# The Mission
-- to give mass volume appliance manufacturers an alternative to expensive
- un-auditable chips.
-- to maximize the degree of trust a customer (business or user) can place in
- their processor.
- to provide a libre, secure and transparently developed hybrid CPU VPU
GPU architecture to the world.
-- to provide businesses and users worldwide with an alternative to
- current proprietary opaque chipsets and drivers.
+- to maximize the degree of trust a customer or user can place in
+ products using our processor designs.
+- through significantly reduced product development costs and time to
+ market, incentivise mass volume appliance manufacturers to ensure
+ that end-users of their products enjoy the same level of access to
+ full Board Support Package source code and Reference Designs that
+ they have, including for the processor hardware design.
+- to disincentivise Tivoisation, the deployment of DRM and other lockout
+ techniques that interfere with end-user trust in the products that
+ they legitimately own.
To accomplish this we: