DRI_CONF_DESC(en,"Forbid negative texture LOD bias") \
+#define DRI_CONF_DEF_MAX_ANISOTROPY(def,range) \
+DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(def_max_anisotropy,float,def,range) \
+ DRI_CONF_DESC(en,"Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering") \
#if defined(RADEON_R100) /* R100 */
static const __DRIconfigOptionsExtension radeon_config_options = {
.base = { __DRI_CONFIG_OPTIONS, 1 },
msgid "Force 16 bits per texel"
msgstr "Força 16 bits per texel"
-#: t_options.h:143
-msgid "Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering"
-msgstr "Valor màxim inicial per a la filtració de textura anisòtropa"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr "Un filtre de postprocessament per a aplicar cel shading a la sortida"
msgid "Force 16 bits per texel"
msgstr "Erzwinge 16 bits pro Texel"
-#: t_options.h:143
-msgid "Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering"
-msgstr "Initialer Maximalwert für anisotropische Texturfilterung"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr "Nachbearbeitungsfilter für Cell Shading"
msgid "Force 16 bits per texel"
msgstr "Forzar a 16 bits por texel"
-#: t_options.h:143
-msgid "Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering"
-msgstr "Valor máximo inicial para filtrado anisotrópico de textura"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr "Un filtro de postprocesamiento para aplicar cel shading a la salida"
msgid "Force 16 bits per texel"
msgstr "Forcer 16 bits par texel"
-#: t_options.h:143
-msgid "Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering"
-msgstr "Valeur maximale initiale pour le filtrage anisotropique de texture"
#: t_options.h:195
msgid "A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output"
msgstr ""
msgid "Force 16 bits per texel"
msgstr "Dwing 16 bits per texel af"
-#: t_options.h:143
-msgid "Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering"
-msgstr "Initïele maximum waarde voor anisotrophische textuur filtering"
#: t_options.h:182
msgid "Horizontal error diffusion"
msgstr "Horizontale foutdiffusie"
msgid "Force 16 bits per texel"
msgstr "Tvinga 16 bitar per texel"
-#: t_options.h:143
-msgid "Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering"
-msgstr "Initialt maximalt värde för anisotropisk texturfiltrering"
#: t_options.h:181
msgid "Color dithering method"
msgstr "Färgutjämningsmetod"
-#define DRI_CONF_DEF_MAX_ANISOTROPY(def,range) \
-DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(def_max_anisotropy,float,def,range) \
- DRI_CONF_DESC(en,gettext("Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering")) \
#define DRI_CONF_PRECISE_TRIG(def) \
DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_B(precise_trig, def) \
DRI_CONF_DESC(en,gettext("Prefer accuracy over performance in trig functions")) \