+++ /dev/null
-Congratulations, you now have a new theory of rewriterules !
-Your next steps will likely be:
-* to specify theory constants, types, and operators in your \`kinds' file
-* to add typing rules to theory_${dir}_type_rules.h for your operators
- and constants
-* to write code in theory_${dir}_rewriter.h to implement a normal form
- for your theory's terms
-* to write parser rules in src/parser/cvc/Cvc.g to support the CVC input
- language, src/parser/smt/Smt.g to support the (deprecated) SMT-LIBv1
- language, and src/parser/smt2/Smt2.g to support SMT-LIBv2
-* to write printer code in src/printer/*/*_printer* to support printing
- your theory terms and types in various output languages
-and finally:
-* to implement a decision procedure for your theory by implementing
- TheoryRewriterules::check() in theory_rewriterules.cpp. Before writing the actual
- code, you will need :
- * to determine which datastructures are context dependent and use for them
- context dependent datastructures (context/cd*.h)
- * to choose which work will be done at QUICK_CHECK, STANDARD or at
-Good luck, and please contact cvc4-devel@cs.nyu.edu for assistance
-should you need it!