def __init__(self, frac_bits):
self.p = Signal(frac_bits)
self.q = Signal(frac_bits)
- self.chopper = Signal()
+ self.chopper = Signal(reset=1)
self.comb += self.dut.p.eq(320), self.dut.q.eq(681)
def gen_simulation(self, selfp):
- yield
ones = 0
niter = 681
for i in range(niter):
class _CompacterPackerTB(Module):
- def __init__(self, input_it):
- self.input_it = input_it
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.test_seq = [
+ (42, 0), (32, 1), ( 4, 1), (21, 0),
+ (43, 1), (11, 1), ( 5, 1), (18, 0),
+ (71, 0), (70, 1), (30, 1), (12, 1),
+ ( 3, 1), (12, 1), (21, 1), (10, 0),
+ ( 1, 1), (87, 0), (72, 0), (12, 0)
+ ]
+ self.input_it = iter(self.test_seq)
self.output = []
self.end_cycle = -1
def do_simulation(self, selfp):
if selfp.simulator.cycle_counter == self.end_cycle:
+ print("got: " + str(self.output))
+ print("expected: " + str([value for value, keep in self.test_seq if keep]))
raise StopSimulation
# push values
for i in range(4):
self.output.append(getattr(selfp.packer.o, "w"+str(i)))
+class DownscalerCore(Module):
+ def __init__(self, base_layout, N, res_bits):
+ self.init = Signal()
+ self.ready = Signal()
+ self.ce = Signal()
+ self.hres_in = Signal(res_bits)
+ self.vres_in = Signal(res_bits)
+ self.i = Record([("w"+str(i), base_layout) for i in range(N)])
+ self.hres_out = Signal(res_bits)
+ self.vres_out = Signal(res_bits)
+ self.o = Record([("w"+str(i), base_layout) for i in range(N)])
+ self.stb = Signal()
+ ###
+ packbits = log2_int(N)
+ hcounter = Signal(res_bits-packbits)
+ self.sync += If(self.init,
+ hcounter.eq(self.hres_in[packbits:] - 1)
+ ).Elif(self.ce,
+ If(hcounter == 0,
+ hcounter.eq(self.hres_in[packbits:] - 1)
+ ).Else(
+ hcounter.eq(hcounter - 1)
+ )
+ )
+ self.submodules.vselector = InsertReset(InsertCE(Chopper(res_bits)))
+ self.comb += [
+ self.vselector.reset.eq(self.init),
+ self.vselector.ce.eq(self.ce & (hcounter == 0)),
+ self.vselector.p.eq(self.vres_out),
+ self.vselector.q.eq(self.vres_in)
+ ]
+ self.submodules.hselector = MultiChopper(N, res_bits)
+ self.comb += [
+ self.hselector.init.eq(self.init),
+ self.ready.eq(self.hselector.ready),
+ self.hselector.p.eq(self.hres_out),
+ self.hselector.q.eq(self.hres_in)
+ ]
+ self.submodules.compacter = InsertReset(InsertCE(Compacter(base_layout, N)))
+ self.submodules.packer = InsertReset(InsertCE(Packer(base_layout, N)))
+ self.comb += [
+ self.compacter.reset.eq(self.init),
+ self.packer.reset.eq(self.init),
+ self.compacter.ce.eq(self.ce),
+ self.packer.ce.eq(self.ce),
+ self.compacter.i.eq(self.i),
+ self.compacter.sel.eq(self.hselector.chopper & Replicate(self.vselector.chopper, N)),
+ self.packer.i.eq(self.compacter.o),
+ self.packer.count.eq(self.compacter.count),
+ self.o.eq(self.packer.o),
+ self.stb.eq(self.packer.stb)
+ ]
+def _img_iter(img):
+ for y in range(img.size[1]):
+ for x in range(img.size[0]):
+ newpix = yield img.getpixel((x, y))
+ if newpix is not None:
+ img.putpixel((x, y), newpix)
+class _DownscalerCoreTB(Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ layout = [("r", 8), ("g", 8), ("b", 8)]
+ self.submodules.dut = DownscalerCore(layout, 4, 11)
+ def gen_simulation(self, selfp):
+ from PIL import Image
+ import subprocess
+ dut = selfp.dut
+ im_in ="testpic_in.jpg")
+ im_out ="RGB", (320, 240))
+ print("initializing downscaler...")
+ dut.init = 1
+ dut.hres_in, dut.vres_in = im_in.size
+ dut.hres_out, dut.vres_out = im_out.size
+ yield
+ dut.init = 0
+ yield
+ while not dut.ready:
+ yield
+ print("done")
+ dut.ce = 1
+ it_in, it_out = _img_iter(im_in), _img_iter(im_out)
+ it_out.send(None)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ for i in range(4):
+ w = getattr(dut.i, "w"+str(i))
+ w.r, w.g, w.b = next(it_in)
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ if dut.stb:
+ try:
+ for i in range(4):
+ w = getattr(dut.o, "w"+str(i))
+ it_out.send((w.r, w.g, w.b))
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ yield
+ try:
+["tycat", "testpic_out.png"])
+ except OSError:
+ print("Image saved as testpic_out.png, but could not be displayed.")
+ pass
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("*** Testing chopper ***")
print("*** Testing compacter and packer ***")
- test_seq = [
- (42, 0), (32, 1), ( 4, 1), (21, 0),
- (43, 1), (11, 1), ( 5, 1), (18, 0),
- (71, 0), (70, 1), (30, 1), (12, 1),
- ( 3, 1), (12, 1), (21, 1), (10, 0),
- ( 1, 1), (87, 0), (72, 0), (12, 0)
- ]
- tb = _CompacterPackerTB(iter(test_seq))
- run_simulation(tb)
- print("got: " + str(tb.output))
- print("expected: " + str([value for value, keep in test_seq if keep]))
+ run_simulation(_CompacterPackerTB())
+ print("*** Testing downscaler core ***")
+ run_simulation(_DownscalerCoreTB())