-- stack analysis.
Big_Overflow_Guard : constant := 64 * 1024 + 8 * 1024;
- Small_Stack_Limit : constant := 64 * 1024;
- -- ??? These three values are experimental, and seem to work on
- -- most platforms. They still need to be analyzed further. They
- -- also need documentation, what are they and why does the logic
- -- differ depending on whether the stack is large or small???
+ -- These two values are experimental, and seem to work on most
+ -- platforms. They still need to be analyzed further. They also
+ -- need documentation, what are they and why does the logic differ
+ -- depending on whether the stack is large or small???
Pattern_Size : Natural :=
Natural (Self_ID.Common.
-- Adjustments for inner frames
Pattern_Size := Pattern_Size -
- (if Pattern_Size < Small_Stack_Limit
+ (if Pattern_Size < Big_Overflow_Guard
then Small_Overflow_Guard
else Big_Overflow_Guard);