In order for ifx and ifort to emit all debug entries, even for unused
parameters in modules we have to define the '-debug-parameters all' flag.
This commit adds it to the ifx-*/ifort-* specific flags in gdb.exp.
# Place (and look for) Fortran `.mod` files in the output
# directory for this specific test. For Intel compilers the -J
# option is not supported so instead use the -module flag.
+ # Additionally, Intel compilers need the -debug-parameters flag set to
+ # emit debug info for all parameters in modules.
if { !$getting_compiler_info && [lsearch -exact $options f90] != -1 } {
# Fortran compile.
set mod_path [standard_output_file ""]
} elseif { [test_compiler_info {ifort-*} f90]
|| [test_compiler_info {ifx-*} f90] } {
lappend new_options "additional_flags=-module ${mod_path}"
+ lappend new_options "additional_flags=-debug-parameters all"