+++ /dev/null
-"""AXI4Lite support for LiteX"""
-# Copyright (C) 2018 by Sergiusz Bazanski
-# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
-# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
-import math
-from migen import *
-from migen.genlib.record import *
-from litex.soc.interconnect import csr_bus
-# Layout of AXI4 Lite Bus
-_layout = [
- # Write Address
- ("aw", [
- ("addr", "address_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("prot", 3, DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("valid", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("ready", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
- ]),
- # Write Data
- ("w", [
- ("data", "data_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("strb", "strb_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("valid", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("ready", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
- ]),
- # Write Response
- ("b", [
- ("resp", 2, DIR_S_TO_M),
- ("valid", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
- ("ready", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
- ]),
- # Read Address
- ("ar", [
- ("addr", "address_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("prot", 3, DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("valid", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
- ("ready", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
- ]),
- # Read Data
- ("r", [
- ("data", "data_width", DIR_S_TO_M),
- ("resp", 2, DIR_S_TO_M),
- ("valid", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
- ("ready", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
- ]),
-class Interface(Record):
- """AXI4Lite Bus Interface"""
- def __init__(self, data_width=32, address_width=6):
- super().__init__(set_layout_parameters(_layout,
- data_width=data_width,
- address_width=address_width,
- strb_width=data_width//8))
-class AXILite2CSR(Module):
- """
- A bridge between AXI4Lite and a CSR bus.
- This bridge will let you connect an CSR bus to an AXI4 Lite master. Please
- bear in mind that CSR is word-addressed but AXI4 is byte-addressed. This
- bridge performs translation, so your AXI bus should be at least two bits
- wider then your CSR bus.
- The bridge does not support unaligned reads/writes - it will round down
- every access to the nearest word. If it tries to access unmapped memory,
- it will return whaterver word is currently active on the CSR bus -
- including writes.
- """
- def __init__(self, bus_axi, bus_csr):
- self.axi = axi = bus_axi
- self.csr = csr = bus_csr
- ###
- ar, r, aw, w, b = axi.ar, axi.r, axi.aw, axi.w, axi.b
- # Machine is currently busy talking to CSR, hold your horses.
- busy = Signal()
- # A write transaction is happening on the bus.
- write_transaction = Signal()
- # A read transaction is happening on the bus.
- read_transaction = Signal()
- self.comb += [
- write_transaction.eq(aw.valid & aw.ready & w.valid & w.ready),
- read_transaction.eq(ar.valid & ar.ready),
- ]
- # Write transaction generation.
- self.sync += [
- aw.ready.eq(0),
- w.ready.eq(0),
- If(aw.valid & w.valid,
- If(~aw.ready & ~busy & ~ar.valid,
- aw.ready.eq(1),
- w.ready.eq(1)
- )
- )
- ]
- # Write response generation.
- self.sync += [
- b.valid.eq(0),
- If(write_transaction,
- If(b.ready & ~b.valid,
- b.valid.eq(1),
- # Response 0 -> OKAY
- b.resp.eq(0),
- )
- )
- ]
- # Read transaction generation.
- self.sync += [
- ar.ready.eq(0),
- If(ar.valid & ~ar.ready & ~busy,
- ar.ready.eq(1),
- )
- ]
- # Registered data to be written to CSR, set by FSM.
- wdata = Signal(csr.dat_w.nbits)
- # Combinatorial byte address to assert on CSR bus, driven by FSM.
- addr = Signal(ar.addr.nbits)
- # Drive AXI & CSR combinatorial signals.
- self.comb += [
- csr.adr.eq(addr >> int(math.log(r.data.nbits//8, 2.0))),
- csr.dat_w.eq(wdata),
- r.data.eq(csr.dat_r),
- r.resp.eq(0),
- ]
- # CSR interaction FSM.
- self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state='IDLE')
- self.comb += [
- busy.eq(~fsm.ongoing('IDLE')),
- r.valid.eq(fsm.ongoing('READING')),
- csr.we.eq(fsm.ongoing('WRITING')),
- ]
- # Idle state - wait for a transaction to happen on AXI. Immediately
- # assert read/write address on CSR if such an transaction is occuring.
- fsm.act('IDLE',
- If(read_transaction,
- addr.eq(ar.addr),
- NextState('READING'),
- ).Elif(write_transaction,
- addr.eq(aw.addr),
- # Register data from AXI.
- NextValue(wdata, w.data),
- NextState('WRITING'),
- )
- )
- # Perform write to CSR.
- fsm.act('WRITING',
- addr.eq(aw.addr),
- # CSR writes are single cycle, go back to IDLE.
- NextState('IDLE'),
- )
- # Respond to read to AXI.
- fsm.act('READING',
- addr.eq(ar.addr),
- # If AXI master is ready to receive data, go back to IDLE.
- If(r.ready,
- NextState('IDLE'),
- )
- )
-from migen.sim import run_simulation
-from litex.soc.interconnect import csr, csr_bus
-def test_axilite2csr():
- class CSRHolder(Module, csr.AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self):
- self.foo = csr.CSRStorage(32, reset=1)
- self.bar = csr.CSRStorage(32, reset=1)
- class Fixture(Module):
- def __init__(self):
- self.csr = csr_bus.Interface(data_width=32, address_width=12)
- self.axi = Interface(data_width=32, address_width=14)
- self.submodules.holder = CSRHolder()
- self.submodules.dut = AXILite2CSR(self.axi, self.csr)
- self.submodules.csrbankarray = csr_bus.CSRBankArray(
- self, self.map_csr, data_width=32, address_width=12)
- self.submodules.csrcon = csr_bus.Interconnect(
- self.csr, self.csrbankarray.get_buses())
- def map_csr(self, name, memory):
- return {
- 'holder': 0,
- }[name]
- def testbench_write_read(dut):
- axi = dut.axi
- for _ in range(8):
- yield
- # Write test
- yield axi.aw.valid.eq(1)
- yield axi.aw.addr.eq(4)
- yield axi.w.valid.eq(1)
- yield axi.b.ready.eq(1)
- yield axi.w.data.eq(0x2137)
- while (yield axi.aw.ready) != 1:
- yield
- while (yield axi.w.ready) != 1:
- yield
- yield axi.aw.valid.eq(0)
- yield axi.w.valid.eq(0)
- for _ in range(8):
- yield
- # Read test
- yield axi.ar.valid.eq(1)
- yield axi.r.ready.eq(1)
- yield axi.ar.addr.eq(4)
- while (yield axi.ar.ready != 1):
- yield
- yield axi.ar.valid.eq(0)
- while (yield axi.r.valid != 1):
- yield
- yield axi.r.ready.eq(0)
- read = yield axi.r.data
- assert read == 0x2137
- for _ in range(8):
- yield
- def testbench_simultaneous(dut):
- axi = dut.axi
- for _ in range(8):
- yield
- # Write
- yield axi.aw.valid.eq(1)
- yield axi.aw.addr.eq(2)
- yield axi.w.valid.eq(1)
- yield axi.b.ready.eq(1)
- yield axi.w.data.eq(0x2137)
- # Read
- yield axi.ar.valid.eq(1)
- yield axi.r.ready.eq(1)
- yield axi.ar.addr.eq(2)
- yield
- yield
- is_reading = yield axi.ar.ready
- is_writing = yield axi.aw.ready
- assert is_reading
- assert not is_writing
- fixture = Fixture()
- run_simulation(fixture, testbench_write_read(fixture.dut), vcd_name='axi-write-read.vcd')
- fixture = Fixture()
- run_simulation(fixture, testbench_simultaneous(fixture.dut), vcd_name='axi-simultaneous.vcd')
--- /dev/null
+"""AXI4Lite support for LiteX"""
+# Copyright (C) 2018 by Sergiusz Bazanski
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
+import math
+from migen import *
+from migen.genlib.record import *
+from litex.soc.interconnect import csr_bus
+# Layout of AXI4 Lite Bus
+_layout = [
+ # Write Address
+ ("aw", [
+ ("addr", "address_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("prot", 3, DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("valid", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("ready", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
+ ]),
+ # Write Data
+ ("w", [
+ ("data", "data_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("strb", "strb_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("valid", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("ready", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
+ ]),
+ # Write Response
+ ("b", [
+ ("resp", 2, DIR_S_TO_M),
+ ("valid", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
+ ("ready", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ]),
+ # Read Address
+ ("ar", [
+ ("addr", "address_width", DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("prot", 3, DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("valid", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ("ready", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
+ ]),
+ # Read Data
+ ("r", [
+ ("data", "data_width", DIR_S_TO_M),
+ ("resp", 2, DIR_S_TO_M),
+ ("valid", 1, DIR_S_TO_M),
+ ("ready", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
+ ]),
+class Interface(Record):
+ """AXI4Lite Bus Interface"""
+ def __init__(self, data_width=32, address_width=6):
+ super().__init__(set_layout_parameters(_layout,
+ data_width=data_width,
+ address_width=address_width,
+ strb_width=data_width//8))
+class AXILite2CSR(Module):
+ """
+ A bridge between AXI4Lite and a CSR bus.
+ This bridge will let you connect an CSR bus to an AXI4 Lite master. Please
+ bear in mind that CSR is word-addressed but AXI4 is byte-addressed. This
+ bridge performs translation, so your AXI bus should be at least two bits
+ wider then your CSR bus.
+ The bridge does not support unaligned reads/writes - it will round down
+ every access to the nearest word. If it tries to access unmapped memory,
+ it will return whaterver word is currently active on the CSR bus -
+ including writes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bus_axi, bus_csr):
+ self.axi = axi = bus_axi
+ self.csr = csr = bus_csr
+ ###
+ ar, r, aw, w, b = axi.ar, axi.r, axi.aw, axi.w, axi.b
+ # Machine is currently busy talking to CSR, hold your horses.
+ busy = Signal()
+ # A write transaction is happening on the bus.
+ write_transaction = Signal()
+ # A read transaction is happening on the bus.
+ read_transaction = Signal()
+ self.comb += [
+ write_transaction.eq(aw.valid & aw.ready & w.valid & w.ready),
+ read_transaction.eq(ar.valid & ar.ready),
+ ]
+ # Write transaction generation.
+ self.sync += [
+ aw.ready.eq(0),
+ w.ready.eq(0),
+ If(aw.valid & w.valid,
+ If(~aw.ready & ~busy & ~ar.valid,
+ aw.ready.eq(1),
+ w.ready.eq(1)
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ # Write response generation.
+ self.sync += [
+ b.valid.eq(0),
+ If(write_transaction,
+ If(b.ready & ~b.valid,
+ b.valid.eq(1),
+ # Response 0 -> OKAY
+ b.resp.eq(0),
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ # Read transaction generation.
+ self.sync += [
+ ar.ready.eq(0),
+ If(ar.valid & ~ar.ready & ~busy,
+ ar.ready.eq(1),
+ )
+ ]
+ # Registered data to be written to CSR, set by FSM.
+ wdata = Signal(csr.dat_w.nbits)
+ # Combinatorial byte address to assert on CSR bus, driven by FSM.
+ addr = Signal(ar.addr.nbits)
+ # Drive AXI & CSR combinatorial signals.
+ self.comb += [
+ csr.adr.eq(addr >> int(math.log(r.data.nbits//8, 2.0))),
+ csr.dat_w.eq(wdata),
+ r.data.eq(csr.dat_r),
+ r.resp.eq(0),
+ ]
+ # CSR interaction FSM.
+ self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state='IDLE')
+ self.comb += [
+ busy.eq(~fsm.ongoing('IDLE')),
+ r.valid.eq(fsm.ongoing('READING')),
+ csr.we.eq(fsm.ongoing('WRITING')),
+ ]
+ # Idle state - wait for a transaction to happen on AXI. Immediately
+ # assert read/write address on CSR if such an transaction is occuring.
+ fsm.act('IDLE',
+ If(read_transaction,
+ addr.eq(ar.addr),
+ NextState('READING'),
+ ).Elif(write_transaction,
+ addr.eq(aw.addr),
+ # Register data from AXI.
+ NextValue(wdata, w.data),
+ NextState('WRITING'),
+ )
+ )
+ # Perform write to CSR.
+ fsm.act('WRITING',
+ addr.eq(aw.addr),
+ # CSR writes are single cycle, go back to IDLE.
+ NextState('IDLE'),
+ )
+ # Respond to read to AXI.
+ fsm.act('READING',
+ addr.eq(ar.addr),
+ # If AXI master is ready to receive data, go back to IDLE.
+ If(r.ready,
+ NextState('IDLE'),
+ )
+ )
+from migen.sim import run_simulation
+from litex.soc.interconnect import csr, csr_bus
+def test_axilite2csr():
+ class CSRHolder(Module, csr.AutoCSR):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.foo = csr.CSRStorage(32, reset=1)
+ self.bar = csr.CSRStorage(32, reset=1)
+ class Fixture(Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.csr = csr_bus.Interface(data_width=32, address_width=12)
+ self.axi = Interface(data_width=32, address_width=14)
+ self.submodules.holder = CSRHolder()
+ self.submodules.dut = AXILite2CSR(self.axi, self.csr)
+ self.submodules.csrbankarray = csr_bus.CSRBankArray(
+ self, self.map_csr, data_width=32, address_width=12)
+ self.submodules.csrcon = csr_bus.Interconnect(
+ self.csr, self.csrbankarray.get_buses())
+ def map_csr(self, name, memory):
+ return {
+ 'holder': 0,
+ }[name]
+ def testbench_write_read(dut):
+ axi = dut.axi
+ for _ in range(8):
+ yield
+ # Write test
+ yield axi.aw.valid.eq(1)
+ yield axi.aw.addr.eq(4)
+ yield axi.w.valid.eq(1)
+ yield axi.b.ready.eq(1)
+ yield axi.w.data.eq(0x2137)
+ while (yield axi.aw.ready) != 1:
+ yield
+ while (yield axi.w.ready) != 1:
+ yield
+ yield axi.aw.valid.eq(0)
+ yield axi.w.valid.eq(0)
+ for _ in range(8):
+ yield
+ # Read test
+ yield axi.ar.valid.eq(1)
+ yield axi.r.ready.eq(1)
+ yield axi.ar.addr.eq(4)
+ while (yield axi.ar.ready != 1):
+ yield
+ yield axi.ar.valid.eq(0)
+ while (yield axi.r.valid != 1):
+ yield
+ yield axi.r.ready.eq(0)
+ read = yield axi.r.data
+ assert read == 0x2137
+ for _ in range(8):
+ yield
+ def testbench_simultaneous(dut):
+ axi = dut.axi
+ for _ in range(8):
+ yield
+ # Write
+ yield axi.aw.valid.eq(1)
+ yield axi.aw.addr.eq(2)
+ yield axi.w.valid.eq(1)
+ yield axi.b.ready.eq(1)
+ yield axi.w.data.eq(0x2137)
+ # Read
+ yield axi.ar.valid.eq(1)
+ yield axi.r.ready.eq(1)
+ yield axi.ar.addr.eq(2)
+ yield
+ yield
+ is_reading = yield axi.ar.ready
+ is_writing = yield axi.aw.ready
+ assert is_reading
+ assert not is_writing
+ fixture = Fixture()
+ run_simulation(fixture, testbench_write_read(fixture.dut), vcd_name='axi-write-read.vcd')
+ fixture = Fixture()
+ run_simulation(fixture, testbench_simultaneous(fixture.dut), vcd_name='axi-simultaneous.vcd')