+from lib2to3.pytree import Node, Leaf
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+from lib2to3.pygram import python_symbols as syms
+preamble = """# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+indent_debug = 0
class Absyn:
def __init__(self):
self.outputfile = open("output.py","w")
+ self.outputfile.write(preamble)
def printpy(self,p):
+ def assign(self,p):
+ p = list(p)
+ if(p[1]=="assign"):
+ self.printpy(p[4])
+ # m.d.comb += [l.eq(r)]
+ def indent(self,count):
+ if(indent_debug):
+ return Leaf(token.INDENT, '>>> '*count)
+ else:
+ return Leaf(token.INDENT, ' '*4*count)
+ def dedent(self,count):
+ return Leaf(token.DEDENT, '')
+ def nl(self):
+ return Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '#\n')
+ def initPorts(self,params,ports):
+ pass_stmt = Node(syms.pass_stmt ,[Leaf(token.NAME, "def __init__(self):")])
+ if params:
+ params = [Leaf(token.LPAR, '(')] + params + [Leaf(token.RPAR, ')')]
+ fn = [Leaf(token.NAME, 'def'),
+ Leaf(token.NAME, '__initXXX__', prefix=' '),
+ Node(syms.parameters, params),
+ Leaf(token.COLON, ':')]
+ fndef = Node(syms.funcdef, fn)
+ stmts = Node(syms.stmt, [fndef])
+ else:
+ stmts = Node(syms.small_stmt, [pass_stmt, Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n')])
+ stmts = Node(syms.stmt, [stmts])
+ for port in ports:
+ stmts.children.append(self.indent(2))
+ stmts.children.append(port)
+ stmts.children.append(self.nl())
+ return stmts
+ def module_1(self,p):
+ params = p[7]
+ ports = p[8]
+ clsname = [Leaf(token.NAME, 'class'),
+ Leaf(token.NAME, p[4], prefix=' '),
+ Leaf(token.LPAR,'('),
+ Leaf(token.NAME, 'Elaboratable'),
+ Leaf(token.LPAR,')'),
+ Leaf(token.COLON, ':'),
+ ]
+ suite = Node(syms.suite, [Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n'),
+ self.indent(1),
+ self.initPorts(params,ports),
+ self.dedent(1)
+ ])
+ clsdecl = Node(syms.classdef, clsname + [suite])
+ clsdecl = Node(syms.compound_stmt, [clsdecl])
+ #.printpy("#clsdecl"+ repr(clsdecl))
+ #absyn.printpy("#clsstr:")
+ self.printpy(str(clsdecl))
+ return clsdecl
-indent = ' '
class DataType:
def p_list_of_port_declarations_2(p):
'''list_of_port_declarations : list_of_port_declarations ',' port_declaration '''
if(parse_debug): print('list_of_port_declarations_2 FIXME', list(p))
- p[1].append(Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n')) # should be a comma
+ # MOVE_TO absyn p[1].append(Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n')) # should be a comma
# XXX p[3].prefix=' ' # add a space after the NL, must go in parameter
p[0] = p[1]
def p_module_1(p):
'''module : attribute_list_opt module_start lifetime_opt IDENTIFIER _embed0_module module_package_import_list_opt module_parameter_port_list_opt module_port_list_opt module_attribute_foreign ';' _embed1_module timeunits_declaration_opt _embed2_module module_item_list_opt module_end _embed3_module endlabel_opt '''
if(parse_debug>2): print('module_1', list(p))
- absyn.printpy("# module_1")
- params = p[7]
- clsname = [Leaf(token.NAME, 'class'),
- Leaf(token.NAME, p[4], prefix=' '),
- Leaf(token.COLON, ':')]
- pass_stmt = Node(syms.pass_stmt, [Leaf(token.NAME, "pass"),])
- if params:
- params = [Leaf(token.LPAR, '(')] + params + [Leaf(token.RPAR, ')')]
- fn = [Leaf(token.NAME, 'def'),
- Leaf(token.NAME, '__init__', prefix=' '),
- Node(syms.parameters, params),
- Leaf(token.COLON, ':')]
- fndef = Node(syms.funcdef, fn)
- stmts = Node(syms.stmt, [fndef])
- else:
- stmts = Node(syms.small_stmt, [pass_stmt, Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n')])
- stmts = Node(syms.stmt, [stmts])
- ports = p[8]
- for port in ports:
- stmts.children.append(Leaf(token.INDENT, indent*2))
- stmts.children.append(Leaf(token.STRING, port))
- suite = Node(syms.suite, [Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n'),
- Leaf(token.INDENT, ' '),
- stmts,
- Leaf(token.DEDENT, '')
- ])
- clsdecl = Node(syms.classdef, clsname + [suite])
- clsdecl = Node(syms.compound_stmt, [clsdecl])
- absyn.printpy("#clsdecl"+ repr(clsdecl))
- absyn.printpy("#clsstr:")
- absyn.printpy(str(clsdecl))
+ clsdecl = absyn.module_1(p)
p[0] = clsdecl
- # { // Last step: check any closing name. This is done late so
- # // that the parser can look ahead to detect the present
- # // endlabel_opt but still have the pform_endmodule() called
- # // early enough that the lexor can know we are outside the
- # // module.
- # if (p[1]7) {
- # if (strcmp(p[4],p[1]7) != 0) {
- # switch (p[2]) {
- # case K_module:
- # yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
- # "module name.");
- # break;
- # case K_program:
- # yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
- # "program name.");
- # break;
- # case K_interface:
- # yyerror(@17, "error: End label doesn't match "
- # "interface name.");
- # break;
- # default:
- # break;
- # }
- # }
- # if ((p[2] == K_module) && (! gn_system_verilog())) {
- # yyerror(@8, "error: Module end labels require "
- # "SystemVerilog.");
- # }
- # delete[]p[1]7;
- # }
- # delete[]p[4];
- # }
def p__embed0_module(p):
'''_embed0_module : '''