return [state], [state]
+class _BusReadExprCompiler(ExprCompiler):
+ def __init__(self, symdict, modelname, data_signal):
+ super().__init__(symdict)
+ self.modelname = modelname
+ self.data_signal = data_signal
+ def visit_expr_attribute(self, node):
+ # recognize <modelname>.data as the bus read signal, raise exception otherwise
+ if not isinstance(node.value, ast.Name) \
+ or node.value.id != self.modelname \
+ or node.attr != "data":
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return self.data_signal
def _gen_wishbone_io(compiler, modelname, model, to_model, from_model, bus):
state = [
raise TypeError("Attempted to read from write transaction")
- # TODO
+ ec = _BusReadExprCompiler(compiler.symdict, modelname, bus.dat_r)
+ for target_regs, expr in from_model:
+ cexpr = ec.visit_expr(expr)
+ state += [reg.load(cexpr) for reg in target_regs]
state.append(If(~bus.ack, AbstractNextState(state)))
return [state], [state]