struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *)ctx;
- ice->progs[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX] = hwcso;
+ ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX] = hwcso;
ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_UNCOMPILED_VS;
struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *)ctx;
- ice->progs[MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL] = hwcso;
+ ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL] = hwcso;
ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_UNCOMPILED_TCS;
struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *)ctx;
- ice->progs[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL] = hwcso;
+ ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL] = hwcso;
ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_UNCOMPILED_TES;
struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *)ctx;
- ice->progs[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY] = hwcso;
+ ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY] = hwcso;
ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_UNCOMPILED_GS;
struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *)ctx;
- ice->progs[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT] = hwcso;
+ ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT] = hwcso;
ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_UNCOMPILED_FS;
const struct brw_compiler *compiler = screen->compiler;
const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
const unsigned *program;
- struct brw_vs_prog_data prog_data;
- struct brw_stage_prog_data *stage_prog_data = &prog_data.base.base;
+ struct brw_vs_prog_data vs_prog_data;
+ struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = &vs_prog_data.base.base;
void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
assert(ish->base.type == PIPE_SHADER_IR_NIR);
nir_shader *nir = ish->base.ir.nir;
- memset(&prog_data, 0, sizeof(prog_data));
+ memset(&vs_prog_data, 0, sizeof(vs_prog_data));
// XXX: alt mode
- assign_common_binding_table_offsets(devinfo, &nir->info,
- &prog_data.base.base, 0);
+ assign_common_binding_table_offsets(devinfo, &nir->info, prog_data, 0);
- &prog_data.base.vue_map, nir->info.outputs_written,
+ &vs_prog_data.base.vue_map, nir->info.outputs_written,
- char *error_str;
- program = brw_compile_vs(compiler, ice, mem_ctx, key, &prog_data,
+ char *error_str = NULL;
+ program = brw_compile_vs(compiler, &ice->dbg, mem_ctx, key, &vs_prog_data,
nir, -1, &error_str);
if (program == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compile vertex shader: %s\n", error_str);
+ dbg_printf("Failed to compile vertex shader: %s\n", error_str);
return false;
/* The param and pull_param arrays will be freed by the shader cache. */
- ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data.base.base.param);
- ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data.base.base.pull_param);
+ ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data->param);
+ ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data->pull_param);
//brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_VS_PROG,
//key, sizeof(struct brw_vs_prog_key),
//program, prog_data.base.base.program_size,
iris_populate_vs_key(ice, &key);
UNUSED bool success =
- iris_compile_vs(ice, ice->progs[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX], &key);
+ iris_compile_vs(ice, ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX], &key);
+static bool
+iris_compile_fs(struct iris_context *ice,
+ struct iris_uncompiled_shader *ish,
+ const struct brw_wm_prog_key *key,
+ struct brw_vue_map *vue_map)
+ struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ice->ctx.screen;
+ const struct brw_compiler *compiler = screen->compiler;
+ const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
+ const unsigned *program;
+ struct brw_wm_prog_data fs_prog_data;
+ struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = &fs_prog_data.base;
+ void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
+ assert(ish->base.type == PIPE_SHADER_IR_NIR);
+ nir_shader *nir = ish->base.ir.nir;
+ memset(&fs_prog_data, 0, sizeof(fs_prog_data));
+ // XXX: alt mode
+ assign_common_binding_table_offsets(devinfo, &nir->info, prog_data,
+ MAX2(key->nr_color_regions, 1));
+ char *error_str = NULL;
+ program = brw_compile_fs(compiler, &ice->dbg, mem_ctx, key, &fs_prog_data,
+ nir, NULL, -1, -1, -1, true, false, vue_map,
+ &error_str);
+ if (program == NULL) {
+ dbg_printf("Failed to compile fragment shader: %s\n", error_str);
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //brw_alloc_stage_scratch(brw, &brw->wm.base, prog_data.base.total_scratch);
+ /* The param and pull_param arrays will be freed by the shader cache. */
+ ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data->param);
+ ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data->pull_param);
+ #if 0
+ brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_FS_PROG,
+ key, sizeof(struct brw_wm_prog_key),
+ program, prog_data.base.program_size,
+ &prog_data, sizeof(prog_data),
+ &brw->wm.base.prog_offset, &brw->wm.base.prog_data);
+ #endif
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return true;
+static void
+iris_populate_fs_key(struct iris_context *ice, struct brw_wm_prog_key *key)
+ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key));
+ /* XXX: dirty flags? */
+ struct pipe_framebuffer_state *fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
+ //struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *zsa = ice->state.framebuffer;
+ // XXX: can't access iris structs outside iris_state.c :(
+ // XXX: maybe just move these to iris_state.c, honestly...they're more
+ // about state than programs...
+ key->nr_color_regions = fb->nr_cbufs;
+ // key->force_dual_color_blend for unigine
+#if 0
+ //key->replicate_alpha = fb->nr_cbufs > 1 && alpha test or alpha to coverage
+ if (cso_rast->multisample) {
+ key->persample_interp =
+ ctx->Multisample.SampleShading &&
+ (ctx->Multisample.MinSampleShadingValue *
+ _mesa_geometric_samples(ctx->DrawBuffer) > 1);
+ key->multisample_fbo = fb->samples > 1;
+ }
+ key->coherent_fb_fetch = true;
+static void
+iris_update_compiled_fs(struct iris_context *ice)
+ struct brw_wm_prog_key key;
+ iris_populate_fs_key(ice, &key);
+ return; // XXX: need to fix FS compiles
+ UNUSED bool success =
+ iris_compile_fs(ice, ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT], &key,
+ ice->shaders.last_vue_map);
+static void
+update_last_vue_map(struct iris_context *ice)
+#if 0
+ struct brw_vue_prog_data *vue_prog_data;
+ if (ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY])
+ vue_prog_data = brw_vue_prog_data(brw->gs.base.prog_data);
+ else if (ice->shaders.progs[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL])
+ vue_prog_data = brw_vue_prog_data(brw->tes.base.prog_data);
+ else
+ vue_prog_data = brw_vue_prog_data(brw->vs.base.prog_data);
+ brw->vue_map_geom_out = vue_prog_data->vue_map;
iris_update_compiled_shaders(struct iris_context *ice)
+ update_last_vue_map(ice);
+ iris_update_compiled_fs(ice);
// ...