preprocessing/passes/nl_ext_purify.h \
preprocessing/passes/pseudo_boolean_processor.cpp \
preprocessing/passes/pseudo_boolean_processor.h \
+ preprocessing/passes/miplib_trick.cpp \
+ preprocessing/passes/miplib_trick.h \
preprocessing/passes/quantifiers_preprocess.cpp \
preprocessing/passes/quantifiers_preprocess.h \
preprocessing/passes/quantifier_macros.cpp \
--- /dev/null
+/********************* */
+/*! \file miplib_trick.cpp
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ ** Mathias Preiner
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2018 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief The MIPLIB trick preprocessing pass
+ **
+ **/
+#include "preprocessing/passes/miplib_trick.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "expr/node_self_iterator.h"
+#include "options/arith_options.h"
+#include "smt/smt_statistics_registry.h"
+#include "smt_util/boolean_simplification.h"
+#include "theory/booleans/circuit_propagator.h"
+#include "theory/theory_model.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace preprocessing {
+namespace passes {
+using namespace CVC4::theory;
+namespace {
+ * Remove conjuncts in toRemove from conjunction n. Return # of removed
+ * conjuncts.
+ */
+size_t removeFromConjunction(Node& n,
+ const std::unordered_set<unsigned long>& toRemove)
+ Assert(n.getKind() == kind::AND);
+ Node trueNode = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(true);
+ size_t removals = 0;
+ for (Node::iterator j = n.begin(); j != n.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ size_t subremovals = 0;
+ Node sub = *j;
+ if (toRemove.find(sub.getId()) != toRemove.end()
+ || (sub.getKind() == kind::AND
+ && (subremovals = removeFromConjunction(sub, toRemove)) > 0))
+ {
+ NodeBuilder<> b(kind::AND);
+ b.append(n.begin(), j);
+ if (subremovals > 0)
+ {
+ removals += subremovals;
+ b << sub;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++removals;
+ }
+ for (++j; j != n.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ if (toRemove.find((*j).getId()) != toRemove.end())
+ {
+ ++removals;
+ }
+ else if ((*j).getKind() == kind::AND)
+ {
+ sub = *j;
+ if ((subremovals = removeFromConjunction(sub, toRemove)) > 0)
+ {
+ removals += subremovals;
+ b << sub;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ b << *j;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ b << *j;
+ }
+ }
+ if (b.getNumChildren() == 0)
+ {
+ n = trueNode;
+ b.clear();
+ }
+ else if (b.getNumChildren() == 1)
+ {
+ n = b[0];
+ b.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ n = b;
+ }
+ n = Rewriter::rewrite(n);
+ return removals;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(removals == 0);
+ return 0;
+ * Trace nodes back to their assertions using CircuitPropagator's
+ * BackEdgesMap.
+ */
+void traceBackToAssertions(booleans::CircuitPropagator* propagator,
+ const std::vector<Node>& nodes,
+ std::vector<TNode>& assertions)
+ const booleans::CircuitPropagator::BackEdgesMap& backEdges =
+ propagator->getBackEdges();
+ for (vector<Node>::const_iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ booleans::CircuitPropagator::BackEdgesMap::const_iterator j =
+ backEdges.find(*i);
+ // term must appear in map, otherwise how did we get here?!
+ Assert(j != backEdges.end());
+ // if term maps to empty, that means it's a top-level assertion
+ if (!(*j).second.empty())
+ {
+ traceBackToAssertions(propagator, (*j).second, assertions);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assertions.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace
+MipLibTrick::MipLibTrick(PreprocessingPassContext* preprocContext)
+ : PreprocessingPass(preprocContext, "miplib-trick")
+ if (!options::incrementalSolving())
+ {
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->subscribeEvents(this);
+ }
+ if (!options::incrementalSolving())
+ {
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->unsubscribeEvents(this);
+ }
+void MipLibTrick::nmNotifyNewVar(TNode n, uint32_t flags)
+ if (n.getType().isBoolean())
+ {
+ d_boolVars.push_back(n);
+ }
+void MipLibTrick::nmNotifyNewSkolem(TNode n,
+ const std::string& comment,
+ uint32_t flags)
+ if (n.getType().isBoolean())
+ {
+ d_boolVars.push_back(n);
+ }
+PreprocessingPassResult MipLibTrick::applyInternal(
+ AssertionPipeline* assertionsToPreprocess)
+ Assert(assertionsToPreprocess->getRealAssertionsEnd()
+ == assertionsToPreprocess->size());
+ Assert(!options::incrementalSolving());
+ context::Context fakeContext;
+ TheoryEngine* te = d_preprocContext->getTheoryEngine();
+ booleans::CircuitPropagator* propagator =
+ d_preprocContext->getCircuitPropagator();
+ const booleans::CircuitPropagator::BackEdgesMap& backEdges =
+ propagator->getBackEdges();
+ unordered_set<unsigned long> removeAssertions;
+ SubstitutionMap& top_level_substs =
+ assertionsToPreprocess->getTopLevelSubstitutions();
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ Node zero = nm->mkConst(Rational(0)), one = nm->mkConst(Rational(1));
+ Node trueNode = nm->mkConst(true);
+ unordered_map<TNode, Node, TNodeHashFunction> intVars;
+ for (TNode v : d_boolVars)
+ {
+ if (propagator->isAssigned(v))
+ {
+ Debug("miplib") << "ineligible: " << v << " because assigned "
+ << propagator->getAssignment(v) << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ vector<TNode> assertions;
+ booleans::CircuitPropagator::BackEdgesMap::const_iterator j =
+ backEdges.find(v);
+ // if not in back edges map, the bool var is unconstrained, showing up in no
+ // assertions. if maps to an empty vector, that means the bool var was
+ // asserted itself.
+ if (j != backEdges.end())
+ {
+ if (!(*j).second.empty())
+ {
+ traceBackToAssertions(propagator, (*j).second, assertions);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assertions.push_back(v);
+ }
+ }
+ Debug("miplib") << "for " << v << endl;
+ bool eligible = true;
+ map<pair<Node, Node>, uint64_t> marks;
+ map<pair<Node, Node>, vector<Rational> > coef;
+ map<pair<Node, Node>, vector<Rational> > checks;
+ map<pair<Node, Node>, vector<TNode> > asserts;
+ for (vector<TNode>::const_iterator j = assertions.begin();
+ j != assertions.end();
+ ++j)
+ {
+ Debug("miplib") << " found: " << *j << endl;
+ if ((*j).getKind() != kind::IMPLIES)
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (not =>)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ Node conj = BooleanSimplification::simplify((*j)[0]);
+ if (conj.getKind() == kind::AND && conj.getNumChildren() > 6)
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (N-ary /\\ too big)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (conj.getKind() != kind::AND && !conj.isVar()
+ && !(conj.getKind() == kind::NOT && conj[0].isVar()))
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (not /\\ or literal)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((*j)[1].getKind() != kind::EQUAL
+ || !(((*j)[1][0].isVar()
+ && (*j)[1][1].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL)
+ || ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL
+ && (*j)[1][1].isVar())))
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (=> (and X X) X)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (conj.getKind() == kind::AND)
+ {
+ vector<Node> posv;
+ bool found_x = false;
+ map<TNode, bool> neg;
+ for (Node::iterator ii = conj.begin(); ii != conj.end(); ++ii)
+ {
+ if ((*ii).isVar())
+ {
+ posv.push_back(*ii);
+ neg[*ii] = false;
+ found_x = found_x || v == *ii;
+ }
+ else if ((*ii).getKind() == kind::NOT && (*ii)[0].isVar())
+ {
+ posv.push_back((*ii)[0]);
+ neg[(*ii)[0]] = true;
+ found_x = found_x || v == (*ii)[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib")
+ << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (non-var: " << *ii << ")" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (propagator->isAssigned(posv.back()))
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (" << posv.back()
+ << " asserted)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!eligible)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found_x)
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " --INELIGIBLE -- (couldn't find " << v
+ << " in conjunction)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ sort(posv.begin(), posv.end());
+ const Node pos = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::AND, posv);
+ const TNode var = ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL)
+ ? (*j)[1][1]
+ : (*j)[1][0];
+ const pair<Node, Node> pos_var(pos, var);
+ const Rational& constant =
+ ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL)
+ ? (*j)[1][0].getConst<Rational>()
+ : (*j)[1][1].getConst<Rational>();
+ uint64_t mark = 0;
+ unsigned countneg = 0, thepos = 0;
+ for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < pos.getNumChildren(); ++ii)
+ {
+ if (neg[pos[ii]])
+ {
+ ++countneg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thepos = ii;
+ mark |= (0x1 << ii);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((marks[pos_var] & (1lu << mark)) != 0)
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (remarked)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ Debug("miplib") << "mark is " << mark << " -- " << (1lu << mark)
+ << endl;
+ marks[pos_var] |= (1lu << mark);
+ Debug("miplib") << "marks[" << pos << "," << var << "] now "
+ << marks[pos_var] << endl;
+ if (countneg == pos.getNumChildren())
+ {
+ if (constant != 0)
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (nonzero constant)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (countneg == pos.getNumChildren() - 1)
+ {
+ Assert(coef[pos_var].size() <= 6 && thepos < 6);
+ if (coef[pos_var].size() <= thepos)
+ {
+ coef[pos_var].resize(thepos + 1);
+ }
+ coef[pos_var][thepos] = constant;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (checks[pos_var].size() <= mark)
+ {
+ checks[pos_var].resize(mark + 1);
+ }
+ checks[pos_var][mark] = constant;
+ }
+ asserts[pos_var].push_back(*j);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TNode x = conj;
+ if (x != v && x != (v).notNode())
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib")
+ << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (x not present where I expect it)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ const bool xneg = (x.getKind() == kind::NOT);
+ x = xneg ? x[0] : x;
+ Debug("miplib") << " x:" << x << " " << xneg << endl;
+ const TNode var = ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL)
+ ? (*j)[1][1]
+ : (*j)[1][0];
+ const pair<Node, Node> x_var(x, var);
+ const Rational& constant =
+ ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL)
+ ? (*j)[1][0].getConst<Rational>()
+ : (*j)[1][1].getConst<Rational>();
+ unsigned mark = (xneg ? 0 : 1);
+ if ((marks[x_var] & (1u << mark)) != 0)
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (remarked)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ marks[x_var] |= (1u << mark);
+ if (xneg)
+ {
+ if (constant != 0)
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (nonzero constant)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(coef[x_var].size() <= 6);
+ coef[x_var].resize(6);
+ coef[x_var][0] = constant;
+ }
+ asserts[x_var].push_back(*j);
+ }
+ }
+ if (eligible)
+ {
+ for (map<pair<Node, Node>, uint64_t>::const_iterator j = marks.begin();
+ j != marks.end();
+ ++j)
+ {
+ const TNode pos = (*j).first.first;
+ const TNode var = (*j).first.second;
+ const pair<Node, Node>& pos_var = (*j).first;
+ const uint64_t mark = (*j).second;
+ const unsigned numVars =
+ pos.getKind() == kind::AND ? pos.getNumChildren() : 1;
+ uint64_t expected = (uint64_t(1) << (1 << numVars)) - 1;
+ expected = (expected == 0) ? -1 : expected; // fix for overflow
+ Debug("miplib") << "[" << pos << "] => " << hex << mark << " expect "
+ << expected << dec << endl;
+ Assert(pos.getKind() == kind::AND || pos.isVar());
+ if (mark != expected)
+ {
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE " << pos
+ << " -- (insufficiently marked, got " << mark
+ << " for " << numVars << " vars, expected "
+ << expected << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mark != 3)
+ { // exclude single-var case; nothing to check there
+ uint64_t sz = (uint64_t(1) << checks[pos_var].size()) - 1;
+ sz = (sz == 0) ? -1 : sz; // fix for overflow
+ Assert(sz == mark, "expected size %u == mark %u", sz, mark);
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < checks[pos_var].size(); ++k)
+ {
+ if ((k & (k - 1)) != 0)
+ {
+ Rational sum = 0;
+ Debug("miplib") << k << " => " << checks[pos_var][k] << endl;
+ for (size_t v = 1, kk = k; kk != 0; ++v, kk >>= 1)
+ {
+ if ((kk & 0x1) == 1)
+ {
+ Assert(pos.getKind() == kind::AND);
+ Debug("miplib") << "var " << v << " : " << pos[v - 1]
+ << " coef:" << coef[pos_var][v - 1] << endl;
+ sum += coef[pos_var][v - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ Debug("miplib") << "checkSum is " << sum << " input says "
+ << checks[pos_var][k] << endl;
+ if (sum != checks[pos_var][k])
+ {
+ eligible = false;
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE " << pos
+ << " -- (nonlinear combination)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(checks[pos_var][k] == 0,
+ "checks[(%s,%s)][%u] should be 0, but it's %s",
+ pos.toString().c_str(),
+ var.toString().c_str(),
+ k,
+ checks[pos_var][k]
+ .toString()
+ .c_str()); // we never set for single-positive-var
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!eligible)
+ {
+ eligible = true; // next is still eligible
+ continue;
+ }
+ Debug("miplib") << " -- ELIGIBLE " << v << " , " << pos << " --"
+ << endl;
+ vector<Node> newVars;
+ expr::NodeSelfIterator ii, iiend;
+ if (pos.getKind() == kind::AND)
+ {
+ ii = pos.begin();
+ iiend = pos.end();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ii = expr::NodeSelfIterator::self(pos);
+ iiend = expr::NodeSelfIterator::selfEnd(pos);
+ }
+ for (; ii != iiend; ++ii)
+ {
+ Node& varRef = intVars[*ii];
+ if (varRef.isNull())
+ {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "mipvar_" << *ii;
+ Node newVar = nm->mkSkolem(
+ ss.str(),
+ nm->integerType(),
+ "a variable introduced due to scrubbing a miplib encoding",
+ NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
+ Node geq = Rewriter::rewrite(nm->mkNode(kind::GEQ, newVar, zero));
+ Node leq = Rewriter::rewrite(nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, newVar, one));
+ Node n = Rewriter::rewrite(geq.andNode(leq));
+ assertionsToPreprocess->push_back(n);
+ PROOF(ProofManager::currentPM()->addDependence(n, Node::null()));
+ SubstitutionMap nullMap(&fakeContext);
+ Theory::PPAssertStatus status CVC4_UNUSED; // just for assertions
+ status = te->solve(geq, nullMap);
+ Assert(status == Theory::PP_ASSERT_STATUS_UNSOLVED,
+ "unexpected solution from arith's ppAssert()");
+ Assert(nullMap.empty(),
+ "unexpected substitution from arith's ppAssert()");
+ status = te->solve(leq, nullMap);
+ Assert(status == Theory::PP_ASSERT_STATUS_UNSOLVED,
+ "unexpected solution from arith's ppAssert()");
+ Assert(nullMap.empty(),
+ "unexpected substitution from arith's ppAssert()");
+ te->getModel()->addSubstitution(*ii, newVar.eqNode(one));
+ newVars.push_back(newVar);
+ varRef = newVar;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newVars.push_back(varRef);
+ }
+ d_preprocContext->enableIntegers();
+ }
+ Node sum;
+ if (pos.getKind() == kind::AND)
+ {
+ NodeBuilder<> sumb(kind::PLUS);
+ for (size_t ii = 0; ii < pos.getNumChildren(); ++ii)
+ {
+ sumb << nm->mkNode(
+ kind::MULT, nm->mkConst(coef[pos_var][ii]), newVars[ii]);
+ }
+ sum = sumb;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sum = nm->mkNode(
+ kind::MULT, nm->mkConst(coef[pos_var][0]), newVars[0]);
+ }
+ Debug("miplib") << "vars[] " << var << endl
+ << " eq " << Rewriter::rewrite(sum) << endl;
+ Node newAssertion = var.eqNode(Rewriter::rewrite(sum));
+ if (top_level_substs.hasSubstitution(newAssertion[0]))
+ {
+ // Warning() << "RE-SUBSTITUTION " << newAssertion[0] << endl;
+ // Warning() << "REPLACE " << newAssertion[1] << endl;
+ // Warning() << "ORIG " <<
+ // top_level_substs.getSubstitution(newAssertion[0]) << endl;
+ Assert(top_level_substs.getSubstitution(newAssertion[0])
+ == newAssertion[1]);
+ }
+ else if (pos.getNumChildren() <= options::arithMLTrickSubstitutions())
+ {
+ top_level_substs.addSubstitution(newAssertion[0], newAssertion[1]);
+ Debug("miplib") << "addSubs: " << newAssertion[0] << " to "
+ << newAssertion[1] << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Debug("miplib")
+ << "skipSubs: " << newAssertion[0] << " to " << newAssertion[1]
+ << " (threshold is " << options::arithMLTrickSubstitutions()
+ << ")" << endl;
+ }
+ newAssertion = Rewriter::rewrite(newAssertion);
+ Debug("miplib") << " " << newAssertion << endl;
+ assertionsToPreprocess->push_back(newAssertion);
+ PROOF(ProofManager::currentPM()->addDependence(newAssertion,
+ Node::null()));
+ Debug("miplib") << " assertions to remove: " << endl;
+ for (vector<TNode>::const_iterator k = asserts[pos_var].begin(),
+ k_end = asserts[pos_var].end();
+ k != k_end;
+ ++k)
+ {
+ Debug("miplib") << " " << *k << endl;
+ removeAssertions.insert((*k).getId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!removeAssertions.empty())
+ {
+ Debug("miplib") << " scrubbing miplib encoding..." << endl;
+ for (size_t i = 0, size = assertionsToPreprocess->getRealAssertionsEnd();
+ i < size;
+ ++i)
+ {
+ Node assertion = (*assertionsToPreprocess)[i];
+ if (removeAssertions.find(assertion.getId()) != removeAssertions.end())
+ {
+ Debug("miplib") << " - removing " << assertion << endl;
+ assertionsToPreprocess->replace(i, trueNode);
+ ++d_statistics.d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved;
+ }
+ else if (assertion.getKind() == kind::AND)
+ {
+ size_t removals = removeFromConjunction(assertion, removeAssertions);
+ if (removals > 0)
+ {
+ Debug("miplib") << " - reduced " << assertion << endl;
+ Debug("miplib") << " - by " << removals << " conjuncts" << endl;
+ d_statistics.d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved += removals;
+ }
+ }
+ Debug("miplib") << "had: " << assertion[i] << endl;
+ assertionsToPreprocess->replace(
+ i, Rewriter::rewrite(top_level_substs.apply(assertion)));
+ Debug("miplib") << "now: " << assertion << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Debug("miplib") << " miplib pass found nothing." << endl;
+ }
+ assertionsToPreprocess->updateRealAssertionsEnd();
+ return PreprocessingPassResult::NO_CONFLICT;
+ : d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved(
+ "preprocessing::passes::MipLibTrick::numMiplibAssertionsRemoved", 0)
+ smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved);
+ smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved);
+} // namespace passes
+} // namespace preprocessing
+} // namespace CVC4
--- /dev/null
+/********************* */
+/*! \file miplib_trick.h
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ ** Mathias Preiner
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2018 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief The MIPLIB trick preprocessing pass
+ **
+ **/
+#include "cvc4_private.h"
+#include "preprocessing/preprocessing_pass.h"
+#include "preprocessing/preprocessing_pass_context.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace preprocessing {
+namespace passes {
+class MipLibTrick : public PreprocessingPass, public NodeManagerListener
+ public:
+ MipLibTrick(PreprocessingPassContext* preprocContext);
+ ~MipLibTrick();
+ // NodeManagerListener callbacks to collect d_boolVars.
+ void nmNotifyNewVar(TNode n, uint32_t flags) override;
+ void nmNotifyNewSkolem(TNode n,
+ const std::string& comment,
+ uint32_t flags) override;
+ protected:
+ PreprocessingPassResult applyInternal(
+ AssertionPipeline* assertionsToPreprocess) override;
+ private:
+ struct Statistics
+ {
+ /** number of assertions removed by miplib pass */
+ IntStat d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved;
+ Statistics();
+ ~Statistics();
+ };
+ Statistics d_statistics;
+ std::vector<Node> d_boolVars;
+} // namespace passes
+} // namespace preprocessing
+} // namespace CVC4
SmtEngine* smt,
ResourceManager* resourceManager,
- RemoveTermFormulas* iteRemover)
- : d_smt(smt), d_resourceManager(resourceManager), d_iteRemover(iteRemover)
+ RemoveTermFormulas* iteRemover,
+ theory::booleans::CircuitPropagator* circuitPropagator)
+ : d_smt(smt),
+ d_resourceManager(resourceManager),
+ d_iteRemover(iteRemover),
+ d_circuitPropagator(circuitPropagator)
+void PreprocessingPassContext::enableIntegers()
+ LogicRequest req(*d_smt);
+ req.enableIntegers();
} // namespace preprocessing
} // namespace CVC4
#include "preprocessing/util/ite_utilities.h"
#include "smt/smt_engine.h"
#include "smt/term_formula_removal.h"
+#include "theory/booleans/circuit_propagator.h"
#include "theory/theory_engine.h"
#include "util/resource_manager.h"
class PreprocessingPassContext
- PreprocessingPassContext(SmtEngine* smt,
- ResourceManager* resourceManager,
- RemoveTermFormulas* iteRemover);
+ PreprocessingPassContext(
+ SmtEngine* smt,
+ ResourceManager* resourceManager,
+ RemoveTermFormulas* iteRemover,
+ theory::booleans::CircuitPropagator* circuitPropagator);
SmtEngine* getSmt() { return d_smt; }
TheoryEngine* getTheoryEngine() { return d_smt->d_theoryEngine; }
DecisionEngine* getDecisionEngine() { return d_smt->d_decisionEngine; }
context::Context* getDecisionContext() { return d_smt->d_context; }
RemoveTermFormulas* getIteRemover() { return d_iteRemover; }
+ theory::booleans::CircuitPropagator* getCircuitPropagator()
+ {
+ return d_circuitPropagator;
+ }
void spendResource(unsigned amount)
/* Widen the logic to include the given theory. */
void widenLogic(theory::TheoryId id);
+ /* Enable Integers. */
+ void enableIntegers();
/* Pointer to the SmtEngine that this context was created in. */
SmtEngine* d_smt;
/** Instance of the ITE remover */
RemoveTermFormulas* d_iteRemover;
+ /** Instance of the circuit propagator */
+ theory::booleans::CircuitPropagator* d_circuitPropagator;
}; // class PreprocessingPassContext
} // namespace preprocessing
+/** Enable Integers if not yet enabled. */
+void LogicRequest::enableIntegers()
+ if (!d_smt.d_logic.areIntegersUsed())
+ {
+ d_smt.d_logic = d_smt.d_logic.getUnlockedCopy();
+ d_smt.d_logic.enableIntegers();
+ d_smt.d_logic.lock();
+ }
}/* CVC4 namespace */
/** Widen the logic to include the given theory. */
void widenLogic(theory::TheoryId id);
+ /** Enable Integers. */
+ void enableIntegers();
};/* class LogicRequest */
}/* CVC4 namespace */
#include "preprocessing/passes/ite_removal.h"
#include "preprocessing/passes/ite_simp.h"
#include "preprocessing/passes/nl_ext_purify.h"
+#include "preprocessing/passes/miplib_trick.h"
#include "preprocessing/passes/pseudo_boolean_processor.h"
#include "preprocessing/passes/quantifier_macros.h"
#include "preprocessing/passes/quantifier_macros.h"
TimerStat d_definitionExpansionTime;
/** time spent in non-clausal simplification */
TimerStat d_nonclausalSimplificationTime;
- /** time spent in miplib pass */
- TimerStat d_miplibPassTime;
- /** number of assertions removed by miplib pass */
- IntStat d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved;
/** number of constant propagations found during nonclausal simp */
IntStat d_numConstantProps;
/** time spent in theory preprocessing */
SmtEngineStatistics() :
- d_miplibPassTime("smt::SmtEngine::miplibPassTime"),
- d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved("smt::SmtEngine::numMiplibAssertionsRemoved", 0),
d_numConstantProps("smt::SmtEngine::numConstantProps", 0),
- smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_miplibPassTime);
- smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved);
~SmtEngineStatistics() {
- smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_miplibPassTime);
- smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved);
/** A circuit propagator for non-clausal propositional deduction */
booleans::CircuitPropagator d_propagator;
- std::vector<Node> d_boolVars;
+ bool d_propagatorNeedsFinish;
/** Assertions in the preprocessing pipeline */
AssertionPipeline d_assertions;
bool checkForBadSkolems(TNode n, TNode skolem, NodeToBoolHashMap& cache);
- /**
- * Trace nodes back to their assertions using CircuitPropagator's
- * BackEdgesMap.
- */
- void traceBackToAssertions(const std::vector<Node>& nodes,
- std::vector<TNode>& assertions);
- /**
- * Remove conjuncts in toRemove from conjunction n. Return # of removed
- * conjuncts.
- */
- size_t removeFromConjunction(
- Node& n, const std::unordered_set<unsigned long>& toRemove);
- /** Scrub miplib encodings. */
- void doMiplibTrick();
* Perform non-clausal simplification of a Node. This involves
* Theory implementations, but does NOT involve the SAT solver in
if((flags & ExprManager::VAR_FLAG_DEFINED) == 0) {
d_smt.addToModelCommandAndDump(c, flags);
- if(n.getType().isBoolean() && !options::incrementalSolving()) {
- d_boolVars.push_back(n);
- }
void nmNotifyNewSkolem(TNode n,
if((flags & ExprManager::VAR_FLAG_DEFINED) == 0) {
d_smt.addToModelCommandAndDump(c, flags, false, "skolems");
- if(n.getType().isBoolean() && !options::incrementalSolving()) {
- d_boolVars.push_back(n);
- }
void nmNotifyDeleteNode(TNode n) override {}
void SmtEnginePrivate::finishInit()
- d_preprocessingPassContext.reset(
- new PreprocessingPassContext(&d_smt, d_resourceManager, &d_iteRemover));
+ d_preprocessingPassContext.reset(new PreprocessingPassContext(
+ &d_smt, d_resourceManager, &d_iteRemover, &d_propagator));
// TODO: register passes here (this will likely change when we add support for
// actually assembling preprocessing pipelines).
std::unique_ptr<ApplySubsts> applySubsts(
new ITESimp(d_preprocessingPassContext.get()));
std::unique_ptr<NlExtPurify> nlExtPurify(
new NlExtPurify(d_preprocessingPassContext.get()));
+ std::unique_ptr<MipLibTrick> mipLibTrick(
+ new MipLibTrick(d_preprocessingPassContext.get()));
std::unique_ptr<QuantifiersPreprocess> quantifiersPreprocess(
new QuantifiersPreprocess(d_preprocessingPassContext.get()));
std::unique_ptr<PseudoBooleanProcessor> pbProc(
d_preprocessingPassRegistry.registerPass("ite-simp", std::move(iteSimp));
+ d_preprocessingPassRegistry.registerPass("miplib-trick",
+ std::move(mipLibTrick));
return true;
-void SmtEnginePrivate::traceBackToAssertions(const std::vector<Node>& nodes, std::vector<TNode>& assertions) {
- const booleans::CircuitPropagator::BackEdgesMap& backEdges = d_propagator.getBackEdges();
- for(vector<Node>::const_iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i) {
- booleans::CircuitPropagator::BackEdgesMap::const_iterator j = backEdges.find(*i);
- // term must appear in map, otherwise how did we get here?!
- Assert(j != backEdges.end());
- // if term maps to empty, that means it's a top-level assertion
- if(!(*j).second.empty()) {
- traceBackToAssertions((*j).second, assertions);
- } else {
- assertions.push_back(*i);
- }
- }
-size_t SmtEnginePrivate::removeFromConjunction(Node& n, const std::unordered_set<unsigned long>& toRemove) {
- Assert(n.getKind() == kind::AND);
- size_t removals = 0;
- for(Node::iterator j = n.begin(); j != n.end(); ++j) {
- size_t subremovals = 0;
- Node sub = *j;
- if(toRemove.find(sub.getId()) != toRemove.end() ||
- (sub.getKind() == kind::AND && (subremovals = removeFromConjunction(sub, toRemove)) > 0)) {
- NodeBuilder<> b(kind::AND);
- b.append(n.begin(), j);
- if(subremovals > 0) {
- removals += subremovals;
- b << sub;
- } else {
- ++removals;
- }
- for(++j; j != n.end(); ++j) {
- if(toRemove.find((*j).getId()) != toRemove.end()) {
- ++removals;
- } else if((*j).getKind() == kind::AND) {
- sub = *j;
- if((subremovals = removeFromConjunction(sub, toRemove)) > 0) {
- removals += subremovals;
- b << sub;
- } else {
- b << *j;
- }
- } else {
- b << *j;
- }
- }
- if(b.getNumChildren() == 0) {
- n = d_true;
- b.clear();
- } else if(b.getNumChildren() == 1) {
- n = b[0];
- b.clear();
- } else {
- n = b;
- }
- n = Rewriter::rewrite(n);
- return removals;
- }
- }
- Assert(removals == 0);
- return 0;
-void SmtEnginePrivate::doMiplibTrick() {
- Assert(d_assertions.getRealAssertionsEnd() == d_assertions.size());
- Assert(!options::incrementalSolving());
- const booleans::CircuitPropagator::BackEdgesMap& backEdges = d_propagator.getBackEdges();
- unordered_set<unsigned long> removeAssertions;
- NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- Node zero = nm->mkConst(Rational(0)), one = nm->mkConst(Rational(1));
- SubstitutionMap& top_level_substs = d_assertions.getTopLevelSubstitutions();
- unordered_map<TNode, Node, TNodeHashFunction> intVars;
- for(vector<Node>::const_iterator i = d_boolVars.begin(); i != d_boolVars.end(); ++i) {
- if(d_propagator.isAssigned(*i)) {
- Debug("miplib") << "ineligible: " << *i << " because assigned " << d_propagator.getAssignment(*i) << endl;
- continue;
- }
- vector<TNode> assertions;
- booleans::CircuitPropagator::BackEdgesMap::const_iterator j = backEdges.find(*i);
- // if not in back edges map, the bool var is unconstrained, showing up in no assertions.
- // if maps to an empty vector, that means the bool var was asserted itself.
- if(j != backEdges.end()) {
- if(!(*j).second.empty()) {
- traceBackToAssertions((*j).second, assertions);
- } else {
- assertions.push_back(*i);
- }
- }
- Debug("miplib") << "for " << *i << endl;
- bool eligible = true;
- map<pair<Node, Node>, uint64_t> marks;
- map<pair<Node, Node>, vector<Rational> > coef;
- map<pair<Node, Node>, vector<Rational> > checks;
- map<pair<Node, Node>, vector<TNode> > asserts;
- for(vector<TNode>::const_iterator j = assertions.begin(); j != assertions.end(); ++j) {
- Debug("miplib") << " found: " << *j << endl;
- if((*j).getKind() != kind::IMPLIES) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (not =>)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- Node conj = BooleanSimplification::simplify((*j)[0]);
- if(conj.getKind() == kind::AND && conj.getNumChildren() > 6) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (N-ary /\\ too big)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- if(conj.getKind() != kind::AND && !conj.isVar() && !(conj.getKind() == kind::NOT && conj[0].isVar())) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (not /\\ or literal)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- if((*j)[1].getKind() != kind::EQUAL ||
- !( ( (*j)[1][0].isVar() &&
- (*j)[1][1].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL ) ||
- ( (*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL &&
- (*j)[1][1].isVar() ) )) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (=> (and X X) X)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- if(conj.getKind() == kind::AND) {
- vector<Node> posv;
- bool found_x = false;
- map<TNode, bool> neg;
- for(Node::iterator ii = conj.begin(); ii != conj.end(); ++ii) {
- if((*ii).isVar()) {
- posv.push_back(*ii);
- neg[*ii] = false;
- found_x = found_x || *i == *ii;
- } else if((*ii).getKind() == kind::NOT && (*ii)[0].isVar()) {
- posv.push_back((*ii)[0]);
- neg[(*ii)[0]] = true;
- found_x = found_x || *i == (*ii)[0];
- } else {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (non-var: " << *ii << ")" << endl;
- break;
- }
- if(d_propagator.isAssigned(posv.back())) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (" << posv.back() << " asserted)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!eligible) {
- break;
- }
- if(!found_x) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " --INELIGIBLE -- (couldn't find " << *i << " in conjunction)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- sort(posv.begin(), posv.end());
- const Node pos = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::AND, posv);
- const TNode var = ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL) ? (*j)[1][1] : (*j)[1][0];
- const pair<Node, Node> pos_var(pos, var);
- const Rational& constant = ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL) ? (*j)[1][0].getConst<Rational>() : (*j)[1][1].getConst<Rational>();
- uint64_t mark = 0;
- unsigned countneg = 0, thepos = 0;
- for(unsigned ii = 0; ii < pos.getNumChildren(); ++ii) {
- if(neg[pos[ii]]) {
- ++countneg;
- } else {
- thepos = ii;
- mark |= (0x1 << ii);
- }
- }
- if((marks[pos_var] & (1lu << mark)) != 0) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (remarked)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- Debug("miplib") << "mark is " << mark << " -- " << (1lu << mark) << endl;
- marks[pos_var] |= (1lu << mark);
- Debug("miplib") << "marks[" << pos << "," << var << "] now " << marks[pos_var] << endl;
- if(countneg == pos.getNumChildren()) {
- if(constant != 0) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (nonzero constant)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- } else if(countneg == pos.getNumChildren() - 1) {
- Assert(coef[pos_var].size() <= 6 && thepos < 6);
- if(coef[pos_var].size() <= thepos) {
- coef[pos_var].resize(thepos + 1);
- }
- coef[pos_var][thepos] = constant;
- } else {
- if(checks[pos_var].size() <= mark) {
- checks[pos_var].resize(mark + 1);
- }
- checks[pos_var][mark] = constant;
- }
- asserts[pos_var].push_back(*j);
- } else {
- TNode x = conj;
- if(x != *i && x != (*i).notNode()) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (x not present where I expect it)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- const bool xneg = (x.getKind() == kind::NOT);
- x = xneg ? x[0] : x;
- Debug("miplib") << " x:" << x << " " << xneg << endl;
- const TNode var = ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL) ? (*j)[1][1] : (*j)[1][0];
- const pair<Node, Node> x_var(x, var);
- const Rational& constant = ((*j)[1][0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL) ? (*j)[1][0].getConst<Rational>() : (*j)[1][1].getConst<Rational>();
- unsigned mark = (xneg ? 0 : 1);
- if((marks[x_var] & (1u << mark)) != 0) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (remarked)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- marks[x_var] |= (1u << mark);
- if(xneg) {
- if(constant != 0) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE -- (nonzero constant)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- Assert(coef[x_var].size() <= 6);
- coef[x_var].resize(6);
- coef[x_var][0] = constant;
- }
- asserts[x_var].push_back(*j);
- }
- }
- if(eligible) {
- for(map<pair<Node, Node>, uint64_t>::const_iterator j = marks.begin(); j != marks.end(); ++j) {
- const TNode pos = (*j).first.first;
- const TNode var = (*j).first.second;
- const pair<Node, Node>& pos_var = (*j).first;
- const uint64_t mark = (*j).second;
- const unsigned numVars = pos.getKind() == kind::AND ? pos.getNumChildren() : 1;
- uint64_t expected = (uint64_t(1) << (1 << numVars)) - 1;
- expected = (expected == 0) ? -1 : expected; // fix for overflow
- Debug("miplib") << "[" << pos << "] => " << hex << mark << " expect " << expected << dec << endl;
- Assert(pos.getKind() == kind::AND || pos.isVar());
- if(mark != expected) {
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE " << pos << " -- (insufficiently marked, got " << mark << " for " << numVars << " vars, expected " << expected << endl;
- } else {
- if(mark != 3) { // exclude single-var case; nothing to check there
- uint64_t sz = (uint64_t(1) << checks[pos_var].size()) - 1;
- sz = (sz == 0) ? -1 : sz; // fix for overflow
- Assert(sz == mark, "expected size %u == mark %u", sz, mark);
- for(size_t k = 0; k < checks[pos_var].size(); ++k) {
- if((k & (k - 1)) != 0) {
- Rational sum = 0;
- Debug("miplib") << k << " => " << checks[pos_var][k] << endl;
- for(size_t v = 1, kk = k; kk != 0; ++v, kk >>= 1) {
- if((kk & 0x1) == 1) {
- Assert(pos.getKind() == kind::AND);
- Debug("miplib") << "var " << v << " : " << pos[v - 1] << " coef:" << coef[pos_var][v - 1] << endl;
- sum += coef[pos_var][v - 1];
- }
- }
- Debug("miplib") << "checkSum is " << sum << " input says " << checks[pos_var][k] << endl;
- if(sum != checks[pos_var][k]) {
- eligible = false;
- Debug("miplib") << " -- INELIGIBLE " << pos << " -- (nonlinear combination)" << endl;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- Assert(checks[pos_var][k] == 0, "checks[(%s,%s)][%u] should be 0, but it's %s", pos.toString().c_str(), var.toString().c_str(), k, checks[pos_var][k].toString().c_str()); // we never set for single-positive-var
- }
- }
- }
- if(!eligible) {
- eligible = true; // next is still eligible
- continue;
- }
- Debug("miplib") << " -- ELIGIBLE " << *i << " , " << pos << " --" << endl;
- vector<Node> newVars;
- expr::NodeSelfIterator ii, iiend;
- if(pos.getKind() == kind::AND) {
- ii = pos.begin();
- iiend = pos.end();
- } else {
- ii = expr::NodeSelfIterator::self(pos);
- iiend = expr::NodeSelfIterator::selfEnd(pos);
- }
- for(; ii != iiend; ++ii) {
- Node& varRef = intVars[*ii];
- if(varRef.isNull()) {
- stringstream ss;
- ss << "mipvar_" << *ii;
- Node newVar = nm->mkSkolem(ss.str(), nm->integerType(), "a variable introduced due to scrubbing a miplib encoding", NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
- Node geq = Rewriter::rewrite(nm->mkNode(kind::GEQ, newVar, zero));
- Node leq = Rewriter::rewrite(nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, newVar, one));
- addFormula(Rewriter::rewrite(geq.andNode(leq)), false, false);
- SubstitutionMap nullMap(&d_fakeContext);
- Theory::PPAssertStatus status CVC4_UNUSED; // just for assertions
- status = d_smt.d_theoryEngine->solve(geq, nullMap);
- Assert(status == Theory::PP_ASSERT_STATUS_UNSOLVED,
- "unexpected solution from arith's ppAssert()");
- Assert(nullMap.empty(),
- "unexpected substitution from arith's ppAssert()");
- status = d_smt.d_theoryEngine->solve(leq, nullMap);
- Assert(status == Theory::PP_ASSERT_STATUS_UNSOLVED,
- "unexpected solution from arith's ppAssert()");
- Assert(nullMap.empty(),
- "unexpected substitution from arith's ppAssert()");
- d_smt.d_theoryEngine->getModel()->addSubstitution(*ii, newVar.eqNode(one));
- newVars.push_back(newVar);
- varRef = newVar;
- } else {
- newVars.push_back(varRef);
- }
- if(!d_smt.d_logic.areIntegersUsed()) {
- d_smt.d_logic = d_smt.d_logic.getUnlockedCopy();
- d_smt.d_logic.enableIntegers();
- d_smt.d_logic.lock();
- }
- }
- Node sum;
- if(pos.getKind() == kind::AND) {
- NodeBuilder<> sumb(kind::PLUS);
- for(size_t ii = 0; ii < pos.getNumChildren(); ++ii) {
- sumb << nm->mkNode(kind::MULT, nm->mkConst(coef[pos_var][ii]), newVars[ii]);
- }
- sum = sumb;
- } else {
- sum = nm->mkNode(kind::MULT, nm->mkConst(coef[pos_var][0]), newVars[0]);
- }
- Debug("miplib") << "vars[] " << var << endl
- << " eq " << Rewriter::rewrite(sum) << endl;
- Node newAssertion = var.eqNode(Rewriter::rewrite(sum));
- if (top_level_substs.hasSubstitution(newAssertion[0]))
- {
- // Warning() << "RE-SUBSTITUTION " << newAssertion[0] << endl;
- // Warning() << "REPLACE " << newAssertion[1] << endl;
- // Warning() << "ORIG " <<
- // top_level_substs.getSubstitution(newAssertion[0]) << endl;
- Assert(top_level_substs.getSubstitution(newAssertion[0])
- == newAssertion[1]);
- } else if(pos.getNumChildren() <= options::arithMLTrickSubstitutions()) {
- top_level_substs.addSubstitution(newAssertion[0], newAssertion[1]);
- Debug("miplib") << "addSubs: " << newAssertion[0] << " to " << newAssertion[1] << endl;
- } else {
- Debug("miplib") << "skipSubs: " << newAssertion[0] << " to " << newAssertion[1] << " (threshold is " << options::arithMLTrickSubstitutions() << ")" << endl;
- }
- newAssertion = Rewriter::rewrite(newAssertion);
- Debug("miplib") << " " << newAssertion << endl;
- addFormula(newAssertion, false, false);
- Debug("miplib") << " assertions to remove: " << endl;
- for(vector<TNode>::const_iterator k = asserts[pos_var].begin(), k_end = asserts[pos_var].end(); k != k_end; ++k) {
- Debug("miplib") << " " << *k << endl;
- removeAssertions.insert((*k).getId());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!removeAssertions.empty()) {
- Debug("miplib") << "SmtEnginePrivate::simplify(): scrubbing miplib encoding..." << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < d_assertions.getRealAssertionsEnd(); ++i)
- {
- if(removeAssertions.find(d_assertions[i].getId()) != removeAssertions.end()) {
- Debug("miplib") << "SmtEnginePrivate::simplify(): - removing " << d_assertions[i] << endl;
- d_assertions[i] = d_true;
- ++d_smt.d_stats->d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved;
- } else if(d_assertions[i].getKind() == kind::AND) {
- size_t removals = removeFromConjunction(d_assertions[i], removeAssertions);
- if(removals > 0) {
- Debug("miplib") << "SmtEnginePrivate::simplify(): - reduced " << d_assertions[i] << endl;
- Debug("miplib") << "SmtEnginePrivate::simplify(): - by " << removals << " conjuncts" << endl;
- d_smt.d_stats->d_numMiplibAssertionsRemoved += removals;
- }
- }
- Debug("miplib") << "had: " << d_assertions[i] << endl;
- d_assertions[i] =
- Rewriter::rewrite(top_level_substs.apply(d_assertions[i]));
- Debug("miplib") << "now: " << d_assertions[i] << endl;
- }
- } else {
- Debug("miplib") << "SmtEnginePrivate::simplify(): miplib pass found nothing." << endl;
- }
- d_assertions.updateRealAssertionsEnd();
// returns false if simplification led to "false"
bool SmtEnginePrivate::simplifyAssertions()
// re-simplification, which we don't expect to be useful anyway)
d_assertions.getRealAssertionsEnd() == d_assertions.size())
- Chat() << "...fixing miplib encodings..." << endl;
- Trace("simplify") << "SmtEnginePrivate::simplify(): "
- << "looking for miplib pseudobooleans..." << endl;
- TimerStat::CodeTimer miplibTimer(d_smt.d_stats->d_miplibPassTime);
- doMiplibTrick();
+ d_preprocessingPassRegistry.getPass("miplib-trick")
+ ->apply(&d_assertions);
} else {
Trace("simplify") << "SmtEnginePrivate::simplify(): "
<< "skipping miplib pseudobooleans pass (either incrementalSolving is on, or miplib pbs are turned off)..." << endl;