if (key->compute_pos_offset) {
/* Convert int_sample_pos to floating point */
- emit(MOV(dst, int_sample_pos));
+ bld.MOV(dst, int_sample_pos);
/* Scale to the range [0, 1] */
- emit(MUL(dst, dst, fs_reg(1 / 16.0f)));
+ bld.MUL(dst, dst, fs_reg(1 / 16.0f));
else {
/* From ARB_sample_shading specification:
* rasterization is disabled, gl_SamplePosition will always be
* (0.5, 0.5).
- emit(MOV(dst, fs_reg(0.5f)));
+ bld.MOV(dst, fs_reg(0.5f));
assert(devinfo->gen >= 6);
- this->current_annotation = "compute sample position";
+ const fs_builder abld = bld.annotate("compute sample position");
fs_reg *reg = new(this->mem_ctx) fs_reg(vgrf(glsl_type::vec2_type));
fs_reg pos = *reg;
fs_reg int_sample_x = vgrf(glsl_type::int_type);
BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_B), 16, 8, 2);
if (dispatch_width == 8) {
- emit(MOV(int_sample_x, fs_reg(sample_pos_reg)));
+ abld.MOV(int_sample_x, fs_reg(sample_pos_reg));
} else {
- emit(MOV(half(int_sample_x, 0), fs_reg(sample_pos_reg)));
- emit(MOV(half(int_sample_x, 1), fs_reg(suboffset(sample_pos_reg, 16))))
- ->force_sechalf = true;
+ abld.half(0).MOV(half(int_sample_x, 0), fs_reg(sample_pos_reg));
+ abld.half(1).MOV(half(int_sample_x, 1),
+ fs_reg(suboffset(sample_pos_reg, 16)));
/* Compute gl_SamplePosition.x */
compute_sample_position(pos, int_sample_x);
pos = offset(pos, 1);
if (dispatch_width == 8) {
- emit(MOV(int_sample_y, fs_reg(suboffset(sample_pos_reg, 1))));
+ abld.MOV(int_sample_y, fs_reg(suboffset(sample_pos_reg, 1)));
} else {
- emit(MOV(half(int_sample_y, 0),
- fs_reg(suboffset(sample_pos_reg, 1))));
- emit(MOV(half(int_sample_y, 1), fs_reg(suboffset(sample_pos_reg, 17))))
- ->force_sechalf = true;
+ abld.half(0).MOV(half(int_sample_y, 0),
+ fs_reg(suboffset(sample_pos_reg, 1)));
+ abld.half(1).MOV(half(int_sample_y, 1),
+ fs_reg(suboffset(sample_pos_reg, 17)));
/* Compute gl_SamplePosition.y */
compute_sample_position(pos, int_sample_y);
brw_wm_prog_key *key = (brw_wm_prog_key*) this->key;
assert(devinfo->gen >= 6);
- this->current_annotation = "compute sample id";
+ const fs_builder abld = bld.annotate("compute sample id");
fs_reg *reg = new(this->mem_ctx) fs_reg(vgrf(glsl_type::int_type));
if (key->compute_sample_id) {
* are sample 1 of subspan 0; the third group is sample 0 of
* subspan 1, and finally sample 1 of subspan 1.
- fs_inst *inst;
- inst = emit(BRW_OPCODE_AND, t1,
- fs_reg(retype(brw_vec1_grf(0, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD)),
- fs_reg(0xc0));
- inst->force_writemask_all = true;
- inst = emit(BRW_OPCODE_SHR, t1, t1, fs_reg(5));
- inst->force_writemask_all = true;
+ abld.exec_all()
+ .AND(t1, fs_reg(retype(brw_vec1_grf(0, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD)),
+ fs_reg(0xc0));
+ abld.exec_all().SHR(t1, t1, fs_reg(5));
/* This works for both SIMD8 and SIMD16 */
- inst = emit(MOV(t2, brw_imm_v(key->persample_2x ? 0x1010 : 0x3210)));
- inst->force_writemask_all = true;
+ abld.exec_all()
+ .MOV(t2, brw_imm_v(key->persample_2x ? 0x1010 : 0x3210));
/* This special instruction takes care of setting vstride=1,
* width=4, hstride=0 of t2 during an ADD instruction.
- emit(FS_OPCODE_SET_SAMPLE_ID, *reg, t1, t2);
+ abld.emit(FS_OPCODE_SET_SAMPLE_ID, *reg, t1, t2);
} else {
/* As per GL_ARB_sample_shading specification:
* "When rendering to a non-multisample buffer, or if multisample
* rasterization is disabled, gl_SampleID will always be zero."
- emit(BRW_OPCODE_MOV, *reg, fs_reg(0));
+ abld.MOV(*reg, fs_reg(0));
return reg;