{"MSUB.S", 4,"010011bbbbbkkkkkvvvvvrrrrr101000",COP1X, FPSUB, (FP | MULTIPLY | SINGLE)},
{"MUL", 1,"01000110mmmkkkkkvvvvvrrrrr000010",COP1, FPMUL, (FP | HI | LO)},
{"MULT", 1,"000000sssssggggg0000000000011000",SPECIAL,MUL, (WORD | WORD32 | HI | LO)},
- {"MULTU", 1,"000000sssssggggg0000000000011001",SPECIAL,MUL, (WORD | WORD32 | HI | LO)},
+ {"MULTU", 1,"000000sssssggggg0000000000011001",SPECIAL,MUL, (WORD | WORD32 | UNSIGNED | HI | LO)},
{"MxC1", 1,"01000100x00kkkkkvvvvv00000000000",COP1S, FPMOVEC, (FP | WORD)},
{"NEG", 1,"01000110mmm00000vvvvvrrrrr000111",COP1, FPNEG, (FP)},
{"NMADD.D", 4,"010011bbbbbkkkkkvvvvvrrrrr110001",COP1X, FPADD, (FP | NOT | MULTIPLY | DOUBLE)},
printf(" {\n");
printf(" uword64 mid;\n");
+ printf(" uword64 midhi;\n");
printf(" uword64 temp;\n");
+ if ((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & UNSIGNED) == 0)
+ {
+ printf(" int sign = 0;\n");
+ printf(" if (op1 < 0) { op1 = - op1; ++sign; }\n");
+ printf(" if (op2 < 0) { op2 = - op2; ++sign; }\n");
+ }
printf(" LO = ((uword64)WORD64LO(op1) * WORD64LO(op2));\n");
printf(" HI = ((uword64)WORD64HI(op1) * WORD64HI(op2));\n");
printf(" mid = ((uword64)WORD64HI(op1) * WORD64LO(op2));\n");
- printf(" temp = (LO + SET64HI(WORD64LO(mid)));\n");
- printf(" if ((temp == mid) ? (LO != 0) : (temp < mid))\n");
+ printf(" midhi = SET64HI(WORD64LO(mid));\n");
+ printf(" temp = (LO + midhi);\n");
+ printf(" if ((temp == midhi) ? (LO != 0) : (temp < midhi))\n");
printf(" HI += 1;\n");
printf(" HI += WORD64HI(mid);\n");
printf(" mid = ((uword64)WORD64LO(op1) * WORD64HI(op2));\n");
- printf(" LO = (temp + SET64HI(WORD64LO(mid)));\n");
- printf(" if ((LO == mid) ? (temp != 0) : (LO < mid))\n");
+ printf(" midhi = SET64HI(WORD64LO(mid));\n");
+ printf(" LO = (temp + midhi);\n");
+ printf(" if ((LO == midhi) ? (temp != 0) : (LO < midhi))\n");
printf(" HI += 1;\n");
printf(" HI += WORD64HI(mid);\n");
+ if ((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & UNSIGNED) == 0)
+ printf(" if (sign & 1) { LO = - LO; HI = (LO == 0 ? 0 : -1) - HI; }\n");
} else {
- printf(" uword64 temp = (op1 * op2);\n");
+ if (MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & UNSIGNED)
+ printf(" uword64 temp = ((uword64)(op1 & 0xffffffff) * (uword64)(op2 & 0xffffffff));\n");
+ else
+ printf(" uword64 temp = (op1 * op2);\n");
printf(" LO = SIGNEXTEND((%s)WORD64LO(temp),32);\n",regtype);
printf(" HI = SIGNEXTEND((%s)WORD64HI(temp),32);\n",regtype);
implementation will be needed to ascertain the
correct operation. */
if (MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & COPROC)
- printf(" COP_LW(((instruction >> 26) & 0x3),destreg,(unsigned int)");
+ printf(" COP_LW(%s,destreg,(unsigned int)",
+ ((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & REG)
+ ? "1"
+ : "((instruction >> 26) & 0x3)"));
printf(" GPR[destreg] = (");
} else {
if (MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & COPROC)
- printf(" COP_LD(((instruction >> 26) & 0x3),destreg,memval);;\n");
+ printf(" COP_LD(%s,destreg,memval);;\n",
+ ((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & REG)
+ ? "1"
+ : "((instruction >> 26) & 0x3)"));
printf(" GPR[destreg] = memval;\n");
printf(" paddr = ((paddr & ~mask) | ((paddr & mask) ^ (ReverseEndian << 2)));\n");
printf(" byte = ((vaddr & mask) ^ (BigEndianCPU << 2));\n");
if (MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & COPROC)
- printf(" memval = (((uword64)COP_SW(((instruction >> 26) & 0x3),%s)) << (8 * byte));\n",((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & FP) ? "fs" : "destreg"));
+ printf(" memval = (((uword64)COP_SW(%s,%s)) << (8 * byte));\n",
+ ((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & REG)
+ ? "1"
+ : "((instruction >> 26) & 0x3)"),
+ ((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & FP) ? "fs" : "destreg"));
printf(" memval = (op2 << (8 * byte));\n");
} else { /* !proc64 SC and SW, plus proc64 SD and SCD */
if (MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & COPROC)
- printf(" memval = (uword64)COP_S%c(((instruction >> 26) & 0x3),%s);\n",((datalen == 8) ? 'D' : 'W'),((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & FP) ? "fs" : "destreg"));
+ printf(" memval = (uword64)COP_S%c(%s,%s);\n",
+ ((datalen == 8) ? 'D' : 'W'),
+ ((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & REG)
+ ? "1"
+ : "((instruction >> 26) & 0x3)"),
+ ((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & FP) ? "fs" : "destreg"));
printf(" memval = op2;\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Invalid data size %d for FPADD operation in instruction table\n",GETDATASIZE());
- printf(" StoreFPR(destreg,%s,%s(Add(Multiply(ValueFPR(fs,%s),ValueFPR(ft,%s),%s),ValueFPR(fr,%s),%s),%s));\n",type,((MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & NOT) ? "Negate" : ""),type,type,type,type,type,type);
+ if (MIPS_DECODE[loop].flags & NOT)
+ printf (" StoreFPR(destreg,%s,Negate(Add(Multiply(ValueFPR(fs,%s),ValueFPR(ft,%s),%s),ValueFPR(fr,%s),%s),%s));\n",
+ type, type, type, type, type, type, type);
+ else
+ printf (" StoreFPR(destreg,%s,Add(Multiply(ValueFPR(fs,%s),ValueFPR(ft,%s),%s),ValueFPR(fr,%s),%s));\n",
+ type, type, type, type, type, type);
} else {
printf(" if ((format != fmt_single) && (format != fmt_double))\n");
printf(" SignalException(ReservedInstruction,instruction);\n");