-# Transport Layer model
-def print_transport(s):
- print_with_prefix(s, "[TRN]: ")
-def get_field_data(field, packet):
- return (packet[field.byte//4] >> field.offset) & (2**field.width-1)
-class FIS:
- def __init__(self, packet, description, direction="H2D"):
- self.packet = packet
- self.description = description
- self.direction = direction
- self.decode()
- def decode(self):
- for k, v in self.description.items():
- setattr(self, k, get_field_data(v, self.packet))
- def encode(self):
- for k, v in self.description.items():
- self.packet[v.byte//4] |= (getattr(self, k) << v.offset)
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.direction == "H2D":
- r = ">>>>>>>>\n"
- else:
- r = "<<<<<<<<\n"
- for k in sorted(self.description.keys()):
- r += k + " : 0x{:x}".format(getattr(self, k)) + "\n"
- return r
-class FIS_REG_H2D(FIS):
- def __init__(self, packet=[0]*fis_reg_h2d_header.length):
- FIS.__init__(self, packet, fis_reg_h2d_header.fields)
- self.type = fis_types["REG_H2D"]
- self.direction = "H2D"
- def __repr__(self):
- r = "FIS_REG_H2D\n"
- r += FIS.__repr__(self)
- return r
-class FIS_REG_D2H(FIS):
- def __init__(self, packet=[0]*fis_reg_d2h_header.length):
- FIS.__init__(self, packet, fis_reg_d2h_header.fields)
- self.type = fis_types["REG_D2H"]
- self.direction = "D2H"
- def __repr__(self):
- r = "FIS_REG_D2H\n"
- r += FIS.__repr__(self)
- return r
- def __init__(self, packet=[0]*fis_dma_activate_d2h_header.length):
- FIS.__init__(self, packet, fis_dma_activate_d2h_header.fields)
- self.type = fis_types["DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H"]
- self.direction = "D2H"
- def __repr__(self):
- r += FIS.__repr__(self)
- return r
-class FIS_DATA(FIS):
- def __init__(self, packet=[0], direction="H2D"):
- FIS.__init__(self, packet, fis_data_header.fields, direction)
- self.type = fis_types["DATA"]
- def __repr__(self):
- r = "FIS_DATA\n"
- r += FIS.__repr__(self)
- for data in self.packet[1:]:
- r += "{:08x}\n".format(data)
- return r
- def __init__(self, packet=[0], direction="H2D"):
- FIS.__init__(self, packet, {}, direction)
- def __repr__(self):
- r = "UNKNOWN\n"
- if self.direction == "H2D":
- r += ">>>>>>>>\n"
- else:
- r += "<<<<<<<<\n"
- for dword in self.packet:
- r += "{:08x}\n".format(dword)
- return r
-class TransportLayer(Module):
- def __init__(self, link, debug=False, loopback=False):
- self.link = link
- self.debug = debug
- self.loopback = loopback
- self.link.set_transport_callback(self.callback)
- def set_command_callback(self, callback):
- self.command_callback = callback
- def send(self, fis):
- fis.encode()
- packet = LinkTXPacket(fis.packet)
- self.link.tx_packets.append(packet)
- if self.debug and not self.loopback:
- print_transport(fis)
- def callback(self, packet):
- fis_type = packet[0] & 0xff
- if fis_type == fis_types["REG_H2D"]:
- fis = FIS_REG_H2D(packet)
- elif fis_type == fis_types["REG_D2H"]:
- fis = FIS_REG_D2H(packet)
- elif fis_type == fis_types["DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H"]:
- fis = FIS_DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H(packet)
- elif fis_type == fis_types["DATA"]:
- fis = FIS_DATA(packet, direction="H2D")
- else:
- fis = FIS_UNKNOWN(packet, direction="H2D")
- if self.debug:
- print_transport(fis)
- if self.loopback:
- self.send(fis)
- else:
- self.command_callback(fis)
-# Command Layer model
-class CommandLayer(Module):
- def __init__(self, transport):
- self.transport = transport
- self.transport.set_command_callback(self.callback)
- self.hdd = None
- def set_hdd(self, hdd):
- self.hdd = hdd
- def callback(self, fis):
- resp = None
- if isinstance(fis, FIS_REG_H2D):
- if fis.command == regs["WRITE_DMA_EXT"]:
- resp = self.hdd.write_dma_callback(fis)
- elif fis.command == regs["READ_DMA_EXT"]:
- resp = self.hdd.read_dma_callback(fis)
- elif isinstance(fis, FIS_DATA):
- resp = self.hdd.data_callback(fis)
- if resp is not None:
- for packet in resp:
- self.transport.send(packet)
-# HDD model
-def print_hdd(s):
- print_with_prefix(s, "[HDD]: ")
-class HDDMemRegion:
- def __init__(self, base, count, sector_size):
- self.base = base
- self.count = count
- self.data = [0]*(count*sector_size//4)
-class HDD(Module):
- def __init__(self,
- link_debug=False, link_random_level=0,
- transport_debug=False, transport_loopback=False,
- hdd_debug=False,
- ):
- self.submodules.phy = PHYLayer()
- self.submodules.link = LinkLayer(self.phy, link_debug, link_random_level)
- self.submodules.transport = TransportLayer(self.link, transport_debug, transport_loopback)
- self.submodules.command = CommandLayer(self.transport)
- self.command.set_hdd(self)
- self.debug = hdd_debug
- self.mem = None
- self.wr_sector = 0
- self.wr_end_sector = 0
- self.rd_sector = 0
- self.rx_end_sector = 0
- def malloc(self, sector, count):
- if self.debug:
- s = "Allocating {n} sectors: {s} to {e}".format(n=count, s=sector, e=sector+count-1)
- s += " ({} KB)".format(count*logical_sector_size//1024)
- print_hdd(s)
- self.mem = HDDMemRegion(sector, count, logical_sector_size)
- def write(self, sector, data):
- n = math.ceil(dwords2sectors(len(data)))
- if self.debug:
- if n == 1:
- s = "{}".format(sector)
- else:
- s = "{s} to {e}".format(s=sector, e=sector+n-1)
- print_hdd("Writing sector " + s)
- for i in range(len(data)):
- offset = sectors2dwords(sector)
- self.mem.data[offset+i] = data[i]
- def read(self, sector, count):
- if self.debug:
- if count == 1:
- s = "{}".format(sector)
- else:
- s = "{s} to {e}".format(s=sector, e=sector+count-1)
- print_hdd("Reading sector " + s)
- data = []
- for i in range(sectors2dwords(count)):
- data.append(self.mem.data[sectors2dwords(sector)+i])
- return data
- def write_dma_callback(self, fis):
- self.wr_sector = fis.lba_lsb + (fis.lba_msb << 32)
- self.wr_end_sector = self.wr_sector + fis.count
- return [FIS_DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H()]
- def read_dma_callback(self, fis):
- self.rd_sector = fis.lba_lsb + (fis.lba_msb << 32)
- self.rd_end_sector = self.rd_sector + fis.count
- packets = []
- while self.rd_sector != self.rd_end_sector:
- count = min(self.rd_end_sector-self.rd_sector, (fis_max_dwords*4)//logical_sector_size)
- packet = self.read(self.rd_sector, count)
- packet.insert(0, 0)
- packets.append(FIS_DATA(packet, direction="D2H"))
- self.rd_sector += count
- packets.append(FIS_REG_D2H())
- return packets
- def data_callback(self, fis):
- self.write(self.wr_sector, fis.packet[1:])
- self.wr_sector += dwords2sectors(len(fis.packet[1:]))
- if self.wr_sector == self.wr_end_sector:
- return [FIS_REG_D2H()]
- else:
- return [FIS_DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H()]