Whilst the bits within the GPRs and FPRs are expected to be MSB0-ordered
and for numbering to be sequentially incremental the element offset
numbering is naturally **LSB0-sequentially-incrementing from zero not
-MSB0-incrementing.** Expressed exclusively in MSB0-numbering, SVP64 is
+MSB0-incrementing.** When exclusively using MSB0-numbering, SVP64
becomes unnecessarily complex to both express and subsequently understand:
the required subtractions from 63,
-31, 15 and 7 unfortunately become a hostile minefield. Therefore for the
+31, 15 and 7 unfortunately become a hostile minefield, obscuring both
+intent and meaning. Therefore for the
purposes of this section the more natural **LSB0 numbering is assumed**
-and it is up to the reader to translate to MSB0 numbering.
+and it is left to the reader to translate to MSB0 numbering.
The Canonical specification for how element-sequential numbering and
element-width overrides is defined is expressed in the following c