// C2 = l2_{1} & .... & l2_{d_conflictSize}
// C3 = l3_{1} & .... & l3_{d_conflictSize}
// C4 = !C1 & !C2 & !C3
-TrustNode PartitionGenerator::makeRevisedPartitions()
+TrustNode PartitionGenerator::makeRevisedPartitions(bool strict)
// If we're not at the last cube
if (d_numPartitionsSoFar < d_numPartitions - 1)
- // Make first cube and emit it.
+ // Make cube from literals
Node conj = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(literals);
- emitCube(conj);
+ // For the strict-cube strategy, cubes look like the following:
+ // C1 = l1_{1} & .... & l1_{d_conflictSize}
+ // C2 = !C1 & l2_{1} & .... & l2_{d_conflictSize}
+ // C3 = !C1 & !C2 & l3_{1} & .... & l3_{d_conflictSize}
+ // C4 = !C1 & !C2 & !C3
+ if (strict)
+ {
+ vector<Node> toEmit;
+ for (const Node& c : d_cubes)
+ {
+ toEmit.push_back(c.notNode());
+ }
+ toEmit.push_back(conj);
+ Node cube = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(toEmit);
+ emitCube(cube);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emitCube(conj);
+ }
// Add to the list of cubes.
return blockPath(conj);
vector<Node> nots;
- for (auto c : d_cubes) nots.push_back(c.notNode());
+ for (const Node& c : d_cubes)
+ {
+ nots.push_back(c.notNode());
+ }
Node lemma = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(nots);
// Emit not(cube_one) and not(cube_two) and ... and not(cube_n-1)
+TrustNode PartitionGenerator::makeFullTrailPartitions()
+ std::vector<TNode> literals = collectDecisionLiterals();
+ uint64_t numVar = static_cast<uint64_t>(log2(d_numPartitions));
+ if (literals.size() >= numVar)
+ {
+ literals.resize(numVar);
+ // This complicated thing is basically making a truth table
+ // of with 2^numVar variable so that each row can be emitted as a partition
+ // later. Each entry in resultNodeLists is a row corresponding to a cube:
+ // resultNodeLists = {
+ // { l1, l2}
+ // { l1, !l2}
+ // {!l1, l2}
+ // {!l1, !l2} }
+ // total number of cubes/rows
+ size_t total = pow(2, numVar);
+ // resultNodeLists is built column by column.
+ std::vector<std::vector<TNode> > resultNodeLists(total);
+ // t is used to determine whether to push the node or its not_node.
+ bool t = false;
+ // numConsecutiveTF tracks how many times the node should be consectuively
+ // true or false in a column.
+ // For example, if numVar=3:
+ // x y z
+ // T T T
+ // T T F
+ // T F T
+ // T F F
+ // F T T
+ // F T F
+ // F F T
+ // F F F
+ // For the first column, numConsecutiveTF = 4, then 2 for the second column,
+ // and 1 for the third column.
+ size_t numConsecutiveTF = total / 2;
+ for (Node n : literals)
+ {
+ Node not_n = n.notNode();
+ // loc tracks which row/cube we're on
+ size_t loc = 0;
+ for (size_t z = 0; z < total / numConsecutiveTF; ++z)
+ {
+ t = !t;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < numConsecutiveTF; ++j)
+ {
+ resultNodeLists[loc].push_back(t ? n : not_n);
+ ++loc;
+ }
+ }
+ numConsecutiveTF = numConsecutiveTF / 2;
+ }
+ for (const std::vector<TNode>& row : resultNodeLists)
+ {
+ Node conj = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(row);
+ emitCube(conj);
+ }
+ return stopPartitioning();
+ }
+ return TrustNode::null();
TrustNode PartitionGenerator::check(Theory::Effort e)
if ((options().parallel.partitionCheck == options::CheckMode::FULL
switch (options().parallel.partitionStrategy)
- case options::PartitionMode::REVISED: return makeRevisedPartitions();
+ case options::PartitionMode::DECISION_TRAIL: return makeFullTrailPartitions();
+ case options::PartitionMode::STRICT_CUBE: return makeRevisedPartitions(true);
+ case options::PartitionMode::REVISED: return makeRevisedPartitions(false);
default: return TrustNode::null();
* Partition using the "revised" strategy, which emits cubes such as C1, C2,
- * C3, !C1 & !C2 & !C3
+ * C3, !C1 & !C2 & !C3. If strict is set to true, a modified version of this emits
+ * "strict cubes:" C1, !C1 & C2, !C1 & !C2 & C3, !C1 & !C2 & !C3.
- TrustNode makeRevisedPartitions();
+ TrustNode makeRevisedPartitions(bool strict);
+ /**
+ * Partition by taking a list of literals and emitting mutually exclusive cubes
+ * that resemble entries in a truth table:
+ * C1: { l1, !l2}
+ * C2: { l1, l2}
+ * C3: {!l1, !l2}
+ * C4: {!l1, l2}
+ */
+ TrustNode makeFullTrailPartitions();
* Generate a lemma that is the negation of toBlock which ultimately blocks