+* CORDIC.lin vd, vs, beta
+* CORDIC.rot vd, vs, beta
+* CORDIC.hyp vd, vs, beta
CORDIC is an extremely general-purpose algorithm useful for a huge number
of diverse purposes. In its full form it does however require quite a
few parameters, one of which is a vector, making it awkward to include in
## Vector cross product
+* VCROSS vd, vs1, vs1
Result is the cross product of x and y, i.e., the resulting components are, in order:
x[1] * y[2] - y[1] * x[2]
## Vector dot product
+* VDOT rd, vs1, vs2
Computes the dot product of two vectors. Internal accuracy must be
greater than the input vectors and the result.
## Vector length
+* VLEN rd, vs1
The scalar length of a vector:
sqrt(x[0]^2 + x[1]^2 + ...).
## Vector distance
+* VDIST rd, vs1, vs2
The scalar distance between two vectors. Subtracts one vector from the
other and returns length:
## Vector LERP
+* VLERP rd, vs1, rs2 # SUBVL=2: vs1.v0 vs1.v1
Known as **fmix** in GLSL.
## Vector SLERP
+* VSLERP vd, vs1, vs2, rs3
Not recommended as it is not commonly used and has several trigonometric
+functions. Also a costly 4 arg operation.
# Expensive 3-operand OP32 operations
3-operand operations are extremely expensive in terms of OP32 encoding space. A potential idea is to embed 3 RVC register formats across two out of three 5-bit fields rs1/rs2/rd
+Another is to overwrite one of the src registers.
+# Opcode Table