'format': "_format_symbol_prompt",
'sorted': True,
+ 'virtual-packages': {
+ 'filename': "virtual-package-list",
+ 'root_menu': "Target packages",
+ 'filter': "_is_virtual_package",
+ 'format': "_format_symbol_virtual",
+ 'sorted': True,
+ },
'deprecated': {
'filename': "deprecated-list",
'root_menu': None,
return False
if type == 'real' and not symbol.prompts:
return False
+ if type == 'virtual' and symbol.prompts:
+ return False
if not self.re_pkg_prefix.match(symbol.get_name()):
return False
pkg_name = self._get_pkg_name(symbol)
if type == 'real':
if pattern.match(pkg) and not self._exists_virt_symbol(pkg):
return True
+ if type == 'virtual':
+ if pattern.match('has_' + pkg):
+ return True
return False
def _is_real_package(self, symbol):
return self._is_package(symbol, 'real')
+ def _is_virtual_package(self, symbol):
+ return self._is_package(symbol, 'virtual')
def _exists_virt_symbol(self, pkg_name):
""" Return True if a symbol exists that defines the package as
a virtual package, False otherwise
message += "Allowed values are: 'layout', 'header' and 'symbol'"
raise Exception(message)
+ def _format_symbol_virtual(self, what=None, symbol=None, root=None,
+ enable_choice=False, header=None,
+ get_label_func=lambda x: "?"):
+ def _symbol_is_legacy(symbol):
+ selects = [ s.get_name() for s in symbol.get_selected_symbols() ]
+ return ("BR2_LEGACY" in selects)
+ def _get_parent_package(sym):
+ if self._is_real_package(sym):
+ return None
+ # Trim the symbol name from its last component (separated with
+ # underscores), until we either find a symbol which is a real
+ # package, or until we have no component (i.e. just 'BR2')
+ name = sym.get_name()
+ while name != "BR2":
+ name = name.rsplit("_", 1)[0]
+ s = self.config.get_symbol(name)
+ if s is None:
+ continue
+ if self._is_real_package(s):
+ return s
+ return None
+ def _get_providers(config, symbol):
+ providers = list()
+ for sym in self.config:
+ if not sym.is_symbol():
+ continue
+ selects = sym.get_selected_symbols()
+ if not selects:
+ continue
+ for s in selects:
+ if s == symbol:
+ if _symbol_is_legacy(sym):
+ continue
+ if sym.prompts:
+ l = self._get_symbol_label(sym,False)
+ parent_pkg = _get_parent_package(sym)
+ if parent_pkg is not None:
+ l = self._get_symbol_label(parent_pkg, False) \
+ + " (w/ " + l + ")"
+ providers.append(l)
+ else:
+ providers.extend(_get_providers(config,sym))
+ return providers
+ if what == "layout":
+ return ( "100%", "^1,4,4" )
+ if what == "header":
+ return "| {0:<20} <| {1:<32} <| Providers\n".format("Virtual packages", "Symbols")
+ if what == "symbol":
+ pkg = re.sub(r"^BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_(.+)$", r"\1", symbol.get_name())
+ providers = _get_providers(self.config, symbol)
+ return "| {0:<20} <| {1:<32} <| {2}\n".format(pkg.lower(),
+ '+' + symbol.get_name() + '+',
+ ", ".join(providers))
+ message = "Invalid argument 'what': '%s'\n" % str(what)
+ message += "Allowed values are: 'layout', 'header' and 'symbol'"
+ raise Exception(message)
def print_list(self, list_type, enable_choice=True, enable_deprecated=True,
dry_run=False, output=None):
""" Print the requested list. If not dry run, then the list is
if __name__ == '__main__':
- list_types = ['target-packages', 'host-packages', 'deprecated']
+ list_types = ['target-packages', 'host-packages', 'virtual-packages', 'deprecated']
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("list_type", nargs="?", choices=list_types,
help="Output target package file")
parser.add_argument("--output-host", dest="output_host",
help="Output host package file")
+ parser.add_argument("--output-virtual", dest="output_virtual",
+ help="Output virtual package file")
parser.add_argument("--output-deprecated", dest="output_deprecated",
help="Output deprecated file")
args = parser.parse_args()