execute() and relevant stuffs.
void libresoc_CmdEndRenderPass(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.endRenderPass.commandId = EndRenderPassID;
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+void libresoc_CmdSetScissor(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ uint32_t firstScissor,
+ uint32_t scissorCount,
+ const VkRect2D* pScissors)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.setScissors.commandId = SetScissorsID;
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+void libresoc_CmdPushConstants(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ VkPipelineLayout layout,
+ VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags,
+ uint32_t offset,
+ uint32_t size,
+ const void* pValues)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.pushConstants.commandId = PushConstantsID;
+ cmd->command.pushConstants.offset = offset;
+ cmd->command.pushConstants.size = size;
+ memcpy(cmd->command.pushConstants.values, pValues, size);
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
void libresoc_CmdDraw(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstVertex,
uint32_t firstInstance)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.draw.commandId = DrawID;
+ cmd->command.draw.vertexCount = vertexCount;
+ cmd->command.draw.instanceCount = instanceCount;
+ cmd->command.draw.firstVertex = firstVertex;
+ cmd->command.draw.firstInstance = firstInstance;
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+void libresoc_CmdDrawIndexed(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ uint32_t indexCount,
+ uint32_t instanceCount,
+ uint32_t firstIndex,
+ int32_t vertexOffset,
+ uint32_t firstInstance)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.drawIndexed.commandId = DrawIndexedID;
+ cmd->command.drawIndexed.indexCount = indexCount;
+ cmd->command.drawIndexed.instanceCount = instanceCount;
+ cmd->command.drawIndexed.firstIndex = firstIndex;
+ cmd->command.drawIndexed.vertexOffset = vertexOffset;
+ cmd->command.drawIndexed.firstInstance = firstInstance;
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+void libresoc_CmdCopyBufferToImage(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ VkBuffer srcBuffer,
+ VkImage destImage,
+ VkImageLayout destImageLayout,
+ uint32_t regionCount,
+ const VkBufferImageCopy* pRegions)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ for(uint32_t r = 0; r < regionCount; r++)
+ {
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.copyBuf2Img.commandId = CopyBuf2ImgID;
+ cmd->command.copyBuf2Img.srcBuffer = srcBuffer;
+ cmd->command.copyBuf2Img.dstImage = destImage;
+ cmd->command.copyBuf2Img.region = pRegions[r];
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+ }
+void libresoc_CmdCopyBuffer(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ VkBuffer srcBuffer,
+ VkBuffer destBuffer,
+ uint32_t regionCount,
+ const VkBufferCopy* pRegions)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ for(uint32_t r = 0; r < regionCount; r++)
+ {
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.copyBuf.commandId = CopyBufID;
+ cmd->command.copyBuf.srcBuffer = srcBuffer;
+ cmd->command.copyBuf.dstBuffer = destBuffer;
+ cmd->command.copyBuf.region = pRegions[r];
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+ }
void libresoc_CmdBindPipeline(
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint,
VkPipeline _pipeline)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.bindPipeline.commandId = BindPipelineID;
+ cmd->command.bindPipeline.pipeline = _pipeline;
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+void libresoc_CmdBindDescriptorSets(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint,
+ VkPipelineLayout _layout,
+ uint32_t firstSet,
+ uint32_t descriptorSetCount,
+ const VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets,
+ uint32_t dynamicOffsetCount,
+ const uint32_t* pDynamicOffsets)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ for(int i=0; i < descriptorSetCount; ++i)
+ {
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.bindDescriptorSets.commandId = BindDescriptorSetsID;
+ cmd->command.bindDescriptorSets.idx = firstSet + i;
+ cmd->command.bindDescriptorSets.set = pDescriptorSets[i];
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+ }
+void libresoc_CmdBindVertexBuffers(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ uint32_t firstBinding,
+ uint32_t bindingCount,
+ const VkBuffer* pBuffers,
+ const VkDeviceSize* pOffsets)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ for(int i=0; i < bindingCount; ++i)
+ {
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.bindVB.commandId = BindVBID;
+ cmd->command.bindVB.slot = firstBinding + i;
+ cmd->command.bindVB.buffer = pBuffers[i];
+ cmd->command.bindVB.offset = pOffsets[i];
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
+ }
+void libresoc_CmdBindIndexBuffer(
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ VkBuffer buffer,
+ VkDeviceSize offset,
+ VkIndexType indexType)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.bindIB.commandId = BindIBID;
+ cmd->command.bindIB.buffer = buffer;
+ cmd->command.bindIB.offset = offset;
+ cmd->command.bindIB.indexType = indexType;
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
void libresoc_CmdBeginRenderPass(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkRenderPassBeginInfo* pRenderPassBegin,
VkSubpassContents contents)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct libresoc_cmd *cmd;
+ cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct libresoc_cmd), 8,
+ cmd->command.beginRenderPass.commandId = BeginRenderPassID;
+ cmd->command.beginRenderPass.renderPass = pRenderPassBegin->renderPass;
+ cmd->command.beginRenderPass.framebuffer = pRenderPassBegin->framebuffer;
+ size_t count = (pRenderPassBegin->clearValueCount < 8U) ? pRenderPassBegin->clearValueCount : 8U;
+ memcpy(&cmd->command.beginRenderPass.clearval, pRenderPassBegin->pClearValues,
+ sizeof(VkClearValue) * count);
+ list_addtail(&cmd->link, &cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
void libresoc_FreeCommandBuffers(
vk_object_base_init(&device->vk, &cmd_buffer->base,
- cmd_buffer->device = device;
- cmd_buffer->pool = pool;
- cmd_buffer->level = level;
- list_addtail(&cmd_buffer->pool_link, &pool->cmd_buffers);
- cmd_buffer->queue_family_index = pool->queue_family_index;
- // ring = libresoc_queue_family_to_ring(cmd_buffer->queue_family_index);
- // cmd_buffer->cs = device->ws->cs_create(device->ws, ring);
- // if (!cmd_buffer->cs) {
- // libresoc_destroy_cmd_buffer(cmd_buffer);
- // return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
- // }
+ cmd_buffer->device = device;
+ cmd_buffer->size = 0;
+ list_inithead(&cmd_buffer->cmd.link);
*pCommandBuffer = libresoc_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer);
- list_inithead(&cmd_buffer->upload.list);
return VK_SUCCESS;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < pAllocateInfo->commandBufferCount; i++) {
- if (!list_is_empty(&pool->free_cmd_buffers)) {
- struct libresoc_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer = list_first_entry(&pool->free_cmd_buffers, struct libresoc_cmd_buffer, pool_link);
- list_del(&cmd_buffer->pool_link);
- list_addtail(&cmd_buffer->pool_link, &pool->cmd_buffers);
- //result = libresoc_reset_cmd_buffer(cmd_buffer);
- cmd_buffer->level = pAllocateInfo->level;
- pCommandBuffers[i] = libresoc_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer);
- } else {
- result = libresoc_create_cmd_buffer(device, pool, pAllocateInfo->level,
- &pCommandBuffers[i]);
- }
- if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
- break;
+ result = libresoc_create_cmd_buffer(device, pool, pAllocateInfo->level,
+ &pCommandBuffers[i]);
+ if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
+ break;
// if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
VkResult result = VK_SUCCESS;
- // memset(&cmd_buffer->state, 0, sizeof(cmd_buffer->state));
- // cmd_buffer->state.last_primitive_reset_en = -1;
- // cmd_buffer->state.last_index_type = -1;
- // cmd_buffer->state.last_num_instances = -1;
- // cmd_buffer->state.last_vertex_offset = -1;
- // cmd_buffer->state.last_first_instance = -1;
- // cmd_buffer->state.predication_type = -1;
- // cmd_buffer->state.last_sx_ps_downconvert = -1;
- // cmd_buffer->state.last_sx_blend_opt_epsilon = -1;
- // cmd_buffer->state.last_sx_blend_opt_control = -1;
- cmd_buffer->usage_flags = pBeginInfo->flags;
- // if (cmd_buffer->level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_SECONDARY &&
- // assert(pBeginInfo->pInheritanceInfo);
- // cmd_buffer->state.framebuffer = libresoc_framebuffer_from_handle(pBeginInfo->pInheritanceInfo->framebuffer);
- // cmd_buffer->state.pass = libresoc_render_pass_from_handle(pBeginInfo->pInheritanceInfo->renderPass);
- // struct libresoc_subpass *subpass =
- // &cmd_buffer->state.pass->subpasses[pBeginInfo->pInheritanceInfo->subpass];
- // if (cmd_buffer->state.framebuffer) {
- // result = libresoc_cmd_state_setup_attachments(cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer->state.pass, NULL);
- // if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
- // return result;
- // }
- // cmd_buffer->state.inherited_pipeline_statistics =
- // pBeginInfo->pInheritanceInfo->pipelineStatistics;
- // libresoc_cmd_buffer_set_subpass(cmd_buffer, subpass);
- // }
- // if (unlikely(cmd_buffer->device->trace_bo))
- // libresoc_cmd_buffer_trace_emit(cmd_buffer);
-// libresoc_describe_begin_cmd_buffer(cmd_buffer);
return result;
const VkImageMemoryBarrier* pImageMemoryBarriers)
// LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
- // struct libresoc_barrier_info info;
- // info.eventCount = 0;
- // info.pEvents = NULL;
- // info.srcStageMask = srcStageMask;
- // info.dstStageMask = destStageMask;
- // libresoc_barrier(cmd_buffer, memoryBarrierCount, pMemoryBarriers,
- // bufferMemoryBarrierCount, pBufferMemoryBarriers,
- // imageMemoryBarrierCount, pImageMemoryBarriers, &info);
+ // struct PipelineBarrier *cmd;
+ // cmd = vk_alloc(&cmd_buffer->device->vk.alloc, sizeof(struct PipelineBarrier), 8,
+ // cmd->commandId = PipelineBarrierID;
+ // if (list_is_empty(&cmd_buffer->list)) {
+ // list_inithead(&cmd);
+ // } else {
+ // list_addtail(&cmd, &cmd_buffer->list);
+ // }
+ // cmd_buffer->size += sizeof(struct PipelineBarrier);
VkResult libresoc_EndCommandBuffer(
- return cmd_buffer->record_result;
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
uint32_t signal_value_count;
+static uint32_t libresoc_surface_max_layer_count(struct libresoc_image_view *iview)
+ return iview->type == VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_3D ? iview->extent.depth : (iview->base_layer + iview->layer_count);
libresoc_free_memory(struct libresoc_device *device,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
struct libresoc_device_memory *mem;
VkResult result;
- uint32_t flags = 0;
+ // uint32_t flags = 0;
const VkImportMemoryFdInfoKHR *import_info =
vk_find_struct_const(pAllocateInfo->pNext, IMPORT_MEMORY_FD_INFO_KHR);
- const VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo *dedicate_info =
- vk_find_struct_const(pAllocateInfo->pNext, MEMORY_DEDICATED_ALLOCATE_INFO);
- const VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo *export_info =
- vk_find_struct_const(pAllocateInfo->pNext, EXPORT_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO);
+ // const VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo *dedicate_info =
+ // vk_find_struct_const(pAllocateInfo->pNext, MEMORY_DEDICATED_ALLOCATE_INFO);
+ // const VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo *export_info =
+ // vk_find_struct_const(pAllocateInfo->pNext, EXPORT_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO);
const VkImportMemoryHostPointerInfoEXT *host_ptr_info =
vk_find_struct_const(pAllocateInfo->pNext, IMPORT_MEMORY_HOST_POINTER_INFO_EXT);
- const struct wsi_memory_allocate_info *wsi_info =
- vk_find_struct_const(pAllocateInfo->pNext, WSI_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO_MESA);
+ // const struct wsi_memory_allocate_info *wsi_info =
+ // vk_find_struct_const(pAllocateInfo->pNext, WSI_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO_MESA);
mem = vk_zalloc2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, sizeof(*mem), 8,
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 *pProperties)
- LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_physical_device, pdevice, physicalDevice);
+ // LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_physical_device, pdevice, physicalDevice);
libresoc_GetPhysicalDeviceProperties(physicalDevice, &pProperties->properties);
//TODO: add more stuffs when required
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 *pFeatures)
- LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_physical_device, pdevice, physicalDevice);
+ // LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_physical_device, pdevice, physicalDevice);
libresoc_GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures(physicalDevice, &pFeatures->features);
return libresoc_BindImageMemory2(device, 1, &info);
-static VkResult libresoc_queue_submit(struct libresoc_queue *queue,
- const struct libresoc_queue_submission *submission)
- return VK_SUCCESS;
+// static VkResult libresoc_queue_submit(struct libresoc_queue *queue,
+// const struct libresoc_queue_submission *submission)
+// {
+// return VK_SUCCESS;
// struct libresoc_deferred_queue_submission *deferred = NULL;
// VkResult result = libresoc_create_deferred_submission(queue, submission, &deferred);
// return result;
// }
// return libresoc_process_submissions(&processing_list);
+// }
/* Signals fence as soon as all the work currently put on queue is done. */
-static VkResult libresoc_signal_fence(struct libresoc_queue *queue,
- VkFence fence)
+// static VkResult libresoc_signal_fence(struct libresoc_queue *queue,
+// VkFence fence)
+// {
+// return libresoc_queue_submit(queue, &(struct libresoc_queue_submission) {
+// .fence = fence
+// });
+// }
+// static bool libresoc_submit_has_effects(const VkSubmitInfo *info)
+// {
+// return info->commandBufferCount ||
+// info->waitSemaphoreCount ||
+// info->signalSemaphoreCount;
+// }
+static int double_triarea(const struct int4 *a, const struct int4 *b, const struct int4 *c)
+ return (b->x - a->x) * (c->y - a->y) - (b->y - a->y) * (c->x - a->x);
+static void MinMax(struct int4 *coords, struct int4 *minwin, struct int4 *maxwin)
- return libresoc_queue_submit(queue, &(struct libresoc_queue_submission) {
- .fence = fence
- });
+ minwin->x = INT_MAX;
+ minwin->y = INT_MAX;
+ minwin->z = INT_MAX;
+ minwin->w = INT_MAX;
+ maxwin->x = INT_MIN;
+ maxwin->y = INT_MIN;
+ maxwin->z = INT_MIN;
+ maxwin->w = INT_MIN;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+ {
+ minwin->v[c] = (minwin->v[c] < coords[i].v[c]) ? minwin->v[c] : coords[i].v[c];
+ maxwin->v[c] = (maxwin->v[c] > coords[i].v[c]) ? maxwin->v[c] : coords[i].v[c];
+ }
+ }
-static bool libresoc_submit_has_effects(const VkSubmitInfo *info)
+static float clamp01(float in)
- return info->commandBufferCount ||
- info->waitSemaphoreCount ||
- info->signalSemaphoreCount;
+ return in > 1.0f ? 1.0f : (in < 0.0f ? 0.0f : in);
+static void ProcessTriangles(struct TriangleWork *work)
+ struct GPUState *state = work->state;
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_image, img, state->col[0]);
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_pipeline, pipeline, state->pipeline);
+ const uint32_t w = img->width;
+ const uint32_t h = img->height;
+ byte *bytes = img->bytes;
+ for(int y = work->minwin.y; y < work->maxwin.y; y++)
+ {
+ for(int x = work->minwin.x; x < work->maxwin.x; x++)
+ {
+ const int PAx = work->tri[0].x - x;
+ const int PAy = work->tri[0].y - y;
+ const int ux = (work->ACx * PAy) - (work->ACy * PAx);
+ const int uy = (PAx * work->ABy) - (PAy * work->ABx);
+ struct int4 b;
+ b.x = (work->area2 - (ux + uy));
+ b.y = ux;
+ b.z = uy;
+ b.w = 0;
+ if (b.x >= 0 && b.y >= 0 && b.z >= 0)
+ {
+ struct float4 n;
+ n.x = (float)b.x;
+ n.y = (float)b.y;
+ n.z = (float)b.z;
+ n.w = 0.0f;
+ float pixdepth = n.x * work->depth.x + n.y * work->depth.y + n.z * work->depth.z;
+ n.x *= work->invw.x;
+ n.y *= work->invw.y;
+ n.z *= work->invw.z;
+ float invlen = 1.0f / (n.x + n.y + n.z);
+ n.x *= invlen;
+ n.y *= invlen;
+ n.z *= invlen;
+ struct float4 pix;
+ const int bpp = 4;
+ pipeline->fs(state, pixdepth, &n, work->vsout, &pix);
+ bytes[(y * w + x) * bpp + 2] = (byte)(clamp01(pix.x) * 255.0f);
+ bytes[(y * w + x) * bpp + 1] = (byte)(clamp01(pix.y) * 255.0f);
+ bytes[(y * w + x) * bpp + 0] = (byte)(clamp01(pix.z) * 255.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static uint32_t GetIndex(struct GPUState *state, uint32_t vertexIndex, bool indexed)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_buffer, buf, state->ib.buffer);
+ if(!indexed)
+ return vertexIndex;
+ const byte *ib = buf->bytes + state->ib.offset;
+ if(state->ib.indexType == VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT16)
+ {
+ uint16_t *i16 = (uint16_t *)ib;
+ i16 += vertexIndex;
+ return *i16;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32_t *i32 = (uint32_t *)ib;
+ i32 += vertexIndex;
+ return *i32;
+ }
+static void ClearTarget(VkImage target, const VkClearColorValue *col)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_image, img, target);
+ byte *bits = img->bytes;
+ const uint32_t w = img->width;
+ const uint32_t h = img->height;
+ const uint32_t bpp = 4;
+ byte eval[4];
+ eval[2] = (byte)(col->float32[0] * 255.0f);
+ eval[1] = (byte)(col->float32[1] * 255.0f);
+ eval[0] = (byte)(col->float32[2] * 255.0f);
+ eval[3] = (byte)(col->float32[3] * 255.0f);
+ if(bpp == 1)
+ {
+ memset(bits, eval[2], w * h);
+ }
+ else if(bpp == 4)
+ {
+ for(uint32_t y = 0; y < h; y++)
+ {
+ for(uint32_t x = 0; x < w; x++)
+ {
+ memcpy(&bits[(y * w + x) * bpp], eval, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void DrawTriangles(struct GPUState *state, int numVerts, uint32_t first, bool indexed)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_image, img, state->col[0]);
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_pipeline, pipeline, state->pipeline);
+ const uint32_t w = img->width;
+ const uint32_t h = img->height;
+ struct VertexCacheEntry *vertices;
+ vertices = (struct VertexCacheEntry *)malloc(sizeof(struct VertexCacheEntry) * numVerts);
+ int lastVert = numVerts - 3;
+ uint32_t vertexIndex = first;
+ // Shed Triangles
+ struct VertexCacheEntry tri[4];
+ // For now we support only VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_LIST
+ for(int v = 0; v <= lastVert; v += 3)
+ {
+ pipeline->vs(state, GetIndex(state, vertexIndex, indexed), &tri[0]);
+ vertexIndex++;
+ pipeline->vs(state, GetIndex(state, vertexIndex, indexed), &tri[1]);
+ vertexIndex++;
+ pipeline->vs(state, GetIndex(state, vertexIndex, indexed), &tri[2]);
+ vertexIndex++;
+ vertices[v] = tri[0];
+ vertices[v + 1] = tri[1];
+ vertices[v + 2] = tri[2];
+ }
+ struct int4 *winCords;
+ winCords = (struct int4 *)malloc(sizeof(struct int4) * numVerts);
+ // ToWindow
+ for(int v =0; v <= lastVert; ++v)
+ {
+ struct int4 win;
+ win.x = (int)((vertices[v].position.x / vertices[v].position.w + 1.0f) * 0.5f * w);
+ win.y = (int)((vertices[v].position.y * -1.0f / vertices[v].position.w + 1.0f) * 0.5f * h);
+ winCords[v] = win;
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i <= lastVert; i += 3)
+ {
+ // culling can be done here
+ int area2 = double_triarea(&winCords[i + 0], &winCords[i + 1], &winCords[i + 2]);
+ int area2_flipped = area2;
+ struct TriangleWork work;
+ struct int4 minwin, maxwin;
+ MinMax(&winCords[i], &minwin, &maxwin);
+ minwin.x = (0 > minwin.x) ? 0 : minwin.x;
+ minwin.y = (0 > minwin.y) ? 0 : minwin.y;
+ maxwin.x = ((int)(w - 1) < maxwin.x) ? (int)(w - 1) : maxwin.x;
+ maxwin.y = ((int)(h - 1) < maxwin.y) ? (int)(h - 1) : maxwin.y;
+ work.state = state;
+ work.ABx = winCords[i + 1].x - winCords[i + 0].x;
+ work.ABy = winCords[i + 1].y - winCords[i + 0].y;
+ work.ACx = winCords[i + 2].x - winCords[i + 0].x;
+ work.ACy = winCords[i + 2].y - winCords[i + 0].y;
+ work.vsout = &vertices[i];
+ work.tri = &winCords[i];
+ // work.barymul = barymul;
+ work.area2 = area2;
+ work.invarea = 1.0f / (float)(area2_flipped);
+ work.invw.x = 1.0f / vertices[i + 0].position.w;
+ work.invw.y = 1.0f / vertices[i + 1].position.w;
+ work.invw.z = 1.0f / vertices[i + 2].position.w;
+ work.invw.w = 0.0f;
+ work.depth.x = vertices[i + 0].position.z * work.invw.x;
+ work.depth.y = vertices[i + 1].position.z * work.invw.y;
+ work.depth.z = vertices[i + 2].position.z * work.invw.z;
+ work.depth.w = 0.0f;
+ const int blockSize = 32;
+ int xblocks = 1 + (maxwin.x - minwin.x) / blockSize;
+ int yblocks = 1 + (maxwin.y - minwin.y) / blockSize;
+ {
+ for(int x = 0; x < xblocks; x++)
+ {
+ for(int y = 0; y < yblocks; y++)
+ {
+ work.minwin = minwin;
+ work.minwin.x += blockSize * x;
+ work.minwin.y += blockSize * y;
+ work.maxwin.x = (maxwin.x < work.minwin.x + blockSize) ? maxwin.x : work.minwin.x + blockSize;
+ work.maxwin.y = (maxwin.y < work.minwin.y + blockSize) ? maxwin.y : work.minwin.y + blockSize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // rasterize
+ ProcessTriangles(&work);
+ }
+static void execute(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ struct GPUState state = {0};
+ list_for_each_entry(struct libresoc_cmd, lcmd,
+ &cmd_buffer->cmd.link, link) {
+ int *commandId = (int *)&lcmd->command;
+ switch (*commandId) {
+ case BeginRenderPassID:
+ {
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_render_pass, render_pass, lcmd->command.beginRenderPass.renderPass);
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_framebuffer, frame_buffer, lcmd->command.beginRenderPass.framebuffer);
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_image, img, state.col[0]);
+ struct libresoc_subpass subpass = render_pass->subpasses[0];
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment attachment = subpass.attachments[0];
+ state.col[0] = (struct VkImage_T *)frame_buffer->attachments[attachment.attachment]->image;
+ int clearIdx = 0;
+ if(attachment.clear)
+ {
+ ClearTarget(state.col[0], &lcmd->command.beginRenderPass.clearval[clearIdx++].color);
+ }
+ // VkRenderPass_T::Attachment &depth = subpass.depthAttachment;
+ // if(depth.idx >= 0)
+ // {
+ // state.depth = data.framebuffer->attachments[depth.idx]->image;
+ // if(depth.clear)
+ // {
+ // ClearTarget(state.depth, data.clearval[clearIdx++].depthStencil);
+ // }
+ // }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EndRenderPassID:
+ {
+ state.col[0] = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ break;
+ }
+ case BindPipelineID:
+ {
+ state.pipeline = lcmd->command.bindPipeline.pipeline;
+ break;
+ }
+ case BindDescriptorSetsID:
+ {
+ state.sets[lcmd->command.bindDescriptorSets.idx] = lcmd->command.bindDescriptorSets.set;
+ break;
+ }
+ case BindVBID:
+ {
+ state.vbs[lcmd->command.bindVB.slot].buffer = lcmd->command.bindVB.buffer;
+ state.vbs[lcmd->command.bindVB.slot].offset = lcmd->command.bindVB.offset;
+ break;
+ }
+ case BindIBID:
+ {
+ state.ib.buffer = lcmd->command.bindIB.buffer;
+ state.ib.offset = lcmd->command.bindIB.offset;
+ state.ib.indexType = lcmd->command.bindIB.indexType;
+ break;
+ }
+ case SetViewportID:
+ {
+ state.view = lcmd->command.setViewport.view;
+ break;
+ }
+ case SetScissorsID:
+ break;
+ case PushConstantsID:
+ {
+ memcpy(state.pushconsts + lcmd->command.pushConstants.offset,
+ lcmd->command.pushConstants.values,
+ lcmd->command.pushConstants.size);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DrawID:
+ {
+ DrawTriangles(&state, lcmd->command.draw.vertexCount, lcmd->command.draw.firstVertex, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DrawIndexedID:
+ break;
+ case CopyBuf2ImgID:
+ break;
+ case CopyBufID:
+ break;
+ case PipelineBarrierID:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
VkResult libresoc_QueueSubmit(
const VkSubmitInfo* pSubmits,
VkFence fence)
- LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_queue, queue, _queue);
- VkResult result;
- uint32_t fence_idx = 0;
- bool flushed_caches = false;
- if (fence != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < submitCount; ++i)
- if (libresoc_submit_has_effects(pSubmits + i))
- fence_idx = i;
- } else
- fence_idx = UINT32_MAX;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < submitCount; i++) {
- if (!libresoc_submit_has_effects(pSubmits + i) && fence_idx != i)
- continue;
- VkPipelineStageFlags wait_dst_stage_mask = 0;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < pSubmits[i].waitSemaphoreCount; ++j) {
- wait_dst_stage_mask |= pSubmits[i].pWaitDstStageMask[j];
- }
- const VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo *timeline_info =
- vk_find_struct_const(pSubmits[i].pNext, TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_SUBMIT_INFO);
- result = libresoc_queue_submit(queue, &(struct libresoc_queue_submission) {
- .cmd_buffers = pSubmits[i].pCommandBuffers,
- .cmd_buffer_count = pSubmits[i].commandBufferCount,
- .wait_dst_stage_mask = wait_dst_stage_mask,
- .flush_caches = !flushed_caches,
- .wait_semaphores = pSubmits[i].pWaitSemaphores,
- .wait_semaphore_count = pSubmits[i].waitSemaphoreCount,
- .signal_semaphores = pSubmits[i].pSignalSemaphores,
- .signal_semaphore_count = pSubmits[i].signalSemaphoreCount,
- .fence = i == fence_idx ? fence : VK_NULL_HANDLE,
- .wait_values = timeline_info ? timeline_info->pWaitSemaphoreValues : NULL,
- .wait_value_count = timeline_info && timeline_info->pWaitSemaphoreValues ? timeline_info->waitSemaphoreValueCount : 0,
- .signal_values = timeline_info ? timeline_info->pSignalSemaphoreValues : NULL,
- .signal_value_count = timeline_info && timeline_info->pSignalSemaphoreValues ? timeline_info->signalSemaphoreValueCount : 0,
- });
- if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
- return result;
- flushed_caches = true;
- }
- if (fence != VK_NULL_HANDLE && !submitCount) {
- result = libresoc_signal_fence(queue, fence);
- if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
- return result;
- }
- return VK_SUCCESS;
+ // LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_queue, queue, _queue);
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < submitCount; i++)
+ {
+ for(uint32_t c = 0; c < pSubmits[i].commandBufferCount; c++)
+ {
+ execute(pSubmits[i].pCommandBuffers[c]);
+ }
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
VkResult libresoc_CreateFence(
VkFence* pFence)
LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
- const VkExportFenceCreateInfo *export =
- vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, EXPORT_FENCE_CREATE_INFO);
- VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags handleTypes =
- export ? export->handleTypes : 0;
+ // const VkExportFenceCreateInfo *export =
+ // vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, EXPORT_FENCE_CREATE_INFO);
+ // VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags handleTypes =
+ // export ? export->handleTypes : 0;
struct libresoc_fence *fence;
fence = vk_zalloc2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, sizeof(*fence), 8,
VkDevice _device,
VkDeviceMemory _memory)
- LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
+ // LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device_memory, mem, _memory);
if (mem == NULL)
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkFramebuffer* pFramebuffer)
- //TODO: stub
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
+ struct libresoc_framebuffer *framebuffer;
+ const VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo *imageless_create_info =
+ vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext,
+ size_t size = sizeof(*framebuffer);
+ if (!imageless_create_info)
+ size += sizeof(struct libresoc_image_view*) * pCreateInfo->attachmentCount;
+ framebuffer = vk_alloc2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, size, 8,
+ if (framebuffer == NULL)
+ return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ vk_object_base_init(&device->vk, &framebuffer->base,
+ framebuffer->attachment_count = pCreateInfo->attachmentCount;
+ framebuffer->width = pCreateInfo->width;
+ framebuffer->height = pCreateInfo->height;
+ framebuffer->layers = pCreateInfo->layers;
+ if (imageless_create_info) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < imageless_create_info->attachmentImageInfoCount; ++i) {
+ const VkFramebufferAttachmentImageInfo *attachment =
+ imageless_create_info->pAttachmentImageInfos + i;
+ framebuffer->width = MIN2(framebuffer->width, attachment->width);
+ framebuffer->height = MIN2(framebuffer->height, attachment->height);
+ framebuffer->layers = MIN2(framebuffer->layers, attachment->layerCount);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->attachmentCount; i++) {
+ VkImageView _iview = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i];
+ struct libresoc_image_view *iview = libresoc_image_view_from_handle(_iview);
+ framebuffer->attachments[i] = iview;
+ framebuffer->width = MIN2(framebuffer->width, iview->extent.width);
+ framebuffer->height = MIN2(framebuffer->height, iview->extent.height);
+ framebuffer->layers = MIN2(framebuffer->layers, libresoc_surface_max_layer_count(iview));
+ }
+ }
+ *pFramebuffer = libresoc_framebuffer_to_handle(framebuffer);
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+VkResult libresoc_CreateBuffer(
+ VkDevice _device,
+ const VkBufferCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
+ VkBuffer* pBuffer)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
+ struct libresoc_buffer *buffer;
+ buffer = vk_alloc2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, sizeof(*buffer), 8,
+ if (buffer == NULL)
+ return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ vk_object_base_init(&device->vk, &buffer->base, VK_OBJECT_TYPE_BUFFER);
+ buffer->size = pCreateInfo->size;
+ buffer->bytes = NULL;
+ *pBuffer = libresoc_buffer_to_handle(buffer);
return VK_SUCCESS;
void libresoc_DestroyBuffer(
VkDevice _device,
VkBuffer _buffer,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator)
+void libresoc_GetBufferMemoryRequirements(
+ VkDevice _device,
+ VkBuffer _buffer,
+ VkMemoryRequirements* pMemoryRequirements)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_buffer, buffer, _buffer);
+ pMemoryRequirements->memoryTypeBits = (1u << device->physical_device->memory_properties.memoryTypeCount) - 1;
+ pMemoryRequirements->alignment = 16;
+ pMemoryRequirements->size = align64(buffer->size, pMemoryRequirements->alignment);
+VkResult libresoc_BindBufferMemory(
+ VkDevice device,
+ VkBuffer _buffer,
+ VkDeviceMemory _memory,
+ VkDeviceSize memoryOffset)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_buffer, buffer, _buffer);
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device_memory, memory, _memory);
+ buffer->bytes = memory->bytes + memoryOffset;
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
void libresoc_DestroyFence(
VkDevice _device,
VkFence _fence,
void libresoc_GetImageSubresourceLayout(
VkDevice _device,
VkImage _image,
LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_image, image, _image);
pLayout->size = image->size;
- pLayout->rowPitch = image->width;
+ pLayout->rowPitch = image->width * 4;
const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator,
VkImageView *pView)
- //TODO: stub
- return VK_SUCCESS;
- // LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
- // struct libresoc_image_view *view;
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_image, image, pCreateInfo->image);
+ struct libresoc_image_view *view;
- // view = vk_alloc2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, sizeof(*view), 8,
- // if (view == NULL)
- // return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ view = vk_alloc2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, sizeof(*view), 8,
+ if (view == NULL)
+ return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ vk_object_base_init(&device->vk, &view->base,
- // vk_object_base_init(&device->vk, &view->base,
- // libresoc_image_view_init(view, device, pCreateInfo, NULL);
+ view->image = image;
+ view->type = pCreateInfo->viewType;
+ view->vk_format = pCreateInfo->format;
+ view->extent.width = image->width;
+ view->extent.height = image->height;
- // *pView = libresoc_image_view_to_handle(view);
+ *pView = libresoc_image_view_to_handle(view);
- // return VK_SUCCESS;
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
libresoc_DestroyImage(VkDevice _device, VkImage _image,
//TODO: this is zero argument function and returns void
LLVMTypeRef main_function_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, arg_types, ctx.args.arg_count, 0);
- LLVMValueRef main_function = LLVMAddFunction(mod, "main_function", main_function_type);
+ LLVMValueRef main_function = LLVMAddFunction(mod, gl_shader_stage_name(nir->info.stage), main_function_type);
LLVMBasicBlockRef main_function_body =
LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(ctx.lc.context, main_function, "main_body");
LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(ctx.lc.builder, main_function_body);
0, NULL,
if (disasm) {
-LLVMOrcTargetAddress MainAddr;
-LLVMOrcGetSymbolAddress(llvm_ref->orc_ref, &MainAddr ,"main_function");
- const uint8_t *bytes = (const uint8_t *)MainAddr;
- char outline[1024];
-uint64_t pc;
- pc = 0;
-uint64_t extent = 200;
- while (pc < extent) {
- size_t Size;
- /*
- * Print address. We use addresses relative to the start of the function,
- * so that between runs.
- */
- Size = LLVMDisasmInstruction(disasm, (uint8_t *)bytes + pc, extent - pc, 0, outline,
- sizeof outline);
- /*
- * Print the instruction.
- */
- printf("\t%s \n", outline);
- /*
- * Stop disassembling on return statements, if there is no record of a
- * jump to a successive address.
- *
- * XXX: This currently assumes x86
- */
- if (Size == 1 && bytes[pc] == 0xc3) {
- break;
- }
+ LLVMOrcTargetAddress MainAddr;
+ LLVMOrcGetSymbolAddress(llvm_ref->orc_ref, &MainAddr ,gl_shader_stage_name(nir->info.stage));
+ // if(nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX)
+ // {
+ // pipeline->vs = (VertexShader)MainAddr;
+ // }
+ // else if(nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)
+ // {
+ // pipeline->fs = (FragmentShader)MainAddr;
+ // }
+ const uint8_t *bytes = (const uint8_t *)MainAddr;
+ char outline[1024];
+ uint64_t pc;
+ pc = 0;
+ uint64_t extent = 200;
+ while (pc < extent) {
+ size_t Size;
+ /*
+ * Print address. We use addresses relative to the start of the function,
+ * so that between runs.
+ */
+ Size = LLVMDisasmInstruction(disasm, (uint8_t *)bytes + pc, extent - pc, 0, outline,
+ sizeof outline);
+ /*
+ * Print the instruction.
+ */
+ printf("\t%s \n", outline);
+ /*
+ * Stop disassembling on return statements, if there is no record of a
+ * jump to a successive address.
+ *
+ * XXX: This currently assumes x86
+ */
+ if (Size == 1 && bytes[pc] == 0xc3) {
+ break;
+ }
- /*
- * Advance.
- */
+ /*
+ * Advance.
+ */
- pc += Size;
+ pc += Size;
- if (pc >= extent) {
- break;
- }
- }
+ if (pc >= extent) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
return mod;
// LLVMModuleRef mod = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("libresoc_mod");
// orc_sym_resolver,
// (void *)(llvm_ref->orc_ref));
+Shader GetFuncPointer(struct libresoc_llvm *llvm_ref, const char *name) {
+ LLVMOrcTargetAddress MainAddr;
+ LLVMOrcGetSymbolAddress(llvm_ref->orc_ref, &MainAddr , name);
+ return (Shader)MainAddr;
#include "nir/nir_deref.h"
#include <float.h>
+typedef void (*Shader)();
struct nir_shader *nir, struct nir_variable *variable,
gl_shader_stage stage);
LLVMModuleRef libresoc_nir_translate(struct libresoc_llvm *llvm_ref, struct nir_shader *nir);
+Shader GetFuncPointer(struct libresoc_llvm *llvm_ref, const char *name);
#include "libresoc_private.h"
void libresoc_CmdClearColorImage(
- VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
- VkImage image_h,
- VkImageLayout imageLayout,
- const VkClearColorValue* pColor,
- uint32_t rangeCount,
- const VkImageSubresourceRange* pRanges)
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ VkImage image_h,
+ VkImageLayout imageLayout,
+ const VkClearColorValue* pColor,
+ uint32_t rangeCount,
+ const VkImageSubresourceRange* pRanges)
- LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_image, image, image_h);
- uint32_t r = pColor->uint32[0];
- uint32_t g = pColor->uint32[1];
- uint32_t b = pColor->uint32[2];
- uint32_t a = pColor->uint32[3];
- for (int i=0; i < image->size / 4; ) {
- image->bytes[i] = r;
- i += 1;
- image->bytes[i] = g;
- i += 1;
- image->bytes[i] = b;
- i += 1;
- image->bytes[i] = a;
- i += 1;
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_image, image, image_h);
+ byte *bits = image->bytes;
+ const uint32_t w = image->width;
+ const uint32_t h = image->height;
+ const uint32_t bpp = 4;
+ byte eval[4];
+ eval[2] = (byte)(pColor->float32[0] * 255.0f);
+ eval[1] = (byte)(pColor->float32[1] * 255.0f);
+ eval[0] = (byte)(pColor->float32[2] * 255.0f);
+ eval[3] = (byte)(pColor->float32[3] * 255.0f);
+ if(bpp == 1)
+ {
+ memset(bits, eval[2], w * h);
+ }
+ else if(bpp == 4)
+ {
+ for(uint32_t y = 0; y < h; y++)
+ {
+ for(uint32_t x = 0; x < w; x++)
+ {
+ memcpy(&bits[(y * w + x) * bpp], eval, 4);
+ }
+ }
#include "vk_util.h"
+static void
+libresoc_render_pass_add_subpass_dep(struct libresoc_render_pass *pass,
+ const VkSubpassDependency2 *dep)
+ uint32_t src = dep->srcSubpass;
+ uint32_t dst = dep->dstSubpass;
+ /* Ignore subpass self-dependencies as they allow the app to call
+ * vkCmdPipelineBarrier() inside the render pass and the driver should
+ * only do the barrier when called, not when starting the render pass.
+ */
+ if (src == dst)
+ return;
+ /* Accumulate all ingoing external dependencies to the first subpass. */
+ dst = 0;
+ if (dst == VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL) {
+ if (dep->dstStageMask != VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT)
+ pass->end_barrier.src_stage_mask |= dep->srcStageMask;
+ pass->end_barrier.src_access_mask |= dep->srcAccessMask;
+ pass->end_barrier.dst_access_mask |= dep->dstAccessMask;
+ } else {
+ if (dep->dstStageMask != VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT)
+ pass->subpasses[dst].start_barrier.src_stage_mask |= dep->srcStageMask;
+ pass->subpasses[dst].start_barrier.src_access_mask |= dep->srcAccessMask;
+ pass->subpasses[dst].start_barrier.dst_access_mask |= dep->dstAccessMask;
+ }
+static bool
+libresoc_pass_has_layout_transitions(const struct libresoc_render_pass *pass)
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pass->subpass_count; i++) {
+ const struct libresoc_subpass *subpass = &pass->subpasses[i];
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < subpass->attachment_count; j++) {
+ const uint32_t a = subpass->attachments[j].attachment;
+ continue;
+ uint32_t initial_layout = pass->attachments[a].initial_layout;
+ uint32_t stencil_initial_layout = pass->attachments[a].stencil_initial_layout;
+ uint32_t final_layout = pass->attachments[a].final_layout;
+ uint32_t stencil_final_layout = pass->attachments[a].stencil_final_layout;
+ if (subpass->attachments[j].layout != initial_layout ||
+ subpass->attachments[j].layout != stencil_initial_layout ||
+ subpass->attachments[j].layout != final_layout ||
+ subpass->attachments[j].layout != stencil_final_layout)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static void
+libresoc_render_pass_add_implicit_deps(struct libresoc_render_pass *pass,
+ bool has_ingoing_dep, bool has_outgoing_dep)
+ /* From the Vulkan 1.0.39 spec:
+ *
+ * If there is no subpass dependency from VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL to the
+ * first subpass that uses an attachment, then an implicit subpass
+ * dependency exists from VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL to the first subpass it is
+ * used in. The implicit subpass dependency only exists if there
+ * exists an automatic layout transition away from initialLayout.
+ * The subpass dependency operates as if defined with the
+ * following parameters:
+ *
+ * VkSubpassDependency implicitDependency = {
+ * .srcSubpass = VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL;
+ * .dstSubpass = firstSubpass; // First subpass attachment is used in
+ * .srcAccessMask = 0;
+ * .dependencyFlags = 0;
+ * };
+ *
+ * Similarly, if there is no subpass dependency from the last subpass
+ * that uses an attachment to VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL, then an implicit
+ * subpass dependency exists from the last subpass it is used in to
+ * VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL. The implicit subpass dependency only exists
+ * if there exists an automatic layout transition into finalLayout.
+ * The subpass dependency operates as if defined with the following
+ * parameters:
+ *
+ * VkSubpassDependency implicitDependency = {
+ * .srcSubpass = lastSubpass; // Last subpass attachment is used in
+ * .dstSubpass = VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL;
+ * .dstAccessMask = 0;
+ * .dependencyFlags = 0;
+ * };
+ */
+ /* Implicit subpass dependencies only make sense if automatic layout
+ * transitions are performed.
+ */
+ if (!libresoc_pass_has_layout_transitions(pass))
+ return;
+ if (!has_ingoing_dep) {
+ const VkSubpassDependency2KHR implicit_ingoing_dep = {
+ .srcSubpass = VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL,
+ .dstSubpass = 0,
+ .srcAccessMask = 0,
+ .dependencyFlags = 0,
+ };
+ libresoc_render_pass_add_subpass_dep(pass, &implicit_ingoing_dep);
+ }
+ if (!has_outgoing_dep) {
+ const VkSubpassDependency2KHR implicit_outgoing_dep = {
+ .srcSubpass = 0,
+ .dstSubpass = VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL,
+ .dstAccessMask = 0,
+ .dependencyFlags = 0,
+ };
+ libresoc_render_pass_add_subpass_dep(pass, &implicit_outgoing_dep);
+ }
+static void
+libresoc_render_pass_compile(struct libresoc_render_pass *pass)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pass->subpass_count; i++) {
+ struct libresoc_subpass *subpass = &pass->subpasses[i];
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < subpass->attachment_count; j++) {
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment *subpass_att =
+ &subpass->attachments[j];
+ if (subpass_att->attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ continue;
+ struct libresoc_render_pass_attachment *pass_att =
+ &pass->attachments[subpass_att->attachment];
+ pass_att->first_subpass_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pass->subpass_count; i++) {
+ struct libresoc_subpass *subpass = &pass->subpasses[i];
+ uint32_t color_sample_count = 1, depth_sample_count = 1;
+ /* We don't allow depth_stencil_attachment to be non-NULL and
+ * be VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED. This way something can just check
+ * for NULL and be guaranteed that they have a valid
+ * attachment.
+ */
+ if (subpass->depth_stencil_attachment &&
+ subpass->depth_stencil_attachment->attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ subpass->depth_stencil_attachment = NULL;
+ if (subpass->ds_resolve_attachment &&
+ subpass->ds_resolve_attachment->attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ subpass->ds_resolve_attachment = NULL;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < subpass->attachment_count; j++) {
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment *subpass_att =
+ &subpass->attachments[j];
+ if (subpass_att->attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ continue;
+ struct libresoc_render_pass_attachment *pass_att =
+ &pass->attachments[subpass_att->attachment];
+ if (i < pass_att->first_subpass_idx)
+ pass_att->first_subpass_idx = i;
+ pass_att->last_subpass_idx = i;
+ }
+ subpass->has_color_att = false;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < subpass->color_count; j++) {
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment *subpass_att =
+ &subpass->color_attachments[j];
+ if (subpass_att->attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ continue;
+ subpass->has_color_att = true;
+ struct libresoc_render_pass_attachment *pass_att =
+ &pass->attachments[subpass_att->attachment];
+ color_sample_count = pass_att->samples;
+ }
+ if (subpass->depth_stencil_attachment) {
+ const uint32_t a =
+ subpass->depth_stencil_attachment->attachment;
+ struct libresoc_render_pass_attachment *pass_att =
+ &pass->attachments[a];
+ depth_sample_count = pass_att->samples;
+ }
+ subpass->max_sample_count = MAX2(color_sample_count,
+ depth_sample_count);
+ subpass->color_sample_count = color_sample_count;
+ subpass->depth_sample_count = depth_sample_count;
+ /* We have to handle resolve attachments specially */
+ subpass->has_color_resolve = false;
+ if (subpass->resolve_attachments) {
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < subpass->color_count; j++) {
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment *resolve_att =
+ &subpass->resolve_attachments[j];
+ if (resolve_att->attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ continue;
+ subpass->has_color_resolve = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < subpass->input_count; ++j) {
+ if (subpass->input_attachments[j].attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ continue;
+ for (uint32_t k = 0; k < subpass->color_count; ++k) {
+ if (subpass->color_attachments[k].attachment == subpass->input_attachments[j].attachment) {
+ subpass->input_attachments[j].in_render_loop = true;
+ subpass->color_attachments[k].in_render_loop = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (subpass->depth_stencil_attachment &&
+ subpass->depth_stencil_attachment->attachment == subpass->input_attachments[j].attachment) {
+ subpass->input_attachments[j].in_render_loop = true;
+ subpass->depth_stencil_attachment->in_render_loop = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static unsigned
+libresoc_num_subpass_attachments(const VkSubpassDescription *desc)
+ return desc->inputAttachmentCount +
+ desc->colorAttachmentCount +
+ (desc->pResolveAttachments ? desc->colorAttachmentCount : 0) +
+ (desc->pDepthStencilAttachment != NULL);
+static void
+libresoc_destroy_render_pass(struct libresoc_device *device,
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator,
+ struct libresoc_render_pass *pass)
+ vk_object_base_finish(&pass->base);
+ vk_free2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, pass->subpass_attachments);
+ vk_free2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, pass);
VkResult libresoc_CreateRenderPass(
VkDevice _device,
const VkRenderPassCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkRenderPass* pRenderPass)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
+ struct libresoc_render_pass *pass;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t attachments_offset;
+ size = sizeof(*pass);
+ size += pCreateInfo->subpassCount * sizeof(pass->subpasses[0]);
+ attachments_offset = size;
+ size += pCreateInfo->attachmentCount * sizeof(pass->attachments[0]);
+ pass = vk_alloc2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator, size, 8,
+ if (pass == NULL)
+ return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ memset(pass, 0, size);
+ vk_object_base_init(&device->vk, &pass->base,
+ pass->attachment_count = pCreateInfo->attachmentCount;
+ pass->subpass_count = pCreateInfo->subpassCount;
+ pass->attachments = (void *) pass + attachments_offset;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->attachmentCount; i++) {
+ struct libresoc_render_pass_attachment *att = &pass->attachments[i];
+ att->format = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].format;
+ att->samples = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].samples;
+ att->load_op = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].loadOp;
+ att->stencil_load_op = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].stencilLoadOp;
+ att->initial_layout = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].initialLayout;
+ att->final_layout = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].finalLayout;
+ att->stencil_initial_layout = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].initialLayout;
+ att->stencil_final_layout = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].finalLayout;
+ // att->store_op = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].storeOp;
+ // att->stencil_store_op = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].stencilStoreOp;
+ }
+ uint32_t subpass_attachment_count = 0;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment *p;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->subpassCount; i++) {
+ subpass_attachment_count +=
+ libresoc_num_subpass_attachments(&pCreateInfo->pSubpasses[i]);
+ }
+ if (subpass_attachment_count) {
+ pass->subpass_attachments =
+ vk_alloc2(&device->vk.alloc, pAllocator,
+ subpass_attachment_count * sizeof(struct libresoc_subpass_attachment), 8,
+ if (pass->subpass_attachments == NULL) {
+ libresoc_destroy_render_pass(device, pAllocator, pass);
+ return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ }
+ } else
+ pass->subpass_attachments = NULL;
+ p = pass->subpass_attachments;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->subpassCount; i++) {
+ const VkSubpassDescription *desc = &pCreateInfo->pSubpasses[i];
+ struct libresoc_subpass *subpass = &pass->subpasses[i];
+ subpass->input_count = desc->inputAttachmentCount;
+ subpass->color_count = desc->colorAttachmentCount;
+ subpass->attachment_count = libresoc_num_subpass_attachments(desc);
+ subpass->attachments = p;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < subpass->attachment_count; j++) {
+ subpass->attachments[j].clear = (pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].loadOp ==
+ }
+ if (desc->inputAttachmentCount > 0) {
+ subpass->input_attachments = p;
+ p += desc->inputAttachmentCount;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < desc->inputAttachmentCount; j++) {
+ subpass->input_attachments[j] = (struct libresoc_subpass_attachment) {
+ .attachment = desc->pInputAttachments[j].attachment,
+ .layout = desc->pInputAttachments[j].layout,
+ .stencil_layout = desc->pInputAttachments[j].layout,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (desc->colorAttachmentCount > 0) {
+ subpass->color_attachments = p;
+ p += desc->colorAttachmentCount;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < desc->colorAttachmentCount; j++) {
+ subpass->color_attachments[j] = (struct libresoc_subpass_attachment) {
+ .attachment = desc->pColorAttachments[j].attachment,
+ .layout = desc->pColorAttachments[j].layout,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (desc->pResolveAttachments) {
+ subpass->resolve_attachments = p;
+ p += desc->colorAttachmentCount;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < desc->colorAttachmentCount; j++) {
+ subpass->resolve_attachments[j] = (struct libresoc_subpass_attachment) {
+ .attachment = desc->pResolveAttachments[j].attachment,
+ .layout = desc->pResolveAttachments[j].layout,
+ .stencil_layout = desc->pResolveAttachments[j].layout,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (desc->pDepthStencilAttachment) {
+ subpass->depth_stencil_attachment = p++;
+ *subpass->depth_stencil_attachment = (struct libresoc_subpass_attachment) {
+ .attachment = desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment,
+ .layout = desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->layout,
+ .stencil_layout = desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->layout,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ bool has_ingoing_dep = false;
+ bool has_outgoing_dep = false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->dependencyCount; ++i) {
+ /* Convert to a Dependency2 */
+ struct VkSubpassDependency2 dep2 = {
+ .srcSubpass = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].srcSubpass,
+ .dstSubpass = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].dstSubpass,
+ .srcStageMask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].srcStageMask,
+ .dstStageMask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].dstStageMask,
+ .srcAccessMask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].srcAccessMask,
+ .dstAccessMask = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].dstAccessMask,
+ .dependencyFlags = pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].dependencyFlags,
+ };
+ libresoc_render_pass_add_subpass_dep(pass, &dep2);
+ /* Determine if the subpass has explicit dependencies from/to
+ */
+ if (pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].srcSubpass == VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL)
+ has_ingoing_dep = true;
+ if (pCreateInfo->pDependencies[i].dstSubpass == VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL)
+ has_outgoing_dep = true;
+ }
+ libresoc_render_pass_add_implicit_deps(pass,
+ has_ingoing_dep, has_outgoing_dep);
+ libresoc_render_pass_compile(pass);
+ *pRenderPass = libresoc_render_pass_to_handle(pass);
//TODO: stub
return VK_SUCCESS;
+void libresoc_DestroyRenderPass(
+ VkDevice _device,
+ VkRenderPass _pass,
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator)
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_device, device, _device);
+ LIBRESOC_FROM_HANDLE(libresoc_render_pass, pass, _pass);
+ if (!_pass)
+ return;
+ libresoc_destroy_render_pass(device, pAllocator, pass);
+void libresoc_GetRenderAreaGranularity(
+ VkDevice device,
+ VkRenderPass renderPass,
+ VkExtent2D* pGranularity)
+ pGranularity->width = 1;
+ pGranularity->height = 1;
subgroup_size, ballot_bit_size);
modules[i]->llvm_module = libresoc_nir_translate(&device->instance->llvm_ref, nir[i]);
+ if(nir[i]->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX)
+ {
+ pipeline->vs = (VertexShader)GetFuncPointer(&device->instance->llvm_ref, gl_shader_stage_name(nir[i]->info.stage));
+ }
+ else if(nir[i]->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)
+ {
+ pipeline->fs = (FragmentShader)GetFuncPointer(&device->instance->llvm_ref, gl_shader_stage_name(nir[i]->info.stage));
+ }
/* We don't want to alter meta shaders IR directly so clone it
* first.
typedef unsigned char byte;
static inline gl_shader_stage
vk_to_mesa_shader_stage(VkShaderStageFlagBits vk_stage)
+struct GPUState
+ struct
+ {
+ VkBuffer buffer;
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+ VkIndexType indexType;
+ } ib;
+ struct
+ {
+ VkBuffer buffer;
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+ VkDeviceSize stride;
+ } vbs[4];
+ VkViewport view;
+ VkImage col[8];
+ VkImage depth;
+ VkPipeline pipeline;
+ VkDescriptorSet sets[8];
+ byte pushconsts[128];
+struct int4
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ int x, y, z, w;
+ };
+ int v[4];
+ };
+struct float4
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ float x, y, z, w;
+ };
+ float v[4];
+ };
+struct VertexCacheEntry
+ struct float4 position;
+ struct float4 interps[10];
+struct TriangleWork
+ struct GPUState *state;
+ int ABx;
+ int ABy;
+ int ACx;
+ int ACy;
+ struct VertexCacheEntry *vsout;
+ struct int4 *tri;
+ int barymul;
+ int area2;
+ float invarea;
+ struct float4 invw;
+ struct float4 depth;
+ struct int4 minwin, maxwin;
+enum Command {
+ BeginRenderPassID = 200,
+ EndRenderPassID = 201,
+ BindPipelineID = 202,
+ BindDescriptorSetsID = 203,
+ BindVBID = 204,
+ BindIBID = 205,
+ SetViewportID = 206,
+ SetScissorsID = 207,
+ PushConstantsID = 208,
+ DrawID = 209,
+ DrawIndexedID = 210,
+ CopyBuf2ImgID = 211,
+ CopyBufID = 212,
+ PipelineBarrierID = 213,
+struct PipelineBarrier
+ unsigned int commandId;
+struct BeginRenderPass
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ VkRenderPass renderPass;
+ VkFramebuffer framebuffer;
+ VkClearValue clearval[8];
+struct EndRenderPass
+ unsigned int commandId;
+struct BindPipeline
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ VkPipeline pipeline;
+struct BindDescriptorSets
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ uint32_t idx;
+ VkDescriptorSet set;
+struct BindVB
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ uint32_t slot;
+ VkBuffer buffer;
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+struct BindIB
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ VkBuffer buffer;
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+ VkIndexType indexType;
+struct SetViewport
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ VkViewport view;
+struct SetScissors
+ unsigned int commandId;
+struct PushConstants
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ uint32_t offset, size;
+ byte values[128];
+struct Draw
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ uint32_t vertexCount, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance;
+struct DrawIndexed
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ uint32_t indexCount, instanceCount, firstIndex, firstInstance;
+ int32_t vertexOffset;
+struct CopyBuf2Img
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ VkBuffer srcBuffer;
+ VkImage dstImage;
+ VkBufferImageCopy region;
+struct CopyBuf
+ unsigned int commandId;
+ VkBuffer srcBuffer;
+ VkBuffer dstBuffer;
+ VkBufferCopy region;
+struct libresoc_cmd {
+ struct list_head link;
+ union {
+ struct PipelineBarrier pipelineBarrier;
+ struct EndRenderPass endRenderPass;
+ struct BeginRenderPass beginRenderPass;
+ struct BindPipeline bindPipeline;
+ struct BindDescriptorSets bindDescriptorSets;
+ struct BindVB bindVB;
+ struct BindIB bindIB;
+ struct SetViewport setViewport;
+ struct SetScissors setScissors;
+ struct PushConstants pushConstants;
+ struct Draw draw;
+ struct DrawIndexed drawIndexed;
+ struct CopyBuf2Img copyBuf2Img;
+ struct CopyBuf copyBuf;
+ } command;
+typedef void (*Shader)();
+typedef void (*VertexShader)(struct GPUState *state, uint32_t vertexIndex, struct VertexCacheEntry *out);
+typedef void (*FragmentShader)(struct GPUState *state, float pixdepth, struct float4 *bary,
+ struct VertexCacheEntry tri[3], struct float4 *out);
struct libresoc_fence {
struct vk_object_base base;
VkShaderStageFlags active_stages;
+ VertexShader vs;
+ FragmentShader fs;
libresoc_pipeline_cache_init(struct libresoc_pipeline_cache *cache,
struct libresoc_cmd_buffer {
- struct vk_object_base base;
- struct libresoc_device * device;
- struct libresoc_cmd_pool * pool;
- struct list_head pool_link;
- VkCommandBufferUsageFlags usage_flags;
- VkCommandBufferLevel level;
- enum libresoc_cmd_buffer_status status;
- //struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs;
- // struct libresoc_cmd_state state;
- // struct libresoc_vertex_binding vertex_bindings[MAX_VBS];
- // struct libresoc_streamout_binding streamout_bindings[MAX_SO_BUFFERS];
- uint32_t queue_family_index;
- uint8_t push_constants[MAX_PUSH_CONSTANTS_SIZE];
- VkShaderStageFlags push_constant_stages;
- // struct libresoc_descriptor_set meta_push_descriptors;
- // struct libresoc_descriptor_state descriptors[MAX_BIND_POINTS];
- struct libresoc_cmd_buffer_upload upload;
- uint32_t scratch_size_per_wave_needed;
- uint32_t scratch_waves_wanted;
- uint32_t compute_scratch_size_per_wave_needed;
- uint32_t compute_scratch_waves_wanted;
- uint32_t esgs_ring_size_needed;
- uint32_t gsvs_ring_size_needed;
- bool tess_rings_needed;
- bool sample_positions_needed;
- VkResult record_result;
+ struct vk_object_base base;
+ struct libresoc_device *device;
+ uint64_t size;
+ struct libresoc_cmd cmd;
struct libresoc_device_memory {
byte *bytes;
+struct libresoc_buffer {
+ struct vk_object_base base;
+ VkDeviceSize size;
+ byte *bytes;
void libresoc_free_memory(struct libresoc_device *device,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
struct libresoc_device_memory *mem);
const VkAllocationCallbacks *alloc,
VkPipeline *pPipeline);
+union libresoc_descriptor {
+ struct {
+ uint32_t plane0_descriptor[8];
+ uint32_t fmask_descriptor[8];
+ };
+ struct {
+ uint32_t plane_descriptors[3][8];
+ };
+struct libresoc_image_view {
+ struct vk_object_base base;
+ struct libresoc_image *image; /**< VkImageViewCreateInfo::image */
+ VkImageViewType type;
+ VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask;
+ VkFormat vk_format;
+ unsigned plane_id;
+ bool multiple_planes;
+ uint32_t base_layer;
+ uint32_t layer_count;
+ uint32_t base_mip;
+ uint32_t level_count;
+ VkExtent3D extent; /**< Extent of VkImageViewCreateInfo::baseMipLevel. */
+ union libresoc_descriptor descriptor;
+ /* Descriptor for use as a storage image as opposed to a sampled image.
+ * This has a few differences for cube maps (e.g. type).
+ */
+ union libresoc_descriptor storage_descriptor;
+struct libresoc_framebuffer {
+ struct vk_object_base base;
+ uint32_t width;
+ uint32_t height;
+ uint32_t layers;
+ uint32_t attachment_count;
+ struct libresoc_image_view *attachments[0];
+struct libresoc_subpass_barrier {
+ VkPipelineStageFlags src_stage_mask;
+ VkAccessFlags src_access_mask;
+ VkAccessFlags dst_access_mask;
+void libresoc_subpass_barrier(struct libresoc_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ const struct libresoc_subpass_barrier *barrier);
+struct libresoc_subpass_attachment {
+ uint32_t attachment;
+ VkImageLayout layout;
+ VkImageLayout stencil_layout;
+ bool in_render_loop;
+ bool clear;
+struct libresoc_subpass {
+ uint32_t attachment_count;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment * attachments;
+ uint32_t input_count;
+ uint32_t color_count;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment * input_attachments;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment * color_attachments;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment * resolve_attachments;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment * depth_stencil_attachment;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment * ds_resolve_attachment;
+ VkResolveModeFlagBits depth_resolve_mode;
+ VkResolveModeFlagBits stencil_resolve_mode;
+ /** Subpass has at least one color resolve attachment */
+ bool has_color_resolve;
+ /** Subpass has at least one color attachment */
+ bool has_color_att;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_barrier start_barrier;
+ uint32_t view_mask;
+ VkSampleCountFlagBits color_sample_count;
+ VkSampleCountFlagBits depth_sample_count;
+ VkSampleCountFlagBits max_sample_count;
+libresoc_get_subpass_id(struct libresoc_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer);
+struct libresoc_render_pass_attachment {
+ VkFormat format;
+ uint32_t samples;
+ VkAttachmentLoadOp load_op;
+ VkAttachmentLoadOp stencil_load_op;
+ VkImageLayout initial_layout;
+ VkImageLayout final_layout;
+ VkImageLayout stencil_initial_layout;
+ VkImageLayout stencil_final_layout;
+ /* The subpass id in which the attachment will be used first/last. */
+ uint32_t first_subpass_idx;
+ uint32_t last_subpass_idx;
+struct libresoc_render_pass {
+ struct vk_object_base base;
+ uint32_t attachment_count;
+ uint32_t subpass_count;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_attachment * subpass_attachments;
+ struct libresoc_render_pass_attachment * attachments;
+ struct libresoc_subpass_barrier end_barrier;
+ struct libresoc_subpass subpasses[0];
#define libresoc_printflike(a, b) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, a, b)))
VkResult __vk_errorf(struct libresoc_instance *instance, VkResult error,
LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_cmd_pool, VkCommandPool)
//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_buffer_view, VkBufferView)
//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_descriptor_pool, VkDescriptorPool)
//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_descriptor_set, VkDescriptorSet)
LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_device_memory, VkDeviceMemory)
-//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_framebuffer, VkFramebuffer)
+LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_framebuffer, VkFramebuffer)
-//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_image_view, VkImageView);
+LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_image_view, VkImageView);
LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_pipeline_cache, VkPipelineCache)
//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_pipeline_layout, VkPipelineLayout)
//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_query_pool, VkQueryPool)
-//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_render_pass, VkRenderPass)
+LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_render_pass, VkRenderPass)
//LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_sampler_ycbcr_conversion, VkSamplerYcbcrConversion)
LIBRESOC_DEFINE_NONDISP_HANDLE_CASTS(libresoc_shader_module, VkShaderModule)