+import warnings
from migen.fhdl.structure import *
from migen.fhdl.tools import insert_reset, rename_clock_domain
-class ModuleDecorator:
- def __init__(self, decorated):
- object.__setattr__(self, "_md_decorated", decorated)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return getattr(self._md_decorated, name)
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- return setattr(self._md_decorated, name, value)
+class ModuleTransformer:
+ # overload this in derived classes
+ def transform_instance(self, i):
+ pass
# overload this in derived classes
- def transform_fragment(self, f):
+ def transform_fragment(self, i, f):
- def get_fragment(self):
- f = self._md_decorated.get_fragment()
- self.transform_fragment(f)
- return f
- def __dir__(self):
- return dir(self._md_decorated)
-class DecorateModule:
- def __init__(self, decorator, *dec_args, **dec_kwargs):
- self.decorator = decorator
- self.dec_args = dec_args
- self.dec_kwargs = dec_kwargs
- def __call__(self, decorated):
- def dfinit(dfself, *args, **kwargs):
- self.decorator.__init__(dfself, decorated(*args, **kwargs),
- *self.dec_args, **self.dec_kwargs)
- typename = self.decorator.__name__ + "(" + decorated.__name__ + ")"
- return type(typename, (self.decorator,), dict(__init__=dfinit))
-class InsertControl(ModuleDecorator):
- def __init__(self, control_name, decorated, clock_domains=None):
- ModuleDecorator.__init__(self, decorated)
- object.__setattr__(self, "_ic_control_name", control_name)
- object.__setattr__(self, "_ic_clock_domains", clock_domains)
- if clock_domains is None:
- ctl = Signal(name=control_name)
- assert(not hasattr(decorated, control_name))
- object.__setattr__(self, control_name, ctl)
+ def wrap_class(self, victim):
+ class Wrapped(victim):
+ def __init__(i, *args, **kwargs):
+ victim.__init__(i, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.transform_instance(i)
+ def get_fragment(i):
+ f = victim.get_fragment(i)
+ self.transform_fragment(i, f)
+ return f
+ Wrapped.__name__ = victim.__name__
+ # "{}_{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, victim.__name__)
+ return Wrapped
+ def wrap_instance(self, victim):
+ self.transform_instance(victim)
+ orig_get_fragment = victim.get_fragment
+ def get_fragment():
+ f = orig_get_fragment()
+ self.transform_fragment(victim, f)
+ return f
+ victim.get_fragment = get_fragment
+ return victim
+ def __call__(self, victim):
+ try:
+ return self.wrap_class(victim)
+ except TypeError:
+ return self.wrap_instance(victim)
+ @classmethod
+ def adhoc(cls, i, *args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn("deprecated, use the plain transformer", DeprecationWarning)
+ return cls(*args, **kwargs)(i)
+def DecorateModule(transformer, *args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn("deprecated, use the plain transformer", DeprecationWarning)
+ return transformer.__self__(*args, **kwargs)
+class ControlInserter(ModuleTransformer):
+ control_name = None # override this
+ def __init__(self, clock_domains=None):
+ self.clock_domains = clock_domains
+ def transform_instance(self, i):
+ if self.clock_domains is None:
+ ctl = Signal(name=self.control_name)
+ assert not hasattr(i, self.control_name)
+ setattr(i, self.control_name, ctl)
- for cd in clock_domains:
- name = control_name + "_" + cd
+ for cd in self.clock_domains:
+ name = self.control_name + "_" + cd
ctl = Signal(name=name)
- assert(not hasattr(decorated, name))
- object.__setattr__(self, name, ctl)
+ assert not hasattr(i, name)
+ setattr(i, name, ctl)
- def transform_fragment(self, f):
- control_name = self._ic_control_name
- clock_domains = self._ic_clock_domains
- if clock_domains is None:
+ def transform_fragment(self, i, f):
+ if self.clock_domains is None:
if len(f.sync) != 1:
raise ValueError("Control signal clock domains must be specified when module has more than one domain")
cdn = list(f.sync.keys())[0]
- to_insert = [(getattr(self, control_name), cdn)]
+ to_insert = [(getattr(i, self.control_name), cdn)]
- to_insert = [(getattr(self, control_name+"_"+cdn), cdn) for cdn in clock_domains]
- self.transform_fragment_insert(f, to_insert)
+ to_insert = [(getattr(i, self.control_name + "_" + cdn), cdn)
+ for cdn in clock_domains]
+ self.transform_fragment_insert(i, f, to_insert)
-class InsertCE(InsertControl):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- InsertControl.__init__(self, "ce", *args, **kwargs)
+class CEInserter(ControlInserter):
+ control_name = "ce"
- def transform_fragment_insert(self, f, to_insert):
+ def transform_fragment_insert(self, i, f, to_insert):
for ce, cdn in to_insert:
f.sync[cdn] = [If(ce, *f.sync[cdn])]
-class InsertReset(InsertControl):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- InsertControl.__init__(self, "reset", *args, **kwargs)
+InsertCE = CEInserter.adhoc
+class ResetInserter(ControlInserter):
+ control_name = "reset"
- def transform_fragment_insert(self, f, to_insert):
+ def transform_fragment_insert(self, i, f, to_insert):
for reset, cdn in to_insert:
f.sync[cdn] = insert_reset(reset, f.sync[cdn])
-class RenameClockDomains(ModuleDecorator):
- def __init__(self, decorated, cd_remapping):
- ModuleDecorator.__init__(self, decorated)
+InsertReset = ResetInserter.adhoc
+class ClockDomainsRenamer(ModuleTransformer):
+ def __init__(self, cd_remapping):
if isinstance(cd_remapping, str):
cd_remapping = {"sys": cd_remapping}
- object.__setattr__(self, "_rc_cd_remapping", cd_remapping)
+ self.cd_remapping = cd_remapping
- def transform_fragment(self, f):
- for old, new in self._rc_cd_remapping.items():
+ def transform_fragment(self, i, f):
+ for old, new in self.cd_remapping.items():
rename_clock_domain(f, old, new)
+RenameClockDomains = ClockDomainsRenamer.adhoc