return -1
+# Get endianess for the scalar->vector casts
+gdb_test_multiple "show endian" "show endian" {
+ -re ".* (big|little) endian.*$gdb_prompt $" {
+ set endian $expect_out(1,string)
+ pass "endianness: $endian"
+ }
# Test printing of character vector types
gdb_test "print c4" "\\\$$decimal = \\{1, 2, 3, 4\\}"
gdb_test "print c4\[2\]" "\\\$$decimal = 3"
# When casting to vector the input type must have the same length as
# the total length of the vector.
gdb_test "print (char4) 0x01010101" "\\\$$decimal = \\{1, 1, 1, 1\\}"
-gdb_test "print (char4) ia" "\\\$$decimal = \\{2, 0, 0, 0\\}"
gdb_test "print (int2) lla" "\\\$$decimal = \\{1, 1\\}"
+if { ![string compare $endian big] } then {
+ gdb_test "print (char4) ia" "\\\$$decimal = \\{0, 0, 0, 2\\}"
+} else {
+ gdb_test "print (char4) ia" "\\\$$decimal = \\{2, 0, 0, 0\\}"
gdb_test "print (int2) 1" "can only cast scalar to vector of same size"
gdb_test "print (longlong2) 2" "can only cast scalar to vector of same size"
gdb_test "print (float2) 3" "can only cast scalar to vector of same size"