+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Pin: an I/O pad. May be driven (input) or may drive (output).
+ \item FN: term for a single-wire "function", such as UART\_TX,
+ I2C\_SDA, SDMMC\_D0 etc. may be an input, output or both
+ (bi-directional: separate wires are always allocated).
+ \item TODO\vspace{10pt}
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{Muxer cases to handle}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Many FN outputs to Many Pins: no problem\\
+ (weird configuration by end-user, but no damage to ASIC)\vspace{10pt}
+ \item One Pin to Many FN inputs: no problem\\
+ (weird configuration by end-user, but no damage to ASIC)\vspace{10pt}
+ \item Many Pins to One FN input {\bf Priority Mux needed}\\
+ No priority mux: Pin1 = HI, Pin0 = LO, ASIC is damaged\vspace{10pt}
+ \item Some FNs (I2C\_SDA, SD\_D0..3) are I/O Buses\\
+ Bi-directional control of the Pin must be handed to the
+ FN\vspace{10pt}
+ \item TODO\vspace{10pt}
+ \end{itemize}
\frame{\frametitle{Standard GPIO 4-way in/out Mux and I/O pad}