#undef X
struct AstSrcLocType {
} break;
+ case AST_BIND: {
+ // The bind construct. Currently unimplemented: just ignore it.
+ break;
+ }
case AST_FCALL: {
if (str == "\\$anyconst" || str == "\\$anyseq" || str == "\\$allconst" || str == "\\$allseq")
"const" { if (formal_mode) return TOK_CONST; SV_KEYWORD(TOK_CONST); }
"checker" { if (formal_mode) return TOK_CHECKER; SV_KEYWORD(TOK_CHECKER); }
"endchecker" { if (formal_mode) return TOK_ENDCHECKER; SV_KEYWORD(TOK_ENDCHECKER); }
+"bind" { if (formal_mode) return TOK_BIND; SV_KEYWORD(TOK_BIND); }
"final" { SV_KEYWORD(TOK_FINAL); }
"logic" { SV_KEYWORD(TOK_LOGIC); }
"var" { SV_KEYWORD(TOK_VAR); }
+%token TOK_BIND
%type <ast> range range_or_multirange non_opt_range non_opt_multirange
%type <ast> wire_type expr basic_expr concat_list rvalue lvalue lvalue_concat_list non_io_wire_type io_wire_type
typedef_decl design |
package design |
interface design |
+ bind_directive design |
param_decl | localparam_decl | typedef_decl | defparam_decl | wire_decl | always_stmt | assign_stmt |
- modport_stmt;
+ modport_stmt | bind_directive;
+ AstNode *bnode = new AstNode(AST_BIND);
+ ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(bnode);
+ ast_stack.push_back(bnode);
+ }
+ bind_target {
+ // bind_target should have added at least one child
+ log_assert(ast_stack.back()->children.size() >= 1);
+ }
+ TOK_ID {
+ // The single_cell parser in cell_list_no_array uses astbuf1 as
+ // a sort of template for constructing cells.
+ astbuf1 = new AstNode(AST_CELL);
+ astbuf1->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_CELLTYPE));
+ astbuf1->children[0]->str = *$5;
+ delete $5;
+ }
+ cell_parameter_list_opt cell_list_no_array ';' {
+ // cell_list should have added at least one more child
+ log_assert(ast_stack.back()->children.size() >= 2);
+ delete astbuf1;
+ ast_stack.pop_back();
+ };
+// bind_target matches the target of the bind (everything before
+// bind_instantiation in the IEEE 1800 spec).
+// We can't use the BNF from the spec directly because it's ambiguous:
+// something like "bind foo bar_i (.*)" can either be interpreted with "foo" as
+// a module or interface identifier (matching bind_target_scope in the spec) or
+// by considering foo as a degenerate hierarchical identifier with no '.'
+// characters, followed by no bit select (which matches bind_target_instance in
+// the spec).
+// Instead, we resolve everything as an instance name and then deal with the
+// ambiguity when converting to RTLIL / in the hierarchy pass.
+ bind_target_instance opt_bind_target_instance_list;
+// An optional list of target instances for a bind statement, introduced by a
+// colon.
+ ':' bind_target_instance_list |
+ %empty;
+ bind_target_instance |
+ bind_target_instance_list ',' bind_target_instance;
+// A single target instance for a bind statement. The top of ast_stack will be
+// the bind node where we should add it.
+ hierarchical_id {
+ auto *node = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER);
+ node->str = *$1;
+ delete $1;
+ ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node);
+ };
expr { delete $1; } |
task_func_decl | specify_block | param_decl | localparam_decl | typedef_decl | defparam_decl | specparam_declaration | wire_decl | assign_stmt | cell_stmt |
- enum_decl | struct_decl |
+ enum_decl | struct_decl | bind_directive |
always_stmt | TOK_GENERATE module_gen_body TOK_ENDGENERATE | defattr | assert_property | checker_decl | ignored_specify_block;
cell_list ',' single_cell;
+ single_cell_no_array | single_cell_arraylist;
astbuf2 = astbuf1->clone();
if (astbuf2->type != AST_PRIMITIVE)
} '(' cell_port_list ')' {
SET_AST_NODE_LOC(astbuf2, @1, @$);
- } |
+ }
TOK_ID non_opt_range {
astbuf2 = astbuf1->clone();
if (astbuf2->type != AST_PRIMITIVE)
SET_AST_NODE_LOC(astbuf2, @1, @$);
+ single_cell_no_array |
+ cell_list_no_array ',' single_cell_no_array;
single_prim |
prim_list ',' single_prim;
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+// A basic example of the bind construct
+module foo (input logic a, input logic b, output logic c);
+ // Magic happens here...
+module bar (input a, input b, output c);
+ assign c = a ^ b;
+module top ();
+ logic u, v, w;
+ foo foo_i (.a (u), .b (v), .c (w));
+ bind foo bar bound_i (.*);
+ always_comb begin
+ assert(w == u ^ v);
+ end
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog -sv basic.sv
--- /dev/null
+// An example of specifying multiple bind instances in a single directive. This
+// also uses explicit bound names.
+module foo (input logic a0, input logic b0, output logic c0,
+ input logic a1, input logic b1, output logic c1);
+ // Magic happens here...
+module bar (input a, input b, output c);
+ assign c = a ^ b;
+module top ();
+ logic u0, v0, w0;
+ logic u1, v1, w1;
+ foo foo0 (.a0 (u0), .b0 (v0), .c0 (w0),
+ .a1 (u1), .b1 (v1), .c1 (w1));
+ bind foo bar bar0 (.a(a0), .b(b0), .c(c0)), bar1 (.a(a1), .b(b1), .c(c1));
+ always_comb begin
+ assert(w0 == u0 ^ v0);
+ assert(w1 == u1 ^ v1);
+ end
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog -sv cell_list.sv
--- /dev/null
+// An example of the bind construct using a hierarchical reference starting with $root
+module foo (input logic a, input logic b, output logic c);
+ // Magic happens here...
+module bar (input a, input b, output c);
+ assign c = a ^ b;
+module top ();
+ logic u, v, w;
+ foo foo_i (.a (u), .b (v), .c (w));
+ always_comb begin
+ assert(w == u ^ v);
+ end
+bind $root.top.foo_i bar bound_i (.*);
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog -sv hier.sv
--- /dev/null
+// An example of specifying multiple bind targets with an instance list
+module foo (input logic a, input logic b, output logic c);
+ // Magic happens here...
+module bar (input a, input b, output c);
+ assign c = a ^ b;
+module top ();
+ logic u0, v0, w0;
+ logic u1, v1, w1;
+ foo foo0 (.a (u0), .b (v0), .c (w0));
+ foo foo1 (.a (u1), .b (v1), .c (w1));
+ bind foo : foo0, foo1 bar bound_i (.*);
+ always_comb begin
+ assert(w0 == u0 ^ v0);
+ assert(w1 == u1 ^ v1);
+ end
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog -sv inst_list.sv
--- /dev/null
+// An example showing how parameters get inferred when binding
+module foo (input logic a, input logic b, output logic c);
+ parameter doit = 1;
+ // Magic happens here...
+module bar (input a, input b, output c);
+ parameter doit = 1;
+ assign c = doit ? a ^ b : 0;
+module top (input u0, input v0, output w0,
+ input u1, input v1, output w1);
+ foo #(.doit (0)) foo0 (.a (u0), .b (v0), .c (w0));
+ foo #(.doit (1)) foo1 (.a (u1), .b (v1), .c (w1));
+ bind foo bar #(.doit (doit)) bound_i (.*);
+ always_comb begin
+ assert (w0 == '0);
+ assert (w1 == u1 ^ v1);
+ end
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog -sv param.sv
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+echo "all::"
+for x in *.ys; do
+ echo "all:: run-$x"
+ echo "run-$x:"
+ echo " @echo 'Running $x..'"
+ echo " @../../yosys -ql ${x%.ys}.log $x"
+for s in *.sh; do
+ if [ "$s" != "run-test.sh" ]; then
+ echo "all:: run-$s"
+ echo "run-$s:"
+ echo " @echo 'Running $s..'"
+ echo " @bash $s"
+ fi
+} > run-test.mk
+exec ${MAKE:-make} -f run-test.mk
--- /dev/null
+// The bind construct occurring at top-level in the script
+module foo (input logic a, input logic b, output logic c);
+ // Magic happens here...
+module bar (input a, input b, output c);
+ assign c = a ^ b;
+module top ();
+ logic u, v, w;
+ foo foo_i (.a (u), .b (v), .c (w));
+ always_comb begin
+ assert(w == u ^ v);
+ end
+bind top.foo_i bar bound_i (.*);
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog -sv toplevel.sv