**Simple-V SPRs**
* **SVSTATE** - Vectorisation State sufficient for Precise-Interrupt
- Context-switching and no adverse latency.
+ Context-switching and no adverse latency, it may be considered to
+ be a "Sub-PC" and as such absolutely must be treated with the same
+ respect and priority as MSR and PC.
* **SVSRR0** - identical in purpose to SRR0/1: storing SVSTATE on context-switch
along-side MSR and PC.
* **SVSHAPE0-3** - these are 32-bit and may be grouped in pairs, they REMAP
- (shape) the Vectors
+ (shape) the Vectors[^svshape]
* **SVLR** - again similar to LR for exactly the same purpose, SVSTATE
is swapped with SVLR by SV-Branch-Conditional for exactly the same
reason that NIA is swapped with LR
[^vsx256]: imagine a hypothetical future VSX-256 using the exact same instructions as VSX. the binary incompatibility introducrd would catastrophically **and retroactively** damage existing IBM POWER8,9,10 hardware's reputation and that of Power ISA overall.
[^autovec]: Compiler auto-vectorisation for best exploitation of SIMD and Vector ISAs on Scalar programming languages (c, c++) is an Indusstry-wide known-hard decades-long problem. Cross-reference the number of hand-optimised assembler algorithms.
[^hphint]: intended for use when the compiler has determined the extent of Memory or register aliases in loops: `a[i] += a[i+4]` would necessitate a Vertical-First hphint of 4
+[^svshape]: although SVSHAPE0-3 should, realistically, be regarded as high a priority as SVSTATE, and given corresponding SVSRR and SVLR equivalents, it was felt that having to context-switch **five** SPRs on Interrupts and function calls was too much.