assign A_without_x[i] = A[i];
- if (B_SIGNED) begin
- if (B_WIDTH < 4 || A_WIDTH <= 4)
- wire _TECHMAP_FAIL_ = 1;
- else
- // Since negative indices are out of the range of A
- // and hence return 'bx, drop the sign bit
- .B_SIGNED(0),
- .B_WIDTH(B_WIDTH-1'd1),
- .A(A_without_x), .B(B[B_WIDTH-2:0]), .Y(Y)
- );
+ if (B_SIGNED) begin
+ if (B_WIDTH < 4 || A_WIDTH <= 4)
+ wire _TECHMAP_FAIL_ = 1;
+ else
+ // Since negative indices are out of the range of A
+ // and hence return 'bx, drop the sign bit
+ .B_SIGNED(0),
+ .B_WIDTH($clog2(A_WIDTH*B_WIDTH)),
+ .A(A_without_x), .B(B[B_WIDTH-2:0]), .Y(Y)
+ );
else begin
if (B_WIDTH < 3 || A_WIDTH <= 4)