- Exactly as is already done in RISC-V, convert the entire
- use of 64-bit hard-coding to "XLEN". Exactly as is in RISC-V,
- options then include PowerISA-32, PowerISA-64 and PowerISA-128.
- Unlike in RISC-V, the concept of PowerISA-16 and PowerISA-8 is
- also floated, for Embedded, AI, Edge, Processing-in-Memory,
- Distributed Computing and other purposes.
+ Exactly as is already done in RISC-V, convert the entire use of 64-bit hard-coding to "XLEN".
+ Exactly as is in RISC-V, options then include PowerISA-32, PowerISA-64 and PowerISA-128.
+ Unlike in RISC-V, the concept of PowerISA-16 and PowerISA-8 is also floated, for Embedded,
+ AI, Edge, Processing-in-Memory, Distributed Computing and other purposes.
**Submitter**: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC)