--- /dev/null
+ * Top contributors (to current version):
+ * Gereon Kremer
+ *
+ * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
+ * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ * directory for licensing information.
+ * ****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Unit tests for the CAD module for nonlinear arithmetic.
+ */
+#ifdef CVC5_USE_POLY
+#include <poly/polyxx.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "test_smt.h"
+#include "theory/arith/nl/cad/cdcac.h"
+#include "theory/arith/nl/cad/lazard_evaluation.h"
+#include "theory/arith/nl/cad/projections.h"
+#include "theory/arith/nl/cad_solver.h"
+#include "theory/arith/nl/nl_lemma_utils.h"
+#include "theory/arith/nl/poly_conversion.h"
+#include "theory/arith/theory_arith.h"
+#include "theory/quantifiers/extended_rewrite.h"
+#include "theory/theory.h"
+#include "theory/theory_engine.h"
+#include "util/poly_util.h"
+namespace cvc5::test {
+using namespace cvc5;
+using namespace cvc5::theory;
+using namespace cvc5::theory::arith;
+using namespace cvc5::theory::arith::nl;
+NodeManager* nodeManager;
+class TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD : public TestSmt
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override
+ {
+ TestSmt::SetUp();
+ d_realType.reset(new TypeNode(d_nodeManager->realType()));
+ d_intType.reset(new TypeNode(d_nodeManager->integerType()));
+ Trace.on("cad-check");
+ nodeManager = d_nodeManager.get();
+ }
+ Node dummy(int i) const { return d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(i)); }
+ Theory::Effort d_level = Theory::EFFORT_FULL;
+ std::unique_ptr<TypeNode> d_realType;
+ std::unique_ptr<TypeNode> d_intType;
+ const Rational d_zero = 0;
+ const Rational d_one = 1;
+poly::AlgebraicNumber get_ran(std::initializer_list<long> init,
+ int lower,
+ int upper)
+ return poly::AlgebraicNumber(poly::UPolynomial(init),
+ poly::DyadicInterval(lower, upper));
+Node operator==(const Node& a, const Node& b)
+ return nodeManager->mkNode(Kind::EQUAL, a, b);
+Node operator>=(const Node& a, const Node& b)
+ return nodeManager->mkNode(Kind::GEQ, a, b);
+Node operator+(const Node& a, const Node& b)
+ return nodeManager->mkNode(Kind::PLUS, a, b);
+Node operator*(const Node& a, const Node& b)
+ return nodeManager->mkNode(Kind::NONLINEAR_MULT, a, b);
+Node operator!(const Node& a) { return nodeManager->mkNode(Kind::NOT, a); }
+Node make_real_variable(const std::string& s)
+ return nodeManager->mkSkolem(
+ s, nodeManager->realType(), "", NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
+Node make_int_variable(const std::string& s)
+ return nodeManager->mkSkolem(
+ s, nodeManager->integerType(), "", NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_univariate_isolation)
+ poly::UPolynomial poly({-2, 2, 3, -3, -1, 1});
+ auto roots = poly::isolate_real_roots(poly);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(roots.size() == 4);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(roots[0] == get_ran({-2, 0, 1}, -2, -1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(roots[1] == poly::Integer(-1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(roots[2] == poly::Integer(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(roots[3] == get_ran({-2, 0, 1}, 1, 2));
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_multivariate_isolation)
+ poly::Variable x("x");
+ poly::Variable y("y");
+ poly::Variable z("z");
+ poly::Assignment a;
+ a.set(x, get_ran({-2, 0, 1}, 1, 2));
+ a.set(y, get_ran({-2, 0, 0, 0, 1}, 1, 2));
+ poly::Polynomial poly = (y * y + x) - z;
+ auto roots = poly::isolate_real_roots(poly, a);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(roots.size() == 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(roots[0] == get_ran({-8, 0, 1}, 2, 3));
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_univariate_factorization)
+ poly::UPolynomial poly({-24, 44, -18, -1, 1, -3, 1});
+ auto factors = square_free_factors(poly);
+ std::sort(factors.begin(), factors.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(factors[0], poly::UPolynomial({-1, 1}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(factors[1], poly::UPolynomial({-24, -4, -2, -1, 1}));
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_projection)
+ // Gereon's thesis, Ex 5.1
+ poly::Variable x("x");
+ poly::Variable y("y");
+ poly::Polynomial p = (y + 1) * (y + 1) - x * x * x + 3 * x - 2;
+ poly::Polynomial q = (x + 1) * y - 3;
+ auto res = cad::projectionMcCallum({p, q});
+ std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(res[0], x - 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(res[1], x + 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(res[2], x + 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(res[3], x * x * x - 3 * x + 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(res[4],
+ x * x * x * x * x + 2 * x * x * x * x - 2 * x * x * x - 5 * x * x
+ - 7 * x - 14);
+poly::Polynomial up_to_poly(const poly::UPolynomial& p, poly::Variable var)
+ poly::Polynomial res;
+ poly::Polynomial mult = 1;
+ for (const auto& coeff : coefficients(p))
+ {
+ if (!is_zero(coeff))
+ {
+ res += mult * coeff;
+ }
+ mult *= var;
+ }
+ return res;
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, lazard_simp)
+ Node a = d_nodeManager->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c = d_nodeManager->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node orig = d_nodeManager->mkAnd(std::vector<Node>{
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(Kind::EQUAL, a, d_nodeManager->mkConst(d_zero)),
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(
+ Kind::EQUAL,
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(
+ Kind::PLUS,
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(Kind::NONLINEAR_MULT, a, c),
+ d_nodeManager->mkConst(d_one)),
+ d_nodeManager->mkConst(d_zero))});
+ {
+ Node rewritten = Rewriter::rewrite(orig);
+ EXPECT_NE(rewritten, d_nodeManager->mkConst(false));
+ }
+ {
+ quantifiers::ExtendedRewriter extrew;
+ Node rewritten = extrew.extendedRewrite(orig);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rewritten, d_nodeManager->mkConst(false));
+ }
+#ifdef CVC5_USE_COCOA
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, lazard_eval)
+ poly::Variable x("x");
+ poly::Variable y("y");
+ poly::Variable z("z");
+ poly::Variable f("f");
+ poly::AlgebraicNumber ax = get_ran({-2, 0, 1}, 1, 2);
+ poly::AlgebraicNumber ay = get_ran({-2, 0, 0, 0, 1}, 1, 2);
+ poly::AlgebraicNumber az = get_ran({-3, 0, 1}, 1, 2);
+ cad::LazardEvaluation lazard;
+ lazard.add(x, ax);
+ lazard.add(y, ay);
+ lazard.add(z, az);
+ poly::Polynomial q = (x * x - 2) * (y * y * y * y - 2) * z * f;
+ lazard.addFreeVariable(f);
+ auto qred = lazard.reducePolynomial(q);
+ EXPECT_EQ(qred, std::vector<poly::Polynomial>{f});
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_cdcac_1)
+ cad::CDCAC cac(nullptr, nullptr, {});
+ poly::Variable x = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("x"));
+ poly::Variable y = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("y"));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ 4 * y - x * x + 4, poly::SignCondition::LT, dummy(1));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ 4 * y - 4 + (x - 1) * (x - 1), poly::SignCondition::GT, dummy(2));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ 4 * y - x - 2, poly::SignCondition::GT, dummy(3));
+ cac.computeVariableOrdering();
+ auto cover = cac.getUnsatCover();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cover.empty());
+ std::cout << "SAT: " << cac.getModel() << std::endl;
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_cdcac_2)
+ cad::CDCAC cac(nullptr, nullptr, {});
+ poly::Variable x = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("x"));
+ poly::Variable y = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("y"));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(y - pow(-x - 3, 11) + pow(-x - 3, 10) + 1,
+ poly::SignCondition::GT,
+ dummy(1));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ 2 * y - x + 2, poly::SignCondition::LT, dummy(2));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ 2 * y - 1 + x * x, poly::SignCondition::GT, dummy(3));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ 3 * y + x + 2, poly::SignCondition::LT, dummy(4));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ y * y * y - pow(x - 2, 11) + pow(x - 2, 10) + 1,
+ poly::SignCondition::GT,
+ dummy(5));
+ cac.computeVariableOrdering();
+ auto cover = cac.getUnsatCover();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!cover.empty());
+ auto nodes = cad::collectConstraints(cover);
+ std::vector<Node> ref{dummy(1), dummy(2), dummy(3), dummy(4), dummy(5)};
+ EXPECT_EQ(nodes, ref);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_cdcac_3)
+ cad::CDCAC cac(nullptr, nullptr, {});
+ poly::Variable x = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("x"));
+ poly::Variable y = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("y"));
+ poly::Variable z = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("z"));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ x * x + y * y + z * z - 1, poly::SignCondition::LT, dummy(1));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ 4 * x * x + (2 * y - 3) * (2 * y - 3) + 4 * z * z - 4,
+ poly::SignCondition::LT,
+ dummy(2));
+ cac.computeVariableOrdering();
+ auto cover = cac.getUnsatCover();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cover.empty());
+ std::cout << "SAT: " << cac.getModel() << std::endl;
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_cdcac_4)
+ cad::CDCAC cac(nullptr, nullptr, {});
+ poly::Variable x = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("x"));
+ poly::Variable y = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("y"));
+ poly::Variable z = cac.getConstraints().varMapper()(make_real_variable("z"));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ -z * z + y * y + x * x - 25, poly::SignCondition::GT, dummy(1));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ (y - x - 6) * z * z - 9 * y * y + x * x - 1,
+ poly::SignCondition::GT,
+ dummy(2));
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(
+ y * y - 100, poly::SignCondition::LT, dummy(3));
+ cac.computeVariableOrdering();
+ auto cover = cac.getUnsatCover();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cover.empty());
+ std::cout << "SAT: " << cac.getModel() << std::endl;
+void test_delta(const std::vector<Node>& a)
+ cad::CDCAC cac(nullptr, nullptr, {});
+ cac.reset();
+ for (const Node& n : a)
+ {
+ cac.getConstraints().addConstraint(n);
+ }
+ cac.computeVariableOrdering();
+ // Do full theory check here
+ auto covering = cac.getUnsatCover();
+ if (covering.empty())
+ {
+ std::cout << "SAT: " << cac.getModel() << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto mis = cad::collectConstraints(covering);
+ std::cout << "Collected MIS: " << mis << std::endl;
+ Assert(!mis.empty()) << "Infeasible subset can not be empty";
+ Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(mis).negate();
+ Notice() << "UNSAT with MIS: " << lem << std::endl;
+ }
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_delta_one)
+ std::vector<Node> a;
+ Node zero = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(0));
+ Node one = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(1));
+ Node mone = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(-1));
+ Node fifth = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(1, 2));
+ Node g = make_real_variable("g");
+ Node l = make_real_variable("l");
+ Node q = make_real_variable("q");
+ Node s = make_real_variable("s");
+ Node u = make_real_variable("u");
+ a.emplace_back(l == mone);
+ a.emplace_back(!(g * s == zero));
+ a.emplace_back(q * s == zero);
+ a.emplace_back(u == zero);
+ a.emplace_back(q == (one + (fifth * g * s)));
+ a.emplace_back(l == u + q * s + (fifth * g * s * s));
+ test_delta(a);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_delta_two)
+ std::vector<Node> a;
+ Node zero = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(0));
+ Node one = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(1));
+ Node mone = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(-1));
+ Node fifth = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational(1, 2));
+ Node g = make_real_variable("g");
+ Node l = make_real_variable("l");
+ Node q = make_real_variable("q");
+ Node s = make_real_variable("s");
+ Node u = make_real_variable("u");
+ a.emplace_back(l == mone);
+ a.emplace_back(!(g * s == zero));
+ a.emplace_back(u == zero);
+ a.emplace_back(q * s == zero);
+ a.emplace_back(q == (one + (fifth * g * s)));
+ a.emplace_back(l == u + q * s + (fifth * g * s * s));
+ test_delta(a);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteArithCAD, test_ran_conversion)
+ RealAlgebraicNumber ran(
+ std::vector<Rational>({-2, 0, 1}), Rational(1, 3), Rational(7, 3));
+ {
+ Node x = make_real_variable("x");
+ Node n = nl::ran_to_node(ran, x);
+ RealAlgebraicNumber back = nl::node_to_ran(n, x);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ran == back);
+ }
+} // namespace cvc5::test