The preprocessor currently destroys double slash containing escaped
identifiers (for example \a//b ). This is due to next_token trying to
convert single line comments (//) into /* */ comments. This then leads
to an unintuitive error message like this:
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected '*'
This patch fixes the error by recognizing escaped identifiers and
returning them as single token. It also adds a testcase.
+ else if (ch == '\\')
+ {
+ while ((ch = next_char()) != 0) {
+ if (ch < 33 || ch > 126) {
+ return_char(ch);
+ break;
+ }
+ token += ch;
+ }
+ }
else if (ch == '/')
if ((ch = next_char()) != 0) {
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog -sv <<EOT
+module doubleslash
+ (input logic a,
+ input logic b,
+ output logic z);
+ logic \a//b ;
+ assign \a//b = a & b;
+ assign z = ~\a//b ;
+endmodule : doubleslash
+opt -full
+write_verilog doubleslash.v