* --smtlib2 compliance mode. */
: DECLARE_DATATYPES_2_5_TOK datatypes_2_5_DefCommand[false, cmd]
| DECLARE_CODATATYPES_2_5_TOK datatypes_2_5_DefCommand[true, cmd]
+ | DECLARE_DATATYPE_TOK datatypeDefCommand[false, cmd]
+ | DECLARE_CODATATYPE_TOK datatypeDefCommand[true, cmd]
| DECLARE_DATATYPES_TOK datatypesDefCommand[false, cmd]
| DECLARE_CODATATYPES_TOK datatypesDefCommand[true, cmd]
| rewriterulesCommand[cmd]
+datatypeDefCommand[bool isCo, CVC4::PtrCloser<CVC4::Command>* cmd]
+@declarations {
+ std::vector<CVC4::Datatype> dts;
+ std::string name;
+ : { PARSER_STATE->checkThatLogicIsSet(); }
+ { std::vector<Type> params;
+ dts.push_back(Datatype(name,params,isCo));
+ }
+ ( LPAREN_TOK constructorDef[dts.back()] RPAREN_TOK )+
+ { cmd->reset(new DatatypeDeclarationCommand(PARSER_STATE->mkMutualDatatypeTypes(dts))); }
+ ;
datatypesDefCommand[bool isCo, CVC4::PtrCloser<CVC4::Command>* cmd]
@declarations {
std::vector<CVC4::Datatype> dts;
- std::vector<Type> types;
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> dnames;
std::vector<unsigned> arities;
//} else {
// type = PARSER_STATE->mkSortConstructor(name, arity);
- Debug("parser-dt") << "Datatype : " << name << ", arity = " << arity << std::endl;
+ Debug("parser-dt") << "Datatype : " << name << ", arity = " << arity << std::endl;
arities.push_back( arity );
std::string attr;
Expr attexpr;
std::vector<Expr> patexprs;
+ std::vector<Expr> patconds;
std::hash_set<std::string, StringHashFunction> names;
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, Expr> > binders;
Type type;
std::string s;
bool isBuiltinOperator = false;
bool readLetSort = false;
+ int match_vindex = -1;
+ std::vector<Type> match_ptypes;
: /* a built-in operator application */
LPAREN_TOK builtinOp[kind] termList[args,expr] RPAREN_TOK
term[expr, f2]
{ PARSER_STATE->popScope(); }
+ | /* match expression */
+ LPAREN_TOK MATCH_TOK term[expr, f2] {
+ if( !expr.getType().isDatatype() ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError("Cannot match on non-datatype term.");
+ }
+ }
+ (
+ /* match cases */
+ LPAREN_TOK INDEX_TOK term[f, f2] {
+ if( match_vindex==-1 ){
+ match_vindex = (int)patexprs.size();
+ }
+ patexprs.push_back( f );
+ patconds.push_back(MK_CONST(bool(true)));
+ }
+ | LPAREN_TOK LPAREN_TOK term[f, f2] {
+ args.clear();
+ PARSER_STATE->pushScope(true);
+ //f should be a constructor
+ type = f.getType();
+ Debug("parser-dt") << "Pattern head : " << f << " " << f.getType() << std::endl;
+ if( !type.isConstructor() ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError("Pattern must be application of a constructor or a variable.");
+ }
+ //TODO
+ //if( Datatype::datatypeOf(f).isParametric() ){
+ // type = Datatype::datatypeOf(f)[Datatype::indexOf(f)].getSpecializedConstructorType(expr.getType());
+ //}
+ match_ptypes = ((ConstructorType)type).getArgTypes();
+ }
+ //arguments
+ ( symbol[name,CHECK_NONE,SYM_VARIABLE] {
+ if( args.size()>=match_ptypes.size() ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError("Too many arguments for pattern.");
+ }
+ //make of proper type
+ Expr arg = PARSER_STATE->mkBoundVar(name, match_ptypes[args.size()]);
+ args.push_back( arg );
+ }
+ )*
+ term[f3, f2] {
+ const DatatypeConstructor& dtc = Datatype::datatypeOf(f)[Datatype::indexOf(f)];
+ if( args.size()!=dtc.getNumArgs() ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError("Bad number of arguments for application of constructor in pattern.");
+ }
+ // build a lambda
+ std::vector<Expr> largs;
+ largs.push_back( MK_EXPR( CVC4::Kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, args ) );
+ largs.push_back( f3 );
+ std::vector< Expr > aargs;
+ aargs.push_back( MK_EXPR( CVC4::Kind::LAMBDA, largs ) );
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<dtc.getNumArgs(); i++ ){
+ //can apply total version since we will be guarded by ITE condition
+ aargs.push_back( MK_EXPR( CVC4::Kind::APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL, dtc[i].getSelector(), expr ) );
+ }
+ patexprs.push_back( MK_EXPR( CVC4::Kind::APPLY, aargs ) );
+ patconds.push_back( MK_EXPR( CVC4::Kind::APPLY_TESTER, dtc.getTester(), expr ) );
+ }
+ { PARSER_STATE->popScope(); }
+ f = PARSER_STATE->getVariable(name);
+ type = f.getType();
+ if( !type.isConstructor() || !((ConstructorType)type).getArgTypes().empty() ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError("Must apply constructors of arity greater than 0 to arguments in pattern.");
+ }
+ }
+ term[f3, f2] {
+ const DatatypeConstructor& dtc = Datatype::datatypeOf(f)[Datatype::indexOf(f)];
+ patexprs.push_back( f3 );
+ patconds.push_back( MK_EXPR( CVC4::Kind::APPLY_TESTER, dtc.getTester(), expr ) );
+ }
+ )+
+ if( match_vindex==-1 ){
+ const Datatype& dt = ((DatatypeType)expr.getType()).getDatatype();
+ std::map< unsigned, bool > processed;
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ //ensure that all datatype constructors are matched (to ensure exhaustiveness)
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<patconds.size(); i++ ){
+ unsigned curr_index = Datatype::indexOf(patconds[i].getOperator());
+ if( curr_index<0 && curr_index>=dt.getNumConstructors() ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError("Pattern is not legal for the head of a match.");
+ }
+ if( processed.find( curr_index )==processed.end() ){
+ processed[curr_index] = true;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( count!=dt.getNumConstructors() ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError("Patterns are not exhaustive in a match construct.");
+ }
+ }
+ //now, make the ITE
+ int end_index = match_vindex==-1 ? patexprs.size()-1 : match_vindex;
+ bool first_time = true;
+ for( int index = end_index; index>=0; index-- ){
+ if( first_time ){
+ expr = patexprs[index];
+ first_time = false;
+ }else{
+ expr = MK_EXPR( CVC4::Kind::ITE, patconds[index], patexprs[index], expr );
+ }
+ }
+ }
{ std::string cname = name + "__Enum__" + name2;
CONST_TOK : 'const';
// extended commands
+DECLARE_CODATATYPE_TOK : { PARSER_STATE->v2_6() }? 'declare-codatatype';
DECLARE_DATATYPE_TOK : { PARSER_STATE->v2_6() }? 'declare-datatype';
DECLARE_DATATYPES_2_5_TOK : { !PARSER_STATE->v2_6() }?'declare-datatypes';
DECLARE_DATATYPES_TOK : { PARSER_STATE->v2_6() }?'declare-datatypes';
DECLARE_CODATATYPES_TOK : { PARSER_STATE->v2_6() }?'declare-codatatypes';
PAR_TOK : { PARSER_STATE->v2_6() }?'par';
TESTER_TOK : { PARSER_STATE->v2_6() }?'is';
+MATCH_TOK : { PARSER_STATE->v2_6() }?'match';
GET_MODEL_TOK : 'get-model';
ECHO_TOK : 'echo';
REWRITE_RULE_TOK : 'assert-rewrite';