for (auto cell : module->cells())
if (cell->$_DFF_N_), ID($_DFF_P_))) {
if (dff_cell)
- log_error("More than one $_DFF_[NP]_ cell found in module '%s' marked (* abc9_flop *)\n", log_id(module));
+ log_error("Module '%s' with (* abc9_flop *) contains more than one $_DFF_[NP]_ cell.\n", log_id(module));
dff_cell = cell;
// Block sequential synthesis on cells with (* init *) != 1'b0
goto continue_outer_loop;
+ else if (cell->$_DFF_NN0_), ID($_DFF_NN1_), ID($_DFF_NP0_), ID($_DFF_NP1_),
+ ID($_DFF_PN0_), ID($_DFF_PN1_), ID($_DFF_PP0_), ID($_DFF_PP1_),
+ ID($__DFFE_NN0), ID($__DFFE_NN1), ID($__DFFE_NP0), ID($__DFFE_NP1),
+ ID($__DFFE_PN0), ID($__DFFE_PN1), ID($__DFFE_PP0), ID($__DFFE_PP1)))
+ log_error("Module '%s' with (* abc9_flop *) contains an asynchronous $_DFFE?_[NP][NP][01]_? cell, which is not supported for sequential synthesis.\n", log_id(module));
else if (cell->$specify2), ID($specify3), ID($specrule)))
if (!dff_cell)
- log_error("$_DFF_[NP]_ cell not found in module '%s' marked (* abc9_flop *)\n", log_id(module));
+ log_error("Module '%s' with (* abc9_flop *) does not any contain $_DFF_[NP]_ cells.\n", log_id(module));
D = dff_cell->getPort(ID::D);
D = w;
- if (GetSize(specify_cells) == 0)
- log_error("Module '%s' marked (* abc9_flop *) contains no specify timing information.\n", log_id(module));
// Rewrite $specify cells that end with $_DFF_[NP]_.Q
// to $_DFF_[NP]_.D since it will be moved into
// the submodule