uint64_t ass_id = partial_model::Assignment::getId();
Debug("arithsetup") << "Assignment: " << ass_id << std::endl;
+ d_partialModel.beginRecordingAssignments();
for(vector<Node>::iterator i=d_variables.begin(); i!= d_variables.end(); ++i){
n.setAttribute(EagerlySplitUpon(), true);
+ if(n.getMetaKind() == metakind::VARIABLE){
+ setupVariable(n);
+ }
Debug("arith_preregister") << "arith: end TheoryArith::preRegisterTerm("
<< n << ")" << endl;
return true;
-Kind multKind(Kind k){
- switch(k){
- case LT: return GT;
- case LEQ: return GEQ;
- case EQUAL: return EQUAL;
- case GEQ: return LEQ;
- case GT: return LT;
- default:
- Unhandled();
- }
- return NULL_EXPR;
void registerAtom(TNode rel){
+/* Requirements:
+ * Variable must have been set to be basic.
+ * For basic variables the row must have been added to the tableau.
+ */
+void TheoryArith::setupVariable(TNode x){
+ Assert(x.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::VARIABLE);
+ d_variables.push_back(Node(x));
+ if(!isBasic(x)){
+ d_partialModel.initialize(x,d_constants.d_ZERO_DELTA);
+ }else{
+ //If the variable is basic, assertions may have already happened and updates
+ //may have occured before setting this variable up.
+ //This can go away if the tableau creation is done at preregister
+ //time instead of register
+ DeltaRational q = computeRowValueUsingSavedAssignment(x);
+ if(!(q == d_constants.d_ZERO_DELTA)){
+ Debug("arith_setup") << "setup("<<x<< " " <<q<<")"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ d_partialModel.initialize(x,q);
+ q = computeRowValueUsingAssignment(x);
+ if(!(q == d_constants.d_ZERO_DELTA)){
+ Debug("arith_setup") << "setup("<<x<< " " <<q<<")"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ d_partialModel.setAssignment(x,q);
+ }
+ Debug("arithgc") << "setupVariable("<<x<<")"<<std::endl;
+ * Computes the value of a basic variable using the current assignment.
+ */
+DeltaRational TheoryArith::computeRowValueUsingAssignment(TNode x){
+ Assert(isBasic(x));
+ DeltaRational sum = d_constants.d_ZERO_DELTA;
+ Row* row = d_tableau.lookup(x);
+ for(std::set<TNode>::iterator i = row->begin(); i != row->end();++i){
+ TNode nonbasic = *i;
+ Rational& coeff = row->lookup(nonbasic);
+ DeltaRational assignment = d_partialModel.getAssignment(nonbasic);
+ sum = sum + (assignment * coeff);
+ }
+ return sum;
+ * Computes the value of a basic variable using the current assignment.
+ */
+DeltaRational TheoryArith::computeRowValueUsingSavedAssignment(TNode x){
+ Assert(isBasic(x));
+ DeltaRational sum = d_constants.d_ZERO_DELTA;
+ Row* row = d_tableau.lookup(x);
+ for(std::set<TNode>::iterator i = row->begin(); i != row->end();++i){
+ TNode nonbasic = *i;
+ Rational& coeff = row->lookup(nonbasic);
+ DeltaRational assignment = d_partialModel.getSavedAssignment(nonbasic);
+ sum = sum + (assignment * coeff);
+ }
+ return sum;
Node TheoryArith::rewrite(TNode n){
Debug("arith") << "rewrite(" << n << ")" << endl;
if(tn.getKind() == kind::BUILTIN) return;
- if(tn.getMetaKind() == metakind::VARIABLE){
- setupVariable(tn);
- }
//TODO is an atom
TypeNode real_type = NodeManager::currentNM()->realType();
slack = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkVar(real_type);
- setupVariable(slack);
left.setAttribute(Slack(), slack);
Node slackEqLeft = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(EQUAL,slack,left);
slackEqLeft.setAttribute(TheoryArithPropagated(), true);
//TODO this has to be wrong no? YES (dejan)
+ setupVariable(slack);
Node rewritten = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(k,slack,right);
/* procedure AssertUpper( x_i <= c_i) */
-void TheoryArith::AssertUpper(TNode n, TNode original){
+bool TheoryArith::AssertUpper(TNode n, TNode original){
TNode x_i = n[0];
Rational dcoeff = Rational(Integer(deltaCoeff(n.getKind())));
DeltaRational c_i(n[1].getConst<Rational>(), dcoeff);
if(d_partialModel.aboveUpperBound(x_i, c_i, false) ){
- return; //sat
+ return false; //sat
if(d_partialModel.belowLowerBound(x_i, c_i, true)){
- Node conflict = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(AND, d_partialModel.getLowerConstraint(x_i), original);
+ Node lbc = d_partialModel.getLowerConstraint(x_i);
+ Node conflict = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(AND, lbc, original);
+ Debug("arith") << "AssertUpper conflict " << conflict << endl;
- return;
+ return true;
update(x_i, c_i);
+ d_partialModel.printModel(x_i);
+ return false;
/* procedure AssertLower( x_i >= c_i ) */
-void TheoryArith::AssertLower(TNode n, TNode orig){
+bool TheoryArith::AssertLower(TNode n, TNode original){
TNode x_i = n[0];
Rational dcoeff = Rational(Integer(deltaCoeff(n.getKind())));
DeltaRational c_i(n[1].getConst<Rational>(),dcoeff);
Debug("arith") << "AssertLower(" << x_i << " " << c_i << ")"<< std::endl;
if(d_partialModel.belowLowerBound(x_i, c_i, false)){
- return; //sat
+ return false; //sat
if(d_partialModel.aboveUpperBound(x_i, c_i, true)){
- Node conflict = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(AND, d_partialModel.getUpperConstraint(x_i), orig);
+ Node ubc = d_partialModel.getUpperConstraint(x_i);
+ Node conflict = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(AND, ubc, original);
- return;
+ Debug("arith") << "AssertLower conflict " << conflict << endl;
+ return true;
- d_partialModel.setLowerConstraint(x_i,orig);
+ d_partialModel.setLowerConstraint(x_i,original);
d_partialModel.setLowerBound(x_i, c_i);
update(x_i, c_i);
+ //d_partialModel.printModel(x_i);
+ return false;
void TheoryArith::update(TNode x_i, DeltaRational& v){
d_partialModel.setAssignment(x_i, v);
+ if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ checkTableau();
+ }
void TheoryArith::pivotAndUpdate(TNode x_i, TNode x_j, DeltaRational& v){
+ Assert(x_i != x_j);
Row* row_i = d_tableau.lookup(x_i);
Rational& a_ij = row_i->lookup(x_j);
d_tableau.pivot(x_i, x_j);
- d_tableau.printTableau();
+ if(debugTagIsOn("tableau")){
+ d_tableau.printTableau();
+ }
TNode TheoryArith::selectSmallestInconsistentVar(){
Node TheoryArith::updateInconsistentVars(){ //corresponds to Check() in dM06
Debug("arith") << "updateInconsistentVars" << endl;
- d_partialModel.beginRecordingAssignments();
+ if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ checkTableau();
+ }
TNode x_i = selectSmallestInconsistentVar();
Debug("arith_update") << "selectSmallestInconsistentVar()=" << x_i << endl;
if(x_i == Node::null()){
Debug("arith_update") << "No inconsistent variables" << endl;
+ if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ checkTableau();
+ }
+ d_partialModel.beginRecordingAssignments();
+ if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ checkTableau();
+ }
return Node::null(); //sat
DeltaRational beta_i = d_partialModel.getAssignment(x_i);
DeltaRational l_i = d_partialModel.getLowerBound(x_i);
TNode x_j = selectSlackBelow(x_i);
if(x_j == TNode::null() ){
+ Debug("arith_update") << "conflict below" << endl;
+ if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ checkTableau();
+ }
+ d_partialModel.beginRecordingAssignments();
+ if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ checkTableau();
+ }
return generateConflictBelow(x_i); //unsat
- d_partialModel.printModel(x_i);
- d_partialModel.printModel(x_j);
pivotAndUpdate(x_i, x_j, l_i);
}else if(d_partialModel.aboveUpperBound(x_i, beta_i, true)){
DeltaRational u_i = d_partialModel.getUpperBound(x_i);
TNode x_j = selectSlackAbove(x_i);
if(x_j == TNode::null() ){
+ Debug("arith_update") << "conflict above" << endl;
+ if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ checkTableau();
+ }
+ d_partialModel.beginRecordingAssignments();
+ if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ checkTableau();
+ }
return generateConflictAbove(x_i); //unsat
- d_partialModel.printModel(x_i);
- d_partialModel.printModel(x_j);
pivotAndUpdate(x_i, x_j, u_i);
Debug("arith") << "generateConflictAbove "
<< "conflictVar " << conflictVar
+ << " " << d_partialModel.getAssignment(conflictVar)
<< " " << bound << endl;
nb << bound;
if(a_ij < d_constants.d_ZERO){
bound = d_partialModel.getUpperConstraint(nonbasic);
- Debug("arith") << "below 0 "<< nonbasic << " " << bound << endl;
+ Debug("arith") << "below 0 " << nonbasic << " "
+ << d_partialModel.getAssignment(nonbasic) << " " << bound << endl;
nb << bound;
bound = d_partialModel.getLowerConstraint(nonbasic);
- Debug("arith") << " above 0 "<< nonbasic << " " << bound << endl;
+ Debug("arith") << " above 0 " << nonbasic << " "
+ << d_partialModel.getAssignment(nonbasic) << " " << bound << endl;
nb << bound;
Debug("arith") << "generateConflictBelow "
<< "conflictVar " << conflictVar
+ << d_partialModel.getAssignment(conflictVar) << " "
<< " " << bound << endl;
nb << bound;
if(a_ij < d_constants.d_ZERO){
TNode bound = d_partialModel.getLowerConstraint(nonbasic);
- Debug("arith") << "Lower "<< nonbasic << " " << bound << endl;
+ Debug("arith") << "Lower "<< nonbasic << " "
+ << d_partialModel.getAssignment(nonbasic) << " "<< bound << endl;
nb << bound;
TNode bound = d_partialModel.getUpperConstraint(nonbasic);
- Debug("arith") << "Upper "<< nonbasic << " " << bound << endl;
+ Debug("arith") << "Upper "<< nonbasic << " "
+ << d_partialModel.getAssignment(nonbasic) << " "<< bound << endl;
nb << bound;
void TheoryArith::check(Effort level){
Debug("arith") << "TheoryArith::check begun" << std::endl;
+ bool conflictDuringAnAssert = false;
+ //checkTableau();
Node original = get();
Node assertion = simulatePreprocessing(original);
Debug("arith_assertions") << "arith assertion(" << original
- << " \\-> " << assertion << ")" << std::endl;
+ << " \\-> " << assertion << ")" << std::endl;
Warning() << "No bools should be reached dagnabbit" << endl;
case LEQ:
- AssertUpper(assertion, original);
+ conflictDuringAnAssert = AssertUpper(assertion, original);
case GEQ:
- AssertLower(assertion, original);
+ conflictDuringAnAssert = AssertLower(assertion, original);
case EQUAL:
- AssertUpper(assertion, original);
- AssertLower(assertion, original);
+ conflictDuringAnAssert = AssertUpper(assertion, original);
+ conflictDuringAnAssert |= AssertLower(assertion, original);
case NOT:
case LEQ: //(not (LEQ x c)) <=> (GT x c)
Node pushedin = pushInNegation(assertion);
- AssertLower(pushedin,original);
+ conflictDuringAnAssert = AssertLower(pushedin,original);
case GEQ: //(not (GEQ x c) <=> (LT x c)
Node pushedin = pushInNegation(assertion);
- AssertUpper(pushedin,original);
+ conflictDuringAnAssert = AssertUpper(pushedin,original);
case EQUAL:
+ if(conflictDuringAnAssert){
+ //clear the queue;
+ while(!done()) {
+ get();
+ }
+ //return
+ return;
+ }
Node possibleConflict = updateInconsistentVars();
if(possibleConflict != Node::null()){
- Debug("arith_conflict") << "Found a conflict " << possibleConflict << endl;
+ Debug("arith_conflict") << "Found a conflict "
+ << possibleConflict << endl;
Debug("arith_conflict") << "No conflict found" << endl;
//Warning() << "Outstanding case split in theory arith" << endl;
- if(debugTagIsOn("model")){
- for(vector<Node>::iterator i=d_variables.begin();
- i!= d_variables.end();
- ++i){
- Node var = *i;
- d_partialModel.printModel(var);
- }
- }
Debug("arith") << "TheoryArith::check end" << std::endl;
+ * This check is quite expensive.
+ * It should be wrapped in a debugTagIsOn guard.
+ * if(debugTagIsOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){
+ * checkTableau();
+ * }
+ */
+void TheoryArith::checkTableau(){
+ for(Tableau::VarSet::iterator basicIter = d_tableau.begin();
+ basicIter != d_tableau.end(); ++basicIter){
+ TNode basic = *basicIter;
+ Row* row_k = d_tableau.lookup(basic);
+ DeltaRational sum;
+ Debug("paranoid:check_tableau") << "starting row" << basic << endl;
+ for(std::set<TNode>::iterator nonbasicIter = row_k->begin();
+ nonbasicIter != row_k->end();
+ ++nonbasicIter){
+ TNode nonbasic = *nonbasicIter;
+ Rational& coeff = row_k->lookup(nonbasic);
+ DeltaRational beta = d_partialModel.getAssignment(nonbasic);
+ Debug("paranoid:check_tableau") << nonbasic << beta << coeff<<endl;
+ sum = sum + (beta*coeff);
+ }
+ DeltaRational shouldBe = d_partialModel.getAssignment(basic);
+ Debug("paranoid:check_tableau") << "ending row" << sum << "," << shouldBe << endl;
+ Assert(sum == shouldBe);
+ }