return isConstant() && constantValue() == cmp;
+ constexpr uint64_t constantValue64(bool signext=false) const noexcept
+ {
+ if (is64BitConst_) {
+ if (reg_.reg <= 192)
+ return reg_.reg - 128;
+ else if (reg_.reg <= 208)
+ return 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - (reg_.reg - 193);
+ switch (reg_.reg) {
+ case 240:
+ return 0x3FE0000000000000;
+ case 241:
+ return 0xBFE0000000000000;
+ case 242:
+ return 0x3FF0000000000000;
+ case 243:
+ return 0xBFF0000000000000;
+ case 244:
+ return 0x4000000000000000;
+ case 245:
+ return 0xC000000000000000;
+ case 246:
+ return 0x4010000000000000;
+ case 247:
+ return 0xC010000000000000;
+ }
+ }
+ return (signext && (data_.i & 0x80000000u) ? 0xffffffff00000000ull : 0ull) | data_.i;
+ }
/* Indicates that the killed operand's live range intersects with the
* instruction's definitions. Unlike isKill() and isFirstKill(), this is
* not set by liveness analysis. */
preserve_scc = true;
} else if (it->second.size == 2 && it->second.def.getTemp().type() == RegType::sgpr) {
bld.sop1(aco_opcode::s_mov_b64, it->second.def, Operand(it->second.op.physReg(), s2));
+ } else if (it->second.size == 2 && it->second.op.isConstant()) {
+ uint64_t val = it->second.op.constantValue64();
+ bld.vop1(aco_opcode::v_mov_b32, it->second.def, Operand((uint32_t)val));
+ bld.vop1(aco_opcode::v_mov_b32, Definition(PhysReg{it->second.def.physReg() + 1}, v1),
+ Operand((uint32_t)(val >> 32)));
} else {
bld.copy(it->second.def, it->second.op);
if (op.isConstant()) {
const PhysReg reg = PhysReg{instr->definitions[0].physReg() + reg_idx};
const Definition def = Definition(reg, rc_def);
- copy_operations[reg] = {op, def, 0, 1};
+ copy_operations[reg] = {op, def, 0, op.size()};
for (unsigned j = 0; j < k; j++) {
Operand op = Operand(PhysReg{instr->operands[0].physReg() + (i*k+j)}, rc_op);
Definition def = Definition(PhysReg{instr->definitions[i].physReg() + j}, rc_def);
- copy_operations[def.physReg()] = {op, def, 0, 1};
+ copy_operations[def.physReg()] = {op, def, 0, op.size()};
handle_operands(copy_operations, &ctx, program->chip_class, pi);
Operand operand = instr->operands[i];
if (operand.isConstant() || operand.size() == 1) {
assert(instr->definitions[i].size() == operand.size());
- copy_operations[instr->definitions[i].physReg()] = {operand, instr->definitions[i], 0, 1};
+ copy_operations[instr->definitions[i].physReg()] = {operand, instr->definitions[i], 0, operand.size()};
} else {
RegClass def_rc = RegClass(instr->definitions[i].regClass().type(), 1);
RegClass op_rc = RegClass(operand.getTemp().type(), 1);
Operand operand = instr->operands[0];
if (operand.isConstant() || operand.size() == 1) {
assert(instr->definitions[0].size() == 1);
- copy_operations[instr->definitions[0].physReg()] = {operand, instr->definitions[0], 0, 1};
+ copy_operations[instr->definitions[0].physReg()] = {operand, instr->definitions[0], 0, operand.size()};
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < operand.size(); i++)