reserve => '0', rc => '0', virt_mode => '0',
spr_num => 0, others => (others => '0'));
+ type Loadstore1ToExecute1Type is record
+ exception : std_ulogic;
+ end record;
type Loadstore1ToDcacheType is record
valid : std_ulogic;
load : std_ulogic; -- is this a load
-- load store signals
signal execute1_to_loadstore1: Execute1ToLoadstore1Type;
+ signal loadstore1_to_execute1: Loadstore1ToExecute1Type;
signal loadstore1_to_writeback: Loadstore1ToWritebackType;
-- dcache signals
stall_out => ex1_stall_out,
e_in => decode2_to_execute1,
i_in => xics_in,
+ l_in => loadstore1_to_execute1,
l_out => execute1_to_loadstore1,
f_out => execute1_to_fetch1,
e_out => execute1_to_writeback,
clk => clk,
rst => core_rst,
l_in => execute1_to_loadstore1,
+ e_out => loadstore1_to_execute1,
l_out => loadstore1_to_writeback,
d_out => loadstore1_to_dcache,
d_in => dcache_to_loadstore1,
attribute ram_style of dtlb_ptes : signal is "distributed";
signal r0 : Loadstore1ToDcacheType;
+ signal r0_valid : std_ulogic;
-- Type of operation on a "valid" input
type op_t is (OP_NONE,
end if;
end process;
+ -- Hold off the request in r0 when stalling,
+ -- and cancel it if we get an error in a previous request.
+ r0_valid <= r0.valid and not stall_out and not r1.error_done;
-- TLB
-- Operates in the second cycle on the request latched in r0.
-- TLB updates write the entry at the end of the second cycle.
hit := '1';
end if;
end loop;
- tlb_hit <= hit and r0.valid;
+ tlb_hit <= hit and r0_valid;
tlb_hit_way <= hitway;
pte <= read_tlb_pte(hitway, tlb_pte_way);
valid_ra <= tlb_hit or not r0.virt_mode;
tlbie := '0';
tlbia := '0';
tlbwe := '0';
- if r0.valid = '1' and stall_out = '0' and r0.tlbie = '1' then
+ if r0_valid = '1' and r0.tlbie = '1' then
if r0.addr(11 downto 10) /= "00" then
tlbia := '1';
elsif r0.addr(9) = '1' then
req_tag <= get_tag(ra);
-- Only do anything if not being stalled by stage 1
- go := r0.valid and not stall_out and not r0.tlbie;
+ go := r0_valid and not r0.tlbie;
-- Calculate address of beginning of cache line, will be
-- used for cache miss processing if needed
cancel_store <= '0';
set_rsrv <= '0';
clear_rsrv <= '0';
- if stall_out = '0' and r0.valid = '1' and r0.reserve = '1' then
+ if r0_valid = '1' and r0.reserve = '1' then
-- XXX generate alignment interrupt if address is not aligned
-- XXX or if = '1'
if r0.load = '1' then
end if;
-- complete tlbies in the third cycle
- r1.tlbie_done <= r0.valid and r0.tlbie and not stall_out;
+ r1.tlbie_done <= r0_valid and r0.tlbie;
end if;
end process;
stall_out : out std_ulogic;
e_in : in Decode2ToExecute1Type;
+ l_in : in Loadstore1ToExecute1Type;
i_in : in XicsToExecute1Type;
slow_op_rc : std_ulogic;
slow_op_oe : std_ulogic;
slow_op_xerc : xer_common_t;
+ ldst_nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
constant reg_type_init : reg_type :=
(e => Execute1ToWritebackInit, lr_update => '0',
v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_SRR0);
v.e.exc_write_data := e_in.nia;
- if ctrl.irq_state = WRITE_SRR1 then
- v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_SRR1);
- v.e.exc_write_data := ctrl.srr1;
+ if ctrl.irq_state = WRITE_SRR1 then
+ v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_SRR1);
+ v.e.exc_write_data := ctrl.srr1;
v.e.exc_write_enable := '1';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_SF) <= '1';
ctrl_tmp.msr(MSR_EE) <= '0';
elsif e_in.valid = '1' then
-- instruction for other units, i.e. LDST
+ v.ldst_nia := e_in.nia;
v.e.valid := '0';
if e_in.unit = LDST then
lv.valid := '1';
v.e.write_data := result;
v.e.write_enable := result_en;
+ -- generate DSI for load/store exceptions
+ if l_in.exception = '1' then
+ ctrl_tmp.irq_nia <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#300#, 64));
+ ctrl_tmp.srr1 <= msr_copy(ctrl.msr);
+ v.e.exc_write_enable := '1';
+ v.e.exc_write_reg := fast_spr_num(SPR_SRR0);
+ v.e.exc_write_data := r.ldst_nia;
+ ctrl_tmp.irq_state <= WRITE_SRR1;
+ v.e.valid := '1'; -- complete the original load or store
+ end if;
-- Outputs to loadstore1 (async)
lv.op := e_in.insn_type;
lv.addr1 := a_in;
rst : in std_ulogic;
l_in : in Execute1ToLoadstore1Type;
+ e_out : out Loadstore1ToExecute1Type;
l_out : out Loadstore1ToWritebackType;
d_out : out Loadstore1ToDcacheType;
variable mfspr : std_ulogic;
variable sprn : std_ulogic_vector(9 downto 0);
variable sprval : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ variable exception : std_ulogic;
+ variable next_addr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ variable dsisr : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
v := r;
req := '0';
addr := lsu_sum;
mfspr := '0';
sprval := (others => '0'); -- avoid inferred latches
+ exception := '0';
+ dsisr := (others => '0');
write_enable := '0';
do_update := '0';
end case;
end loop;
+ -- compute (addr + 8) & ~7 for the second doubleword when unaligned
+ next_addr := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(r.addr(63 downto 3)) + 1) & "000";
case r.state is
when IDLE =>
if l_in.valid = '1' then
end if;
when SECOND_REQ =>
- -- compute (addr + 8) & ~7 for the second doubleword when unaligned
- addr := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(r.addr(63 downto 3)) + 1) & "000";
+ addr := next_addr;
byte_sel := r.second_bytes;
req := '1';
stall := '1';
stall := '1';
if d_in.valid = '1' then
- v.state := LAST_ACK_WAIT;
- if r.load = '1' then
- v.load_data := data_permuted;
+ if d_in.error = '1' then
+ -- dcache will discard the second request
+ exception := '1';
+ dsisr(30) := d_in.tlb_miss;
+ v.state := IDLE;
+ else
+ v.state := LAST_ACK_WAIT;
+ if r.load = '1' then
+ v.load_data := data_permuted;
+ end if;
end if;
end if;
stall := '1';
if d_in.valid = '1' then
- write_enable := r.load;
- if r.load = '1' and r.update = '1' then
- -- loads with rA update need an extra cycle
- v.state := LD_UPDATE;
- else
- -- stores write back rA update in this cycle
- do_update := r.update;
- stall := '0';
- done := '1';
+ if d_in.error = '1' then
+ if two_dwords = '1' then
+ addr := next_addr;
+ else
+ addr := r.addr;
+ end if;
+ exception := '1';
+ dsisr(30) := d_in.tlb_miss;
v.state := IDLE;
+ else
+ write_enable := r.load;
+ if r.load = '1' and r.update = '1' then
+ -- loads with rA update need an extra cycle
+ v.state := LD_UPDATE;
+ else
+ -- stores write back rA update in this cycle
+ do_update := r.update;
+ stall := '0';
+ done := '1';
+ v.state := IDLE;
+ end if;
end if;
end if;
l_out.rc <= r.rc and done;
l_out.store_done <= d_in.store_done;
+ -- update exception info back to execute1
+ e_out.exception <= exception;
+ if exception = '1' then
+ v.dar := addr;
+ v.dsisr := dsisr;
+ end if;
stall_out <= stall;
-- Update registers