const unsigned *assembly = NULL;
+ unsigned nr_attributes = _mesa_bitcount_64(prog_data->inputs_read);
+ /* gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID are system values, but arrive via an
+ * incoming vertex attribute. So, add an extra slot.
+ */
+ if (shader->info.system_values_read &
+ nr_attributes++;
+ }
+ /* The 3DSTATE_VS documentation lists the lower bound on "Vertex URB Entry
+ * Read Length" as 1 in vec4 mode, and 0 in SIMD8 mode. Empirically, in
+ * vec4 mode, the hardware appears to wedge unless we read something.
+ */
+ if (compiler->scalar_vs)
+ prog_data->base.urb_read_length = DIV_ROUND_UP(nr_attributes, 2);
+ else
+ prog_data->base.urb_read_length = DIV_ROUND_UP(MAX2(nr_attributes, 1), 2);
+ prog_data->nr_attributes = nr_attributes;
+ /* Since vertex shaders reuse the same VUE entry for inputs and outputs
+ * (overwriting the original contents), we need to make sure the size is
+ * the larger of the two.
+ */
+ const unsigned vue_entries =
+ MAX2(nr_attributes, (unsigned)prog_data->base.vue_map.num_slots);
+ if (compiler->devinfo->gen == 6)
+ prog_data->base.urb_entry_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(vue_entries, 8);
+ else
+ prog_data->base.urb_entry_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(vue_entries, 4);
if (compiler->scalar_vs) {
prog_data->base.dispatch_mode = DISPATCH_MODE_SIMD8;
&prog_data.base.vue_map, outputs_written,
prog ? prog->SeparateShader : false);
- unsigned nr_attributes = _mesa_bitcount_64(prog_data.inputs_read);
- /* gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID are system values, but arrive via an
- * incoming vertex attribute. So, add an extra slot.
- */
- if (vp->program.Base.SystemValuesRead &
- nr_attributes++;
- }
- /* The 3DSTATE_VS documentation lists the lower bound on "Vertex URB Entry
- * Read Length" as 1 in vec4 mode, and 0 in SIMD8 mode. Empirically, in
- * vec4 mode, the hardware appears to wedge unless we read something.
- */
- if (brw->intelScreen->compiler->scalar_vs)
- prog_data.base.urb_read_length = DIV_ROUND_UP(nr_attributes, 2);
- else
- prog_data.base.urb_read_length = DIV_ROUND_UP(MAX2(nr_attributes, 1), 2);
- prog_data.nr_attributes = nr_attributes;
- /* Since vertex shaders reuse the same VUE entry for inputs and outputs
- * (overwriting the original contents), we need to make sure the size is
- * the larger of the two.
- */
- const unsigned vue_entries =
- MAX2(nr_attributes, prog_data.base.vue_map.num_slots);
- if (brw->gen == 6)
- prog_data.base.urb_entry_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(vue_entries, 8);
- else
- prog_data.base.urb_entry_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(vue_entries, 4);
if (0) {
_mesa_fprint_program_opt(stderr, &vp->program.Base, PROG_PRINT_DEBUG,