subtype row_t is integer range 0 to BRAM_ROWS-1;
subtype index_t is integer range 0 to NUM_LINES-1;
subtype way_t is integer range 0 to NUM_WAYS-1;
+ subtype row_in_line_t is unsigned(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0);
-- The cache data BRAM organized as described above for each way
- subtype cache_row_t is std_ulogic_vector(wishbone_data_bits-1 downto 0);
+ subtype cache_row_t is std_ulogic_vector(ROW_SIZE_BITS-1 downto 0);
-- The cache tags LUTRAM has a row per set. Vivado is a pain and will
-- not handle a clean (commented) definition of the cache tags as a 3d