"-adv_options {VCCI_2.5_VOLTR:EXT}",
"-adv_options {VCCI_3.3_VOLTR:EXT}",
"-adv_options {VOLTR:EXT} "
- ]))
+ ]))
# add files
for filename, language, library in sources:
if file.endswith(".init"):
tcl.append("file copy -- {} impl/synthesis".format(file))
- # import constraints
+ # import io constraints
tcl.append("import_files -io_pdc {{{}}}".format(build_name + ".pdc"))
tcl.append(" ".join(["organize_tool_files",
"-tool {PLACEROUTE}",
"-input_type {constraint}"
+ # import timing constraints
+ tcl.append("import_files -convert_EDN_to_HDL 0 -sdc {{{}}}".format(build_name + ".sdc"))
+ tcl.append(" ".join(["organize_tool_files",
+ "-tool {VERIFYTIMING}",
+ "-file impl/constraint/{}.sdc".format(build_name),
+ "-module {}".format(build_name),
+ "-input_type {constraint}"
+ ]))
# build flow
tcl.append("run_tool -name {CONSTRAINT_MANAGEMENT}")
tcl.append("run_tool -name {SYNTHESIZE}")
tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".tcl", "\n".join(tcl))
+def _build_sdc(vns, clocks, false_paths, build_name):
+ sdc = []
+ for clk, period in sorted(clocks.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].duid):
+ sdc.append(
+ "create_clock -name {clk} -period " + str(period) +
+ " [get_nets {clk}]".format(clk=vns.get_name(clk)))
+ for from_, to in sorted(false_paths,
+ key=lambda x: (x[0].duid, x[1].duid)):
+ sdc.append(
+ "set_clock_groups "
+ "-group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks -of [get_nets {from_}]] "
+ "-group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks -of [get_nets {to}]] "
+ "-asynchronous".format(from_=from_, to=to))
+ # generate sdc
+ tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".sdc", "\n".join(sdc))
def _build_script(build_name, device, toolchain_path, ver=None):
if sys.platform in ("win32", "cygwin"):
script_ext = ".bat"
special_overrides = common.microsemi_polarfire_special_overrides
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.clocks = dict()
+ self.false_paths = set()
def build(self, platform, fragment, build_dir="build", build_name="top",
toolchain_path=None, run=False, **kwargs):
os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True)
# generate design script (tcl)
_build_tcl(platform, platform.sources, build_dir, build_name)
- # generate design constraints (pdc)
+ # generate design io constraints (pdc)
_build_pdc(named_sc, named_pc, build_name)
+ # generate design timing constraints (sdc)
+ _build_sdc(top_output.ns, self.clocks, self.false_paths, build_name)
# generate build script
script = _build_script(build_name, platform.device, toolchain_path)
return top_output.ns
def add_period_constraint(self, platform, clk, period):
- print("TODO: add_period_constraint")
\ No newline at end of file
+ if clk in self.clocks:
+ raise ValueError("A period constraint already exists")
+ self.clocks[clk] = period
+ def add_false_path_constraint(self, platform, from_, to):
+ if (to, from_) not in self.false_paths:
+ self.false_paths.add((from_, to))
raise ValueError("Unknown toolchain")
def get_verilog(self, *args, special_overrides=dict(), **kwargs):
- so = dict() # No common overrides between ECP and ice40.
+ so = dict()
return GenericPlatform.get_verilog(self, *args, special_overrides=so,
if hasattr(clk, "p"):
clk = clk.p
self.toolchain.add_period_constraint(self, clk, period)
+ def add_false_path_constraint(self, from_, to):
+ if hasattr(from_, "p"):
+ from_ = from_.p
+ if hasattr(to, "p"):
+ to = to.p
+ self.toolchain.add_false_path_constraint(self, from_, to)