--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX: LGPLv3+
+# Program for generating DCT butterfly diagrams from yield REMAP schedules
+# avoids the need to mess about drawing diagrams by hand, getting them wrong,
+# introducing mistakes (common in academic published papers, sigh)
+from copy import deepcopy
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from math import pi
+import os
+import base64
+import math
+from openpower.decoder.isa.remap_dct_yield import (reverse_bits, halfrev2,
+ iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices,
+ iterate_dct_outer_butterfly_indices,
+ )
+cwd = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
+def linescale(l1, l2, scale):
+ diffx = l2[0] - l1[0]
+ diffy = l2[1] - l1[1]
+ return l1[0] - diffx*scale, l1[1] + diffy*scale
+def lineoffs(l2, scale):
+ return l2[0] - abs(scale), l2[1] + scale
+def create_idct(fname, n, redir=True):
+ """unsophisticated drawer of an SVG
+ """
+ try:
+ import svgwrite
+ except ImportError:
+ print ("WARNING, no SVG image, not producing image %s" % fname)
+ return
+ # Initialization
+ vec = range(n)
+ print ()
+ print ("transform2", n)
+ levels = n.bit_length() - 1
+ # set up dims
+ xdim = n
+ # reference (read/write) the in-place data in *reverse-bit-order*
+ ri = list(range(n))
+ ri = [ri[reverse_bits(i, levels)] for i in range(n)]
+ # pretend we LDed data in half-swapped *and* bit-reversed order as well
+ # TODO: merge these two
+ vec = [vec[ri[i]] for i in range(n)]
+ vec = halfrev2(vec, True)
+ width = 800
+ height = 600
+ scale = 15
+ dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(fname, profile='full',
+ size=(width, height))
+ # outer QFP rect
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (width, height),
+ fill='white',
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0, 128, 0, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/5.0))
+ # x start layer
+ xstep = width / 10.0
+ x = xstep / 2
+ ystep = height/(n+1.0)
+ y = ystep
+ # start data
+ for i in range(n):
+ # flat lines
+ startline = (x-scale, y+i*ystep+scale/2)
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("%d" % vec[i],
+ startline,
+ fill='black'))
+ # set up an SVSHAPE
+ class SVSHAPE:
+ pass
+ # ####
+ # outer
+ # ####
+ # j schedule
+ SVSHAPE0.lims = [xdim, 0b0000010, 0]
+ SVSHAPE0.submode2 = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE0.skip = 0b00
+ SVSHAPE0.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE0.invxyz = [1,0,1] # inversion if desired
+ # j+halfstep schedule
+ SVSHAPE1.lims = [xdim, 0b0000010, 0]
+ SVSHAPE1.mode = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE1.submode2 = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE1.skip = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE1.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE1.invxyz = [1,0,1] # inversion if desired
+ # enumerate over the iterator function, getting new indices
+ i0 = iterate_dct_outer_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE0)
+ i1 = iterate_dct_outer_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE1)
+ for k, ((jl, jle), (jh, jhe)) in enumerate(zip(i0, i1)):
+ print ("itersum jr", jl, jh,
+ "end", bin(jle), bin(jhe))
+ if redir:
+ jl = vec[jl]
+ jh = vec[jh]
+ # jh to jl
+ startline = (x, y+jh*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+jl*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # plus sign
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("+",
+ lineoffs(endline, scale*0.9),
+ fill='black'))
+ if (jle & 0b010):
+ for i in range(n):
+ # flat lines
+ startline = (x, y+i*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+i*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/15.0))
+ x += xstep * 1.2
+ if jle == 0b111: # all loops end
+ break
+ # break point
+ for i in range(n):
+ # flat lines
+ startline = (x, y+i*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+i*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/15.0))
+ x += xstep * 0.2
+ ################
+ # INNER butterfly
+ ################
+ # j schedule
+ SVSHAPE0.lims = [xdim, 0b000001, 0]
+ SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE0.submode2 = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE0.skip = 0b00
+ SVSHAPE0.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE0.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # j+halfstep schedule
+ SVSHAPE1.lims = [xdim, 0b000001, 0]
+ SVSHAPE1.mode = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE1.submode2 = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE1.skip = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE1.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE1.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # ci schedule
+ SVSHAPE2.lims = [xdim, 0b000001, 0]
+ SVSHAPE2.mode = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE2.submode2 = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE2.skip = 0b10
+ SVSHAPE2.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE2.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # size schedule
+ SVSHAPE3.lims = [xdim, 0b000001, 0]
+ SVSHAPE3.mode = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE3.submode2 = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE3.skip = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE3.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE3.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # enumerate over the iterator function, getting new indices
+ i0 = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE0)
+ i1 = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE1)
+ i2 = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE2)
+ i3 = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE3)
+ for k, ((jl, jle), (jh, jhe), (ci, cie), (size, sze)) in \
+ enumerate(zip(i0, i1, i2, i3)):
+ if redir:
+ jl = vec[jl]
+ jh = vec[jh]
+ print ("xform2", jl, jh, ci, size)
+ # jl to jh
+ startline = (x, y+jl*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+jh*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # plus sign
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("+",
+ lineoffs(endline, scale*0.9),
+ fill='black'))
+ # jh to jl
+ startline = (x, y+jh*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+jl*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # times sign
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("x",
+ lineoffs(endline, scale*0.9),
+ fill='black'))
+ if (jle & 0b010):
+ for i in range(n):
+ # flat lines
+ startline = (x, y+i*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+i*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/15.0))
+ x += xstep * 1.2
+ if jle == 0b111: # all loops end
+ break
+ print("transform2 result", vec)
+ dwg.save()
+def create_dct(fname, n, redir=True):
+ """unsophisticated drawer of an SVG
+ """
+ try:
+ import svgwrite
+ except ImportError:
+ print ("WARNING, no SVG image, not producing image %s" % fname)
+ return
+ # Initialization
+ vec = range(n)
+ print ()
+ print ("transform2", n)
+ levels = n.bit_length() - 1
+ # set up dims
+ xdim = n
+ # reference (read/write) the in-place data in *reverse-bit-order*
+ ri = list(range(n))
+ ri = [ri[reverse_bits(i, levels)] for i in range(n)]
+ # and pretend we LDed data in half-swapped *and* bit-reversed order as well
+ # TODO: merge these two
+ vec = halfrev2(vec, False)
+ vec = [vec[ri[i]] for i in range(n)]
+ width = 800
+ height = 600
+ scale = 15
+ dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(fname, profile='full',
+ size=(width, height))
+ # outer QFP rect
+ dwg.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (width, height),
+ fill='white',
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0, 128, 0, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/5.0))
+ # set up an SVSHAPE
+ class SVSHAPE:
+ pass
+ ################
+ # INNER butterfly
+ ################
+ # j schedule
+ SVSHAPE0.lims = [xdim, 0b000001, 0]
+ SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE0.submode2 = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE0.skip = 0b00
+ SVSHAPE0.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE0.invxyz = [1,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # j+halfstep schedule
+ SVSHAPE1.lims = [xdim, 0b000001, 0]
+ SVSHAPE1.mode = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE1.submode2 = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE1.skip = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE1.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE1.invxyz = [1,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # ci schedule
+ SVSHAPE2.lims = [xdim, 0b000001, 0]
+ SVSHAPE2.mode = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE2.submode2 = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE2.skip = 0b10
+ SVSHAPE2.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE2.invxyz = [1,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # size schedule
+ SVSHAPE3.lims = [xdim, 0b000001, 0]
+ SVSHAPE3.mode = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE3.submode2 = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE3.skip = 0b11
+ SVSHAPE3.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE3.invxyz = [1,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # x start layer
+ xstep = width / 10.0
+ x = xstep / 2
+ ystep = height/(n+1.0)
+ y = ystep
+ # start data
+ for i in range(n):
+ # flat lines
+ startline = (x-scale, y+i*ystep+scale/2)
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("%d" % vec[i],
+ startline,
+ fill='black'))
+ # enumerate over the iterator function, getting new indices
+ i0 = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE0)
+ i1 = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE1)
+ i2 = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE2)
+ i3 = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE3)
+ for k, ((jl, jle), (jh, jhe), (ci, cie), (size, sze)) in \
+ enumerate(zip(i0, i1, i2, i3)):
+ if redir:
+ jl = vec[jl]
+ jh = vec[jh]
+ print ("xform2", jl, jh, ci, size)
+ coeff = (math.cos((ci + 0.5) * math.pi / size) * 2.0)
+ # jl to jh
+ startline = (x, y+jl*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+jh*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # plus sign
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("+",
+ lineoffs(endline, scale*0.9),
+ fill='black'))
+ # jh to jl
+ startline = (x, y+jh*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+jl*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # times sign
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("x",
+ lineoffs(endline, scale*0.9),
+ fill='black'))
+ if (jle & 0b010):
+ for i in range(n):
+ # flat lines
+ startline = (x, y+i*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+i*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/15.0))
+ x += xstep * 1.2
+ if jle == 0b111: # all loops end
+ break
+ # break point
+ for i in range(n):
+ # flat lines
+ startline = (x, y+i*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+i*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/15.0))
+ x += xstep * 0.2
+ # ####
+ # outer
+ # ####
+ # j schedule
+ SVSHAPE0.lims = [xdim, 0b0000010, 0]
+ SVSHAPE0.submode2 = 0b100
+ SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE0.skip = 0b00
+ SVSHAPE0.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE0.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # j+halfstep schedule
+ SVSHAPE1.lims = [xdim, 0b0000010, 0]
+ SVSHAPE1.mode = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE1.submode2 = 0b100
+ SVSHAPE1.skip = 0b01
+ SVSHAPE1.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here
+ SVSHAPE1.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired
+ # enumerate over the iterator function, getting new indices
+ i0 = iterate_dct_outer_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE0)
+ i1 = iterate_dct_outer_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE1)
+ for k, ((jl, jle), (jh, jhe)) in enumerate(zip(i0, i1)):
+ if redir:
+ jl = vec[jl]
+ jh = vec[jh]
+ print ("itersum jr", jl, jh,
+ "end", bin(jle), bin(jhe))
+ # jh to jl
+ startline = (x, y+jh*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+jl*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(255, 16, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/10.0))
+ # plus sign
+ dwg.add(dwg.text("+",
+ lineoffs(endline, scale*0.9),
+ fill='black'))
+ if (jle & 0b010):
+ for i in range(n):
+ # flat lines
+ startline = (x, y+i*ystep)
+ endline = (x+xstep, y+i*ystep)
+ dwg.add(dwg.line(startline,
+ endline,
+ stroke=svgwrite.rgb(16, 255, 16, '%'),
+ stroke_width=scale/15.0))
+ x += xstep * 1.2
+ if jle == 0b111: # all loops end
+ break
+ print("transform2 result", vec)
+ dwg.save()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ create_dct("dct_butterfly.svg", 16)
+ create_idct("idct_butterfly.svg", 16)