# alternative 32-64 encoding (3) **current**
+this idea gets even simpler. the 55-bit area is eliminated and may only be
+reintroduced by sacrificing parts of EXT200-263.
+|0-5| 6-29 |30 31|32-37 | 38-663 | Description |
+|PO9| xxxx | x x | 010001 | //// | RESERVED |
+|PO9| xxxx | x x | 000001 | //// | RESERVED |
+|PO9| !ZERO | 1 1 | !PO9 | xxxx | SSingle:EXT232-263 |
+|PO9| 0000 | 1 1 | !PO9 | xxxx | Scalar EXT232-263 |
+|PO9| SVRM | 1 0 | !PO9 | xxxx | SVP64:EXT232-263 |
+|PO9| 0000 | 0 1 | Defined Word-instruction | 32-bit EXT300-363 |
+|PO9| !ZERO | 0 1 | Defined Word-instruction | SSingle:EXT000-063 |
+|PO9| SVRM | 0 0 | Defined Word-instruction | SVP64:EXT000-063 |
+* bit 31 is "SSingle"
+* bit 30 is EXT200-263 if set otherwise EXT000-063
+This was one of the original early PO9 Encodings.
+# alternative **no 32 encoding* (4) **current**
aim of this idea is to attempt simplification of area identification
and length. the 55-bit area is eliminated and may only be reintroduced
by sacrificing parts of EXT200-231, bear in mind that EXT240 is already