ // enable everything needed for sygus
+ l.enableSygus();
+ d_subSolver->setLogic(l);
+ collectSymbols(axioms, conj);
+ createVariables(itpGType.isNull());
+ for (Node var : d_vars)
+ {
+ d_subSolver->declareSygusVar(name, var.toExpr(), var.getType().toType());
+ }
+ std::vector<Expr> vars_empty;
+ TypeNode grammarType = setSynthGrammar(itpGType, axioms, conj);
+ Node itp = mkPredicate(name);
+ d_subSolver->declareSynthFun(
+ name, itp.toExpr(), grammarType.toType(), false, vars_empty);
+ mkSygusConjecture(itp, axioms, conj);
+ Trace("sygus-interpol") << "SmtEngine::getInterpol: made conjecture : "
+ << d_sygusConj << ", solving for "
+ << d_sygusConj[0][0].toExpr() << std::endl;
+ d_subSolver->assertSygusConstraint(d_sygusConj.toExpr());
+ Trace("sygus-interpol") << " SmtEngine::getInterpol check sat..."
+ << std::endl;
+ Result r = d_subSolver->checkSynth();
+ Trace("sygus-interpol") << " SmtEngine::getInterpol result: " << r
+ << std::endl;
+ if (r.asSatisfiabilityResult().isSat() == Result::UNSAT)
+ {
+ return findInterpol(interpol, itp);
+ }
return false;